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Урок английского языка «Environmental protection»

Урок поможет научить учащихся высказывать свое мнение по теме урока, развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в монологической и диалогической речи, аудировании и говорении, активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме, расширить знания относительно грамматического материала урока «Согласование времен», прививать любовь к животным, способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся.

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

1. Практическая: научить учащихся высказывать свое мнение по теме урока.

2. Развивающая: развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в монологической и диалогической речи, аудировании и чтении.

3. Образовательная: активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме, расширить знания относительно грамматического материала урока «Согласование времен».

4. Воспитательная: прививать любовь к животным, способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся.

Оснащение урока:

Оформленная доска, раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска.


1. Организационный момент:

Цель: сообщить учащимся тему и цель урока, подключая их к диалогу

T. : Good - morning, children! I’m glad to see to you! At this lesson we shall continue the theme “Environmental protection” and we shall speak about wild animals which are in danger. During the lesson you will answer such questions as:

 - How can we safe them?

 - What must we do for it?

At this lesson we shall speak about the reasons of disappearing and endangerment of wildlife.

2. Языковая зарядка:

Цель: настроить речевой аппарат учащихся на урок английского языка

T: But firstly let’s remember the common words according the this theme (учащиеся составляют словосочетания):

Giant  Whale

Blue  Snapping Turtle

Alligator Panda

African  Parrot

Green - cheeked Elephant

Mako  Shark

So, today we shall speak about animals which are in danger.

Основная часть

Look, please, at our board, we have here only the problem and now we shall try to determine the reasons of appearing this problem.

 - How do you think, who or what can be the first reason?

Look, please, at the board and you’ll see that in this task we don’t have words and sentences, share these letters into words and sentences and you will have the first reason of our today’s theme.

Task: Alotofspecies – fishreptilesinsectsbirdsmammals – maydiebeforeyouhavechildren Thereasonis Manthatkillsanimalsanddestroystheirhabitats

Answer: A lot of species – fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals – may die before you have children. The reason is Man that kills animals and destroys their habitats.

You are right, MAN is the first and the main dangerous risk for wildlife and animals in general.

T: Children, let’s read the text from your books and we’ll find out the next reason why animals can be in danger. Open your workbooks on P. 61 – Ex. 13 (Чтение одной части и соотношение ее с А - С)

 - What is your personal opinion about keeping wild animals as pets? (анализ текста)

  • As for me…
  • I think that…
  • As my mind…
  • I don’t agree…
  • I must agree that…
  • You are quite right…
  • On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand…

T: But sometimes people keep wild animals as pets. Children, what wild animals do you know in this role? Name them: rabbits, pythons, chimpanzees…

We have two reasons of all problems of wild animals: MAN, PETS.

 - Think, please, what reason can we add here more? I’ll help you. When wild animals don’t have an opportunity to live in their habitat where can we meet them?

 - At the zoo.

 - Have you ever visited the zoo? Did you like there? (ответы учащихся)

 - Some people say that animals should not be kept in zoos. Do you agree with this opinion? Do we need zoos? (ответы учащихся)

 - Pupils, look at the table. Firstly, choose only phrases which we can use for the using the zoo. Then against.


  • Animals in zoos are safe from hunters
  • It’s cruel to take away an animal’s freedom
  • Zoos can be unhealthy places for animals
  • Often kept alone in small cages, can’t move freely
  • Many become so bored & unhappy that they die
  • Species which can't survive in wild can be bred in captivity
  • Feeding animals at the zoo

T: I think it’s very difficult to live at the zoo, especially if mothers - animals can’t live with their children, let’s connect them. There are the names of baby - animals before you and some of you have the names of adults. Stand up and find these pairs now.


parents – infants

cat – kitty

dog – puppy

sheep – lamb

hen – chicken

duck – duckling

goat – kid

Учащиеся ищут свои пары.

T: I think that may be all of you have pets at home. I believe that they are not unusual pets. Now you have pairs, I offer you to make up dialogues about your opinion to having pets.

Examples of dialogues:

  • Do you have/ like pets?
  • Yes, I do.
  • What is your pet?
  • He/ She is…
  • How do you take care of him/ her?
  • I look after my. . . I give him/ her love and protection. …

T: You have made up very emotional dialogues. Everybody, stand up, please, let’s make a circle, touch hand of your neighbour and smile to each other. I wish that your love will be not only for your pets but also for your classmates, relatives, and friends.

 Take your sits. Children look what I have. It’s a letter, here it’s a text about African Elephant. Here is also a task to this text, listening to this information and find/ choose the most suitable paragraphs after the text

Весь материал – смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Урок английского языка в 9 классе

Тема: «Environmental protection»

Подтема: «Animals in danger»

Цели урока:

1. Практическая: научить учащихся высказывать свое мнение по теме урока. 2. Развивающая: развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в монологической и диалогической речи, аудировании и чтении. 3. Образовательная: активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме, расширить знания относительно грамматического материала урока «Согласование времен». 4. Воспитательная: прививать любовь к животным, способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся.

Оснащение урока:

Оформленная доска, раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска.


Этап урока, вид деятельности

Содержание урока


1. Организа-ционный момент:

Цель: сообщить учащимся тему и цель урока, подключая их к диалогу

T.: Good-morning, children! I’m glad to see to you! At this lesson we shall continue the theme “Environmental protection” and we shall speak about wild animals which are in danger. During the lesson you will answer such questions as:

- How can we safe them?

- What must we do for it?

At this lesson we shall speak about the reasons of disappearing and endangerment of wildlife.

Слайд 1

2. Языковая зарядка:

Цель: настроить речевой аппарат учащихся на урок английского языка

T: But firstly let’s remember the common words according the this theme (учащиеся составляют словосочетания):

  • Giant Whale

  • Blue Snapping Turtle

  • Alligator Panda

  • African Parrot

  • Green-cheeked Elephant

  • Mako Shark

So, today we shall speak about animals which are in danger.

Слайд 2

3. Основная часть:

Цель: отработать тематический материал урока


Цель: лексический материал урока с помощью составления текста из набора букв

Retelling the text

Speaking: монологическая речь

Speaking: диалогическая речь


Цель: совершенствовать навыки аудирования


Look, please, at our board, we have here only the problem and now we shall try to determine the reasons of appearing this problem.

- How do you think, who or what can be the first reason?

Look, please, at the board and you’ll see that in this task we don’t have words and sentences, share these letters into words and sentences and you will have the first reason of our today’s theme.

Task: Alotofspecies – fishreptilesinsectsbirdsmammals – maydiebeforeyouhavechildren Thereasonis Manthatkillsanimalsanddestroystheirhabitats

Answer: A lot of species – fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals – may die before you have children. The reason is Man that kills animals and destroys their habitats.

You are right, MAN is the first and the main dangerous risk for wildlife and animals in general.

T: Children, let’s read the text from your books and we’ll find out the next reason why animals can be in danger. Open your workbooks on P.61 – Ex.13 (Чтение одной части и соотношение ее с А-С)

- What is your personal opinion about keeping wild animals as pets? (анализ текста)

  • As for me…

  • I think that…

  • As my mind…

  • I don’t agree…

  • I must agree that…

  • You are quite right…

  • On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand…

T: But sometimes people keep wild animals as pets. Children, what wild animals do you know in this role? Name them: rabbits, pythons, chimpanzees…

We have two reasons of all problems of wild animals: MAN, PETS.

- Think, please, what reason can we add here more? I’ll help you. When wild animals don’t have an opportunity to live in their habitat where can we meet them?

- At the zoo.

- Have you ever visited the zoo? Did you like there? (ответы учащихся)

- Some people say that animals should not be kept in zoos. Do you agree with this opinion? Do we need zoos? (ответы учащихся)

- Pupils, look at the table. Firstly, choose only phrases which we can use for the using the zoo. Then against.


  • Animals in zoos are safe from hunters

  • It’s cruel to take away an animal’s freedom

  • Zoos can be unhealthy places for animals

  • Often kept alone in small cages, can’t move freely

  • Many become so bored & unhappy that they die

  • Species which can't survive in wild can be bred in captivity

  • Feeding animals at the zoo

T: I think it’s very difficult to live at the zoo, especially if mothers-animals can’t live with their children, let’s connect them. There are the names of baby-animals before you and some of you have the names of adults. Stand up and find these pairs now.


parents – infants

cat – kitty

dog – puppy

sheep – lamb

hen – chicken

duck – duckling

goat – kid

Учащиеся ищут свои пары.

T: I think that may be all of you have pets at home. I believe that they are not unusual pets. Now you have pairs, I offer you to make up dialogues about your opinion to having pets.

Examples of dialogues:

  • Do you have/ like pets?

  • Yes, I do.

  • What is your pet?

  • He/ She is…

  • How do you take care of him/ her?

  • I look after my... I give him/ her love and protection. …

T: You have made up very emotional dialogues. Everybody, stand up, please, let’s make a circle, touch hand of your neighbour and smile to each other. I wish that your love will be not only for your pets but also for your classmates, relatives, and friends.

Take your sits. Children look what I have. It’s a letter, here it’s a text about African Elephant. Here is also a task to this text, listening to this information and find/ choose the most suitable paragraphs after the text:

African Elephant

1. The African elephant is the largest living land mammal in the world. It is also the strongest. However, studies have shown that it is also very gentle and social, too. Despite all this, the African elephant is an endangered species.

2. The African elephant has a huge appetite. It can eat up to 225 kilos of grass, leaves and plants per day, and can drink up to 136 liters of water at a time! They usually eat and drink at night, or in the early morning or evening, although they sometimes eat from the trees they pass, while walking along with the berd.

3. African elephants usually live for about 70 years. However, many die younger because hunters killed them for their long tusks, which are made of valuable ivory. Although hunting and ivory trading are illegal now, some people continue to break the low, so efforts to save this beautiful animal are failing.

  1. Always hungry and thirsty

  2. A friendly giant

  3. Elephants in danger

T: (анализ услышанного) You knew interesting information about African Elephant from the text.

And now I offer you to work with our board, here you can find unknown facts about wild animals. But let’s change these sentences into indirect speech. Do you remember what we’ll have with verb?

(Учащиеся вспоминают правило согласования времен, записывают дату, первые предложения комментируют и записывают вместе)


My friend said that…

  • There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world.

  • The life of a housefly is only 14 days.

  • An elephant can smell water from a distance of three miles.

  • A hedgehog's heart beats 300 times per minute.

  • Never get a camel angry, for he or she will spit at you.

  • Moo, moo,” says the cow everywhere in the world; and a pig says “Moo, moo” in Japan.

  • Sleeping beauties! Gorillas sleep up to fourteen hours, a day.

T: Look at the first sentence (There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world.)

The next reason is HUNTING. It comes to endangering animals. How can we save our wildlife? There are many animals in “The Red Book of Ukraine”!

- How do you think what is the most dangerous problem? Come to our board and give your voice for the most important problem for you. Explain your choice (каждый выходит к доске и приклеивает сердечко по своему усмотрению, объясняют свой выбор).

Слайд 3

слово MAN появляется на доске с помощью двустороннего скотча

Слайд 4

Появляется слово PETS

Слайд 5

появляется слово HABITAT

Слайд 6

на доске слово ZOO

Слайд 7

раздаточные карточки

раздаточный материал

Слайд 8

на доске появляется слово HUNTING

Слайд 9

на доске “The Red Book”

приклеивают к доске цветные сердечки

оформление доски к концу урока

4. Итог урока:

Цель: подвести итог урока, выставить оценки (+комментарий), объяснить домашнее задание

I believe that you will think about the theme “Animals in danger” but we must remember that MAN stays on the first place. I wish you not to forget about human origin in us. We are people with soul and heart at first and only then you are pupils and I’m a teacher.

Your marks for this lesson (выставление оценок, их комментарий).

Hometask: Find the information and prepare a short report about “The Red Book in Ukraine”

Good bye!

Слайд 10

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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