Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  9 класс  /  Упражнение на исправление ошибок для 9 – 11 классов.

Упражнение на исправление ошибок для 9 – 11 классов.

Упражнение на исправление ошибок для 9 – 11 классов.

Совершенствование грамматических навыков предполагает свободное владение лексико-грамматическими формами и умение их правильного практического использования.


Содержимое разработки

Упражнение на исправление ошибок для 9 – 11 классов.

Совершенствование грамматических навыков предполагает свободное владение лексико-грамматическими формами и умение их правильного практического использования.

Correct the mistakes.

  1. It wasn’t snow yesterday.

  2. This train is always leaving at 5.

  3. You constantly take my things!

  4. He has done it before I came.

  5. Which of you cook borshch every day?

  6. When have you lost your key?

  7. There is no a bus stop near my house.

  8. Would you like any coffee?

  9. They danced when I came.

  10. He already learnt this English poem.

  11. You’d better to do it yourself.

  12. After that he asked her little questions.

  13. This pen is your, not my.

  14. That dog was more dirty than this one.

  15. He left Netherlands for USA.

  16. There were such many children in the yard.

  17. Let him to go home.

  18. You can do it by your own.

  19. The letter had sent yesterday.

  20. She is always late to the classes.


  1. It didn’t snow yesterday.

  2. This train always leaves at 5.

  3. You are constantly taking my things!

  4. He had done it before I came.

  5. Which of you cooks borshch every day?

  6. When did you lose your key?

  7. There is no bus-stop near my house.

  8. Would you like some coffee?

  9. They were dancing when I came.

  10. He has already learnt this English poem.

  11. You’d better do it yourself.

  12. After that he asked her few questions.

  13. This pen is yours, not mine.

  14. That dog was dirtier than that one.

  15. He left the Netherlands for the USA.

  16. There were so many children in the yard.

  17. Let him go home.

  18. You can do it on your own.

  19. The letter was sent yesterday.

  20. She is always late for the classes.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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