Variant 1
Read the text.
Mark Twain was very fond of traveling. He did a lot of traveling and never got tired of it. Once he was traveling in France by train. He was going to visit a small town near Paris.
The previous day was very hard, Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy. He was afraid he would miss the town and asked the guard to wake him up before they got to the town.
Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, the train was in Paris. Mark Twain looked at his watch. It was half past nine. He got very angry. He couldn’t understand why the guard had not woken him up in time.
He went out of the compartment, came up to the guard and asked him why he had not woken him up. The latter looked at Mark Twain for a moment and then told him: “You may be very angry with me, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”
to miss – пропускать, instead of – вместо, to put off – ссадить, compartment – купе
I. Right or wrong.
1. Mark Twain was very fond of music.
2. He was going to visit a small town near London.
3. The guard woke Mark Twain up at his station.
4. Mark Twain was angry.
5. The American was put off the train instead of Mark Twain.
II. Answer the questions.
1. Was Mark Twain very fond of traveling?
2. What town was he going to visit?
3. Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy, wasn’t he?
III. Complete the sentences.
1. Mark Twain was traveling in France by __________________________________________________________________.
2. Mark Twain couldn’t understand why the guard __________________________________________________________________.
3. When he woke up, __________________________________________________________________.
IV. Match the verbs with their Russians equivalents.
1) to travel | a) понимать
2) to wake up
| b) путешествовать |
3) to understand | c) будить
4) to visit
| d) навещать |
1. Choose the right variant.
1. The English don’t shake hands when they meet, … ?
a) do they b) don’t they c) aren’t they d) are they
2. They try to be cheerful and good-tempered in difficult situations, …?
a) do they b) don’t they c) are they d) aren’t they
3. Many English people have fireplaces in their houses, … ?
a) have they b) didn’t they c) don’t they d) aren’t they
4. Mary can’t forget her trip to the lake, …?
a) doesn’t she b) don’t she c) can’t she d) can she
2. Add question tags to complete the sentences.
1. Country-people in Russia are rather frank and talkative, _________ ?
2. The Welsh are considered to be emotional and cheerful, _________ ?
3. Every Englishmen doesn’t like to miss his afternoon tea, _________ ?
4. Many Russians waiting for service like to jump the queue, _________ ?
3. Choose the right translation.
1. The girl was often heard to have sung the song.
a) Девочка слышала, как часто пели песню.
b) Девочка слышала, как поют песню.
c) Девочка часто поет эту песню.
d) Слышали, что девочка часто пела эту песню.
2. Rain was not expected to fall in August.
a) Ожидали, что дождь выпадет в августе.
b) Не ожидали, что дождь выпадет в августе.
c) Дождь не выпал в августе.
d) Ожидается, что дождь выпадет в августе.
4. Change the sentences using Complex Subject.
1. We know that Bernard Show was a witty man.
2. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young.
3. They say that the English are conservative. __________________________________________________________________
4. People know that the English like fish and chips.
5. They say that the Caucasian people are very hospitable.
Variant 2
Read the text.
Three young men came to a little station in the country and asked when the train to London was leaving. They were told that it was leaving at 10 o’clock.
So they had a lot of time and they went to the bar, took a drink and had a very good time. They forgot about the time, and when they came to the platform, their train was just leaving. They rushed along platform trying to catch the train. Two of them ran very fast and managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage. But the third man remained on the platform.
The station master approached him to wonder what the matter was. He was very surprised to see that the man was laughing.
“What’s the matter with you?” asked the station master. “Why are you laughing?”
“Oh,” said the young man, “Did you see those two idiots who jumped on the train? They mixed up everything! It was me who was going to London. They had only come to the railway station to see me off.”
to rush – нестись to manage – удаваться steps – ступеньки
I. Right or wrong.
1. Three young women came to a little station in the country.
2. The train was leaving at 5 o’clock.
3. Two men run fast and managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage.
4. The third man remained on the station.
5. The station master was very surprised to see that the man was crying.
II. Answer the questions.
1. Where did three young men come to?
2. Who managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage?
3. Who remained on the platform?
III. Complete the sentences.
1. The train was leaving at _________________________________________________________________ .
2. They rushed along platform _________________________________________________________________ .
3. They had only come to the railway station _________________________________________________________________ .
IV. Match the verbs with their Russian equivalents.
1) station
| a) поезд |
2) train
| b) вагон |
3) carriage
| c) станция |
4) platform
| d) платформа |
1. Choose the right variant.
1. The English are great animal-lovers, …?
a) are you b) don’t you c) do they d) aren’t they
2. In Britain people don’t grow vegetables in front of their houses, …?
a) do they b) don’t they c) aren’t they d) are they
3. Londoners like to sit on the grass in Hide Park, … ?
a) is he b) does he c) do they d) don’t they
4. It was difficult to understand his Scottish accent, … ?
a) isn’t it b) is it c) wasn’t it d) was it
2. Add question tags to complete the sentences.
ssians are considered to be hospitable, ___________?
2. British who live in towns like to go to the countryside for week-ends, _______ ?
3. The weather was rainy and cold when I was in England, _________ ?
4. English women don’t spend much time on cooking, _________ ?
3. Choose the right translation.
1. He is likely to keep his promise.
a) Вероятно, что он сдержит свое обещание.
b) Вероятно, что он сдержал свое обещание.
c) Он сдержит свое обещание.
d) Он не сдержал свое обещание.
2. Snow was not expected to fall in November.
a) Ожидали, что снег выпадет в ноябре.
b) Не ожидали, что снег выпадет в ноябре.
c) Снег не выпал в ноябре.
d) Ожидается, что снег выпадет в ноябре.
4. Change the sentences using Complex Subject.
1. They suppose that the most British men are excited about thrillers.
2. All people know that W. Shakespeare was an outstanding British writer.
3. People consider that the Italians have a great sense of humor.
4. We consider that the English are official people.
5. They say that English people queue everywhere.