The third autumn month.
The first spring month.
The ninth month of the year.
The second winter month.
The third spring month.
The sixth month of the year.
The second spring month.
The twelfth month of the year.
The second autumn month.
The third summer month.
The third winter month.
The seventh month of the year.
1. What colour is the night? (Какого цвета ночь?)
2. What colour is the bear? (Какого цвета медведь?)
3. What colour is the sand? (Какого цвета песок?)
4. What colour is the juise? (Какого цвета сок?)
5. What colour is the sky? (Какого цвета небо?)
6. What colour is the fox? (Какого цвета лисица?)
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