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"Театр и кино" для 7 класса

В разработке урока по данной теме идет речь о театре и кино.

Содержимое разработки


Тема урока: Посещение театра и кино


- ознакомиться с новыми словами по теме;

- выяснить значение предложенных слов (работа со словарем) и соотнести их с данными в упражнении определениями;

- выполнить упражнение на логическое соотнесение предложений;

- прочитать текст о театре и причинах любви людей к этому виду искусства, выполнить послетекстовые задания:

  • ответить на вопросы по его содержанию;

  • найти английские соответствия заданным русским словам и словосочетаниям;

  • определить, какие из приведенных высказываний являются верными, а какие фальшивыми относительно информации, содержащейся в тексте.


Match the words from the box with their definitions:

audience, cast, director, plot, scene, script, sequel, soundtrack, special effects, star, subtitles

  1. cast all the people who act in a film

  2. ... the most important actor or actress in a film

  3. … person who makes a film

  4. … music of a film

  5. … story of a film

  6. … a part of a film happening in one place

  7. … people who watch a film in a cinema

  8. … a film which continuous an earlier film

  9. … images, often created by a computer

  10. … words of the film

  11. … transcription (usually translation) of the dialogue of a film that appears at the bottom of the screen


Match the sentences on the left (1 - 6) with the sentences on the right (a - f):

  1. The film was set in 19th century a He was the director

I taly and England b This was her role in the film

  1. It was based on a novel c It was situated in that place

by E.M.Forster at that time

  1. It was filmed/ shot on location d The actors originally spoke

in Florence in English

  1. It was directed by James Ivory e It was an adaptation of the book

  2. Helena Bonham-Carter played f It was filmed in the real

the part of Lucy place, not in a studio

  1. It was dubbed into other languages


Read the text and do the task below:

"Why do we love theatre?"

Why do we love theatre? I think every theatre fan bears his own answer. For lots of people theatre has become a kind of magic where actors transform into various characters. A dramatic performance was the only chance to show somebody else’s life for societies without cinematograph. Life of others is always interesting to us. We compare it to ours and we are happy if our life is better as well as we feel sorrow if our life is worse. That is why theatre became so popular in ancient Greece and then has spread into other countries. At present almost every country boasts at least one theatre with a stock company (постоянная театральная труппа).

The history of our country can name such well-known play writers as Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Bulgakov, Kotlyarevsky and many others. Today their dramas obtain new representation in the foreign producers’ hands. There is also a galaxy of brilliant actors who put their heart into every role they play.

Despite of the popularity of cinematograph many people still show passion towards theatre performances.

When it comes to drama, one fabulous name can’t be forgotten - the name of William Shakespeare, a great English writer and poets. His plays like “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Macbeth” are well-known all over the world. Shakespeare lived in the period of time when English theatre was just starting up. There were many troops but no buildings for them. Shakespeare’s «Globe» was one of the first theaters in London.

Until the arrival of Bernard Show nobody could beat the popularity of Shakespeare’s compositions. English theatres can’t name very much famous writers and actors. They tend more to musicals and operas. For example Covent Garden, Royal Albert Hall and London Coliseum are the largest London theatres designed for operas and other musical performances.

So, people still enjoy going to the theatre, because theatre is, of course, the reflection of life. And how William Shakespeare once said: “All the world is a stage, and all the man and women merely players… and one man in his time plays many parts…”


  1. Answer the questions

  1. Why did theatre become so popular in ancient Greece and spread into other countries?

  2. What well-known play-writers in the history of our country can you name?

  3. What plays of Shakespeare are well-known all over the world?

  4. Was the Shakespeare’s «Globe» one of the first theaters in London?

  5. What do modern English theatres tend more to?

  6. What are the most famous Shakespearean words about the theatre?

  1. Find the translation of the words

  • драматический театр

  • музыкальные представления

  • разнообразны роли (характеры)

  • кинематограф

  • постоянные театральные труппы

  • множество непревзойденных актеров

  • национальный драматический театр

  • наслаждаются посещением театра

  • распространился в других странах

  • фанат театру

  • мы сравниваем

  • стал популярным

  1. Say is it true or false

  1. A dramatic performance was the only chance to show somebody else’s life for societies without cinematograph

  2. We can’t compare our life with the theatrical performances

  3. Many people still show passion towards theatre performances.

  4. Shakespeare lived in the period of time when there were many troops but no buildings for them

  5. Covent Garden, Royal Albert Hall and London Coliseum are the largest London theatres designed for operas and other musical performances.

  6. Shakespeare’s «Globe» was one of the first theaters in London.

  7. The history of our country can name such well-known play-writers as William Shakespeare, Bernard Show and others.

  8. English theatres tend more to musicals and operas

Home assignment: make up a short dialogue asking and answering about one’s favourite film or performance; use the words you’ve learnt during the lesson; be ready to role-play your dialogue in pair.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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