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Тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Документ содержит 16 заданий.

Описание разработки

The first level

1. Find out the word with the III rd form of reading.

A) care 

B) cat

C) name

D) bark

E) saddest  

 2. Choose the right answer.

It’s _ book, I’ve ever read.

A) interestinger

B) the most interesting

C) more interesting

D) interesting

 E) interestingest   

3. Give antonym to the word “dangerous”.

A) safe

B) boring

C) interesting

D) undangerous

E) modern

4. Give synonym to the word “clever”.

A) busy

B) stupid

C) smart

D) lazy

E) nice

5. Choose the general word.

doctor, pilot, miner, teacher, fireman.

A) items

B) occupation

C) relationship

D) subjects

E) professions

6. Choose the rhyme to the word “pine”.

A) diamond

B) bit

C) line

D) kitten

E) knit

7. Find out the right answer.

Комната моих сестёр.

A) my sister’s room

B) my sister’s rooms

C) my room’s sister

D) my sisters’ room

E) my sister room

8. Find the word with the sound “Ө”.

A) those

B) thick

C) mother

D) that

E) Then

9. Choose the right word.

You sometimes work day and night. You are __.

A) an engineer

B) a judge

C) a nurse

D) an ambassador

E) a teacher

10. Choose the right word.

You design and draw plans for new buildings. You are __.

A) a disk jockey

B) an architect

C) a civil servant

D) a writer

E) a nurse

11. Match the words to their definitions.

1. a doctor  А) судья

 2. a worker  B) рабочий

3. a judge  C) продавец

4. a pilot  D) врач

 5. a shop assistant E) лётчик

 12. Make up the word from these letters: m, b, a, s, a, s, a, o, r, d.

 A) asbamordas

B) bassadorma

C) ambassador

D) dambarossa

E) assamboard

13. Choose the right answer.

Профессия пожарника опаснее, чем профессия учителя.

Profession of fireman is __ than the profession of teacher.

A) dangerous

B) most dangerous

C) dangerouser

D) more dangerous

E) dangerouses

14. Give the superlative degree to the word “clean”

 A) cleaner

B) clean

C) cleanest

D) more clean

E) most cleanest

15. Choose the right translation:

A model wears and shows new fashions.

 A) Модель носит ту одежду, которую она сама демонстрирует.

B) Профессия модели связана с модой.

C) Модель носит и демонстрирует модные новинки.

D) Модель работает на подиуме.

E) Модельная одежда продаётся в самых модных бутиках.

16. Translate the word “an interpreter”.

 A) механик

B) таксист

C) писатель

D) переводчик

E) шахтёр.

Содержимое разработки

9 Grade (IV)

The first level

  1. Find out the word with the III rd form of reading.

A) care

B) cat

C) name

D) bark

E) saddest

2. Choose the right answer.

It’s _ book, I’ve ever read.

A) interestinger

B) the most interesting

C) more interesting

D) interesting

E) interestingest

3. Give antonym to the word “dangerous”.

A) safe

B) boring

C) interesting

D) undangerous

E) modern

4. Give synonym to the word “clever”.

A) busy

B) stupid

C) smart

D) lazy

E) nice

5. Choose the general word.

doctor, pilot, miner, teacher, fireman.

A) items

B) occupation

C) relationship

D) subjects

E) professions

6. Choose the rhyme to the word “pine”.

A) diamond

B) bit

C) line

D) kitten

E) knit

7. Find out the right answer.

Комната моих сестёр.

A) my sister’s room

B) my sister’s rooms

C) my room’s sister

D) my sisters’ room

E) my sister room

8. Find the word with the sound “Ө”.

A) those

B) thick

C) mother

D) that

E) Then

9. Choose the right word.

You sometimes work day and night. You are __.

A) an engineer

B) a judge

C) a nurse

D) an ambassador

E) a teacher

10. Choose the right word.

You design and draw plans for new buildings. You are __.

A) a disk jockey

B) an architect

C) a civil servant

D) a writer

E) a nurse

11. Match the words to their definitions.

1. a doctor А) судья

2. a worker B) рабочий

3. a judge C) продавец

4. a pilot D) врач

5. a shop assistant E) лётчик

12. Make up the word from these letters: m, b, a, s, a, s, a, o, r, d.

A) asbamordas

B) bassadorma

C) ambassador

D) dambarossa

E) assamboard

13. Choose the right answer.

Профессия пожарника опаснее, чем профессия учителя.

Profession of fireman is __ than the profession of teacher.

A) dangerous

B) most dangerous

C) dangerouser

D) more dangerous

E) dangerouses

14. Give the superlative degree to the word “clean”

A) cleaner

B) clean

C) cleanest

D) more clean

E) most cleanest

15. Choose the right translation:

A model wears and shows new fashions.

A) Модель носит ту одежду, которую она сама демонстрирует.

B) Профессия модели связана с модой.

C) Модель носит и демонстрирует модные новинки.

D) Модель работает на подиуме.

E) Модельная одежда продаётся в самых модных бутиках.

16. Translate the word “an interpreter”.

A) механик

B) таксист

C) писатель

D) переводчик

E) шахтёр

Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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