Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  10 класс  /  Shops and shopping

Shops and shopping

Разработка занятия по теме с применением презентации

Содержимое разработки


At the Clothes Department

— Can I help you?

— Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt.

— What kind of shirt would you like?

— The one like those on display in the shop window.

— What about this one?

— It’s just what I wanted. May I try it on?

— Yes, please… How is it?

— It’s nice. How much is it?

— Three hundred rubles.

— Oh, it’s very expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?

— Certainly, look at this one, please. It costs two hundred.

— I’ll take it.

— Here you are.

— Thank you.

At the Food Shop

- Good-morning.

- Good-morning.

- I want a loaf of bread, please.

- Here you are.

-Thank you.

- Do you want anything else?

- Yes. I'd like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two cans of Coca-Cola. How much is all that?

- Five pounds fifty, please.

- Here's six pounds.

- That's 50 pence change. Thank you very much and come again.

At the Shoe Department.

  • Can I help you?

  • I’d like a pair of trainers, please.

  • What size?

  • Size 37, please.

  • Try this pair on. They are the cheapest, the lightest and the most comfortable. They're very popular.

  • They’re rather small.

  • Try these then. they’re bigger.

  • How much are they.

  • 1300 rubles.

English Conversations: Shopping Where you can buy clothes

There are different types of clothes shops. Here are some common ones:

shopping centre = large building with lots of different shops inside (= shopping mall in American English)

boutique = small shop, often expensive, with designer label clothes

charity shop (goodwill in American English) = shop where you can buy second-hand ( = not new) clothes. The money you pay for them goes to charity

factory outlet = shop where you can buy clothes directly from the factory that makes them. Often these clothes (or shoes) are “samples”.

department store = large shop with “departments” for men’s clothes, women’s clothes, household objects, etc.

chain store = a “brand” that has shops in many different towns, such as “Zara” or “H&M”.

Useful phrases a shop assistant says: “Can I help you?”

“Are you looking for anything in particular?”

“Do you need any help at all?”

“We don’t have any of these left in stock.” ( = There is no more of something.)

Useful phrases a customer says

“I’m looking for …”

“I’d like to buy…”

Indicating a piece of clothing

“Do you have this in …”

– medium / large / small / extra large / XL

– blue / black / beige (other colours etc)

Talking about the price

Clothes shops have “sales” when some or all the clothes are discounted.

“Is this in the sales?”

“Is this on sale?”

“There’s a discount of 20% on this.”

“These jeans are discounted by 20%.”

“It’s a bargain.” (= the low price is a surprise)

“It’s cheap.” (= doesn’t cost much money)

“It’s expensive.” (= costs a lot of money.)

Trying something on

When you go clothes shopping, you probably want to try something on before you buy it so you know it’s the right size or that it looks good on you!

“I’d like to try this on please. Where are the changing rooms?”

“Can I try this on?”

Example shopping conversation

Can I try this on?

Sure. The changing rooms are over there…

… (later) Any good?

No, not really. (It’s the wrong size / It doesn’t really suit me.)

Or, “Yes, I’ll take it.”


“Where I can pay?”

“Over there.”

Other shopping vocabulary

to suit = to be in your style, or to compliment your body shape or skin / hair colour

“That dress really suits you!”

to fit = to be the right size

“These jeans don’t fit very well.”

Clothes can be…

too big (size “Large” when you are size “Small”)

too small (small size when you are large size)

too tight (waist measurement 34 when you are waist 38)

too loose (waist measurement 38 when you are waist 34)

too long (jeans leg measurement 34 when your leg measurement is 32)

too short (jeans leg measurement 32 when your leg measurement is 34)

to go well with / to match = to look good with your other clothes

Содержимое разработки

ОГБПОУ “Томский аграрный колледж”

Конспект занятия английского языка с применением АМО

Организационная информация

Автор урока: Степанова З.М., преподаватель английского языка “ТАК”

Предмет: Английский язык

Продолжительность занятия - 90 минут

Методическая информация

Тема занятия: Магазины и покупки (Shops and Shopping)

Автор учебника или УМК, по которому ведётся обучение: Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А., Лаврик Г.В. “Planet of English”

Классификация занятия в системе образовательных мероприятий (тип, взаимосвязь с предыдущим и последующим занятиями)

Комбинированный урок.

Психолого – педагогическая характеристика особенностей группы:

обучающиеся 1 курса на базе 9 классов.

Цель занятия: Формирование и совершенствование продуктивных умений обучающихся по теме «Магазины и покупки».

Задачи урока:


Формирование языковых умений в рамках изучаемой темы;

Развитие аудио- фонетических навыков обучающихся;

Развитие умений обучающихся оперировать известными понятиями,

Контроль усвоения изученной темы.


Формирование способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;

Развитие различных видов памяти (вербальной, образной), внимания, коммуникативности, воображения;

Развитие мыслительной деятельности, умения переноса знаний в новую ситуацию;

Развитие языковой догадки.


Показать значимость умения решать коммуникативные задачи через диалог;

Расширение кругозора, творческих способностей обучающихся;

Воспитание коммуникативной компетентности обучающихся.

Знания, умения, навыки и качества, которые актуализируют и закрепят .обучающиеся в ходе занятия:

1 Актуализация слов по теме: «Виды магазинов», «Продукты питания», «Одежда» “Покупки”, “В магазине”.

2 Отработка грамматического материала (неопределенные местоимения).

3 Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Учебный материал, подлежащий усвоению, актуализации, закреплению:

лексический и грамматический материал

Ход занятия

I. Оргмомент

1. Приветствие

Т: Good morning, dear students. Nice to meet you. Let me begin our lesson with a short presentation - riddle. Look at the blackboard. Here is task № 1 on it for you. What about doing it orally? Well, it’s a poem written by a famous British children’s writer Georgie Adams which you should read sentence by sentence using necessary words instead of pictures. After that you’ll know the object of our today’s talking. Let’s start!

( If you can’t guess I’ll give you another riddle easier than this one: 1) People do it in a special place. 2) They do it very often and even every day. 3) Usually women like to do it, men don’t like. 4) Nobody can do it without money or credit cards).

(Определение темы урока студентами по проблемному заданию, ознакомление с целями и задачами занятия)

T: Well, what is the theme of today’s lesson?

S: I think, it’s “Shopping”.

T: Yes, of course, we are going to speak about shopping. We`ll try to make up and act dialogues, tо listen to different stories and dialogues, tо write a test .But I ask you remember this poem. Why you’ll understand at the end of the lesson. OK? We have a lot of work. Let’s start.

А) активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Магазины и покупки»

T: Do you like to go shopping? Why? Why not?

What do you prefer to buy: clothes or food?

Do you go shopping alone?

Do you often go shopping?

Б) отработка употребления местоимений some/any

Т: We often use pronouns SOME and ANY with the nouns denoting products. Do you remember how to use them?

S: We use some in positive sentences and any in negative and interrogative.

T: Now look at the blackboard and put the necessary pronoun (упражнение представлено в виде слайда). One of you will do it on the blackboard, the rest of the group will do it sitting on the seats. Then we’ll compare. (Task №2)

There is …butter in the fridge.

There aren’t ….apples in the bowl.

Is there ….tomato juice in the pack?

There are ….pineapples in my bag.

Are there ….cucumbers on the table?

There isn’t … ham on the plate.

Are there ...onions in the basket?

T: Very good, my dear students! I’m pleased with your answers. And you?.. But let’s continue with another task - №3, “Cluster”. What about doing the task in groups? Please, divide into 3 or 4 groups of 3-4 students. Your work will be something like a small presentation on the sheet of A4 size: what SHOPPING is associated with for you. Don’t forget, you’ll present it to your groupmates in 5-7 minutes.


Студенты коллегиально обсуждают слова и записывают их на листе, в центре которого ключевое понятие SHOPPING и от которого надо провести стрелки к этим словам. По окончании выполнения задания студенты по группам рассказывают о своих ассоциациях.

T: Perfect work! It’s only the beginning! Now when we know everything about shopping, let’s revise the types of shops where we can do it. Look at the blackboard, please.Here you can see signs and pictures linking with the types of shops. Try to guess them (task № 4 ) and describe in 1-3 sentences what and where we can buy.

( Тест на названия магазинов: a Shoe Shop, the Greengrocer's, the Baker’s, a Supermarket, Men’s and Women’s Clothing Stores, a Grocer’ s, a Dairy, a Butcher,s, a Department Store etc.)

T: Well done! The next task ( Task №5) I suggest you is doing exercises after listening to the dialogue about shops and shopping. You will listen it twice then I’ll give cards with tasks. You’ll have 5-7 minutes.

T: OK, the results of the 5-th task we’ll find out later. Task №6 will be to make your own dialogues. Firstly you should split into pairs and I’ll give sheets of paper with useful shopping vocabulary. More of all, you’ll get cards with dialogues-examples which can help you to make your dialogues if you have some difficulties with making them and then you will act out them. Ready? There are 5 minutes for you to create your conversations and they start right now!

T: Splendid! That’s all for today’ s working day! It was a great pleasure for me to communicate with you today! And what about you? Will you rate the lesson and your skills? I’ll give you cards with statements:

  1. I know the words and phrases “Shops and Shopping”

  2. I know cases of using “SOME” and “ANY”

  3. I can describe different types of shops

  4. I understand what people say in the shops (по результатам аудирования)

  5. I know what to say in different types of shops

You should put SMILES of four types ( - “5”; - “4”; - “3”; - “2” opposite statements.

T: So, dear students, you’ve got your marks today. But let’s talk about your homework. Remember the beginning of our lesson. What has it begun with?

S: With a poem?

T: Yes, of course. Try to guess what you should do with it.

S: Learn by heart?

T: Yes, you are right. Your homework is to learn by heart this poem. OK? Well, but today the lesson is over. Good luck! See you next time!

Содержимое разработки

A POEM RIDDLE ABOUT... TASK № 1 : read the poem and try to guess the theme of our lesson


TASK № 1 : read the poem and try to guess the theme of our lesson

When  goes  -ing    There’s just no  -ping.    With the , , -ing   We buy: hats, mats   This and that’s

When goes -ing There’s just no -ping. With the , , -ing We buy: hats, mats This and that’s

A watering can , Gloves for Gran  Shorts, shirts , Pants and vest Party shoes to keep for the best  Materials for ‘s new dress Finger paints to make a mess

A watering can , Gloves for Gran

Shorts, shirts , Pants and vest

Party shoes to keep for the best

Materials for ‘s new dress

Finger paints to make a mess

A , too, For me to do   A potted plant - that’s for Aunt   Some bread and cakes....  For goodness sakes! PLEASE!!!  No more -ing!   We’re drop, drop, dropping  All the , , -ing! Georgie Adams

A , too, For me to do A potted plant - that’s for Aunt Some bread and cakes.... For goodness sakes! PLEASE!!! No more -ing! We’re drop, drop, dropping All the , , -ing! Georgie Adams

TASK №2  SOME or ANY?   There is …butter in the fridge.   2. There aren’t ….apples in the bowl.   3. Is there ….tomato juice in the pack?   4. There are ….pineapples in my bag.   5. Are there ….cucumbers on the table?   6. There isn’t … ham on the plate.   7. Are there … onions in the basket?

TASK №2 SOME or ANY? There is …butter in the fridge. 2. There aren’t ….apples in the bowl. 3. Is there ….tomato juice in the pack? 4. There are ….pineapples in my bag. 5. Are there ….cucumbers on the table? 6. There isn’t … ham on the plate. 7. Are there … onions in the basket?

TASK №3            FASTFOOD SHOPPING new things buying smth.




new things

buying smth.

TASK №4  TYPES of SHOPS   1 8 3 9 5 7 6 2 4











MY RATING CARD 1.I know the words and phrases “Shops and Shopping” 2. I know cases of using “SOME” and “ANY” 3. I can describe different types of shops 4. I understand what people say in the shops (по результатам аудирования) 5. I know what to say in different types of shops


1.I know the words and phrases “Shops and Shopping”

2. I know cases of using “SOME” and “ANY”

3. I can describe different types of shops

4. I understand what people say in the shops (по результатам аудирования)

5. I know what to say in different types of shops




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