Цели и задачи:
Углубленные обобщение знаний по теме активизация лексики и грамматических структур в речи. Воспитание у школьников настойчивость в преодолений языковых трудностей, воли и желания к самостоятельной работе.
Оборудование урока: ИКТ, карточки, тематические картины, материал для игры муляжи и макеты.
План урока
Good morning children!
Беседа дежурного о датах
Сообщение темы и задачи урока
Children, today we shall speak about shops. We shall remember everything we know on the theme “Shops and Shopping”. We shall take new words and expressions and at the end of the lesson we shall play.
Let’s begin with the phonetic begin with the phonetic exercises: Repeat after me
Red, write, rose, green,
Father and mother
Sisters and brother
Daughter and sun
There is there are
The weather is cold
The answer is short
This, that, these, those
Why, when, what, where, with
With the boys, with the girls,
With him, with her, with us
Good! Everybody knows that all the people live shops and they like to go shopping. We know different kinds of shops: a bread shop, a sport shop, a toyshop, a bakery, a store, a supermarket and many others. In modern life there shops with many departments.
Well, say and answer
1) What shops do you know
2) What department in the store do you know
6. Au right! How repeat after me
That’ U do Ot’s comfortable to have many different departments in one shop where we can buy everything.
Repeat after me
At the green grocer’s
At the bakery
At the store (supermarket)
At the grocery
At the market
Answer ma questions:
What do we by at the
at the greengrocer’s
at the bakery
at the store (supermarket)
at the market
at the grocery
7. That’s great. Now answer my questions
Well, now turn to each other and ask answer questions
All right ! Let’s begin
(3-4 пары отвечают )
8. Good for you! Yes, different shops and departments help us o choose and buy food, clothes, TV and radio sets, dishes, furniture and other things.
Let us ask Alina about her favorite shop. Come here, Alina, be ready to answer.
(группа задаёт ей вопросы)
What shop do you usually do?
Are there many departments in the shop?
What are they?
In what department do you buy food?
What do you buy there?
How much does flour cast?
Do they sell fresh, meat and fish?
Do you like to go to this shop?
This is a supermarket, isn’t it?
(мой вопрос) What street is this shop in?
9. Good, now I want to listen to somebody who with tell us about shops. Вика, will you? (A story “Shops and Shopping”)
All right Ask her questions for more information. (дети задают вопросы)
What is your favorite shop?
What do you buy there?
What do you like to buy clothes or food?
Do you often buy flowers?
You like to buy cosmetics, don’t you?
Do you buy clothes at, the sport shop?
Весь материал - в архиве.