Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  6 класс  /  Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку

Материал содержит задания по лексике, грамматике, чтению, письму и страноведению.

Описание разработки


I. Внимательно прочитайте слова в данных строчках, выпишите из каждой строчке лишнее слово.

Ответы занесите в бланк ответов.

1. desk, sleeping-room, blackboard, teacher’s table, classroom.

2. study, learn by heart, count, travel, answer.

3. T-shirt, trousers, uniform, tie, jeans, blouse.

4. pen, compass, pencil, felt-tip pen, brush.

5. wall, door, window, floor, picture.

6. spring, cold, winter, summer, autumn.

7. warm, hot, foggy, cold.

8. rain, snow, fog, summer, wind.

9. make a snowman, ski, play snowballs, swim.

10. nice, terrible, good, lovely, fine.

11. duck, cock, hen, chicken, sheep, owl, eagle.

12. fish, frog, shark, squirrel, whale, crocodile, dolphin.

13. lion, tiger, wolf, cow, bear, giraffe, monkey, kangaroo

II. “Соберите пословицы”, соединив цифры с буквами...

Ответы занесите в бланк ответов.

III. Что Вы ответите на следующие фразы? Выберите самый подходящий ответ... 

Ответы занесите в бланк ответов


1. You are standing on my foot! - …

2. How are you?

3. Can I have another helping? - …

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку

4. It’s so cold in the room. - …

5. Can you bring me a cup of tea? - …

6. How many lessons have we got on the time-table tomorrow? - …

7. What’s the weather like today? - …

Shall I close the window?

With great pleasure.

It’s sunny, but windy.

I think, six.

 Oh, I’m sorry.

 Of course, help yourself.

I’m fine. Thank you.

IV. Прочитайте рассказ о старом слоне и его хозяине. Заполните пропуски не обходимыми словами. Слова выбирайте из таблицы.

Ответы занесите в бланк ответов.

A circus owner once came to India. One day he went to the (1) ______.

An Indian market is a wonderful place. You can buy there whatever you want. The man wanted to buy some unusual (2) _________: a snake, a tiger, a (3) _________ or a peacock. But suddenly he saw an elephant. The (4) _________ was big and grey with a very long (5) __________and big(6) ___________. It was like a real (7) ___________!

The man came to the seller: “How much is the elephant?” – “I don’t sell him”, said the man, “he is my friend. Now he is very old and can’t work. I am poor and he eats a lot. I don’t have enough (8) _________ to buy food for him. ” “Then what do you want to do with him?” asked the circus owner. “I hope that someone would like to become his new (9) __________ and take care of him for the rest of his life”, answered the man. The circus owner thought for a while then he said: “I am a circus owner. I would like to take him with me. I think he will be a good (10) __________ at my circus.

“Where is your circus?” asked the man. “I live far from here, in Europe. We’ll go there by (11) __________. The ship is leaving tomorrow. If you want I may take you to Europe too. ” The Indian man was surprised at such (12) _________. But then he said: “I haven’t got a family. This elephant is my real friend and I would like to go with you. ” The next morning they left for Europe. Ali (it was the name of the Indian man) lived with his elephant in the circus, took good care of him and in the evenings they took part in the performances together. 

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку в 6 классе

I. Внимательно прочитайте слова в данных строчках, выпишите из каждой строчке лишнее слово. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов

  1. desk, sleeping-room, blackboard, teacher’s table, classroom.

  2. study, learn by heart, count, travel, answer.

  3. T-shirt, trousers, uniform, tie, jeans, blouse.

  4. pen, compass, pencil, felt-tip pen, brush.

  5. wall, door, window, floor, picture.

  6. spring, cold, winter, summer, autumn.

  7. warm, hot, foggy, cold.

  8. rain, snow, fog, summer, wind.

  9. make a snowman, ski, play snowballs, swim.

  10. nice, terrible, good, lovely, fine.

  11. duck, cock, hen, chicken, sheep, owl, eagle.

  12. fish, frog, shark, squirrel, whale, crocodile, dolphin.

13. lion, tiger, wolf, cow, bear, giraffe, monkey, kangaroo

II. “Соберите  пословицы”, соединив цифры с буквами. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов

1.There is no place

a) than saying

2.East or West

b) what you can do today

3.A friend in need

c) keeps the doctor away

4.An apple a day

d) home is best

5. A tree

e) is known by its fruit

6. Doing is better

f) is a friend indeed

7.Never put off till tomorrow

g) like home

III. Что Вы ответите на следующие фразы? Выберите самый подходящий ответ. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов


1. You are standing on my foot! - …
2. How are you?
3. Can I have another helping? - …
4. It’s so cold in the room. - …
5. Can you bring me a cup of tea? - …
6. How many lessons have we got on the time-table tomorrow? - …
7. What’s the weather like today? - …

    1. Shall I close the window?

    2. With great pleasure.

    3. It’s sunny, but windy.

    4. I think, six.

    5. Oh, I’m sorry.

    6. Of course, help yourself.

    7. I’m fine. Thank you.

IV. Прочитайте рассказ о старом слоне и его хозяине. Заполните пропуски не обходимыми словами. Слова выбирайте из таблицы. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов

animal elephant ship monkey

trunk money words mountain

market ears owner actor

A circus owner once came to India. One day he went to the (1)___________. An Indian market is a wonderful place. You can buy there whatever you want. The man wanted to buy some unusual (2)_______________: a snake, a tiger, a (3)__________ or a peacock. But suddenly he saw an elephant. The (4)_______________ was big and grey with a very long (5)_____________and big(6)________________. It was like a real (7)_________________! The man came to the seller: “How much is the elephant?” – “I don’t sell him”, said the man, “he is my friend. Now he is very old and can’t work. I am poor and he eats a lot. I don’t have enough (8)___________________ to buy food for him.” “Then what do you want to do with him?” asked the circus owner. “I hope that someone would like to become his new (9)_________________ and take care of him for the rest of his life”, answered the man. The circus owner thought for a while then he said: “I am a circus owner. I would like to take him with me. I think he will be a good (10) ______________ at my circus.” “Where is your circus?” asked the man. “I live far from here, in Europe. We’ll go there by (11)_______________. The ship is leaving tomorrow. If you want I may take you to Europe too.” The Indian man was surprised at such (12)___________. But then he said: “I haven’t got a family. This elephant is my real friend and I would like to go with you.” The next morning they left for Europe. Ali (it was the name of the Indian man) lived with his elephant in the circus, took good care of him and in the evenings they took part in the performances together.

V. Прочитайте рассказ о Томе и его друзьях и заполните таблицу. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов

My name is Tom. I am a student at the university. I live in a house with my two friends who are also college students. One friend is named Phil and the other is named Sam. We are all different people. I am tall and thin with blonde hair and blue eyes. I am very sociable and talkative. I really enjoy going out to music clubs and parties.

Phil is short and heavy. He is very quiet and serious. He is also very intelligent. He is easy to get along with and at the same time he is a responsible man. He is fond of reading books. He likes to stay home, play computer or sit in a comfortable armchair by the fireplace and watch videos.

Sam is interesting. He is tall with long curly hair. He likes to do dangerous and exciting things. He is fond of sport. Sam is very supportive boy. I know he never betrays me. I can rely on him. Last weekend he went hang gliding. That makes me nervous. We are very different but we get along well.






tall, thin, with blue eyes and blonde hair



going out to music clubs and parties









VI. Разделите слова так, чтобы получилось письмо. Расставьте необходимые знаки препинания. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов


VII. Подберите подписи к иллюстрациям. Ответы занесите  в бланк ответов

1. Tower of London

2. Trafalgar Square

3. Tower Bridge

4. Big Ben

5. Buckingham Palace

6. Westminster Abbey

a)b) c)d)

e) f)

Бланк ответов

Name_____________ Surname_______________ Form_________

  1. 1





























IV. 1.


















tall, thin, with blue eyes and blonde hair



going out to music clubs and parties










VII. 1







I. Лексика.

1-sleeping-room, 2- travel, 3-jeans, 4-compass, 5-picture, 6-cold, 7-foggy, 8-summer, 9-swim, 10-terrible, 11-sheep, 12-squirrel, 13-cow

II. Страноведение.

1-g, 2-d, 3-f, 4-c, 5-e, 6-a, 7-b

III. Использование языка.

1-e, 2-g, 3-f, 4-a, 5-b, 6-d, 7-c

IV. Чтение.

1-market, 2-animal, 3-monkey, 4-elephant, 5- trunk, 6- ears, 7-mountain, 8- money, 9-owner10-actor, 11-ship, 12-words

V. Чтение.

1- short and heavy, 2- quiet and serious, intelligent, easy to get along with, responsible, 3- reading books, playing computer, watching videos, 4- tall with long curly hair, 5- supportive, 6- sport

VI. Письмо. (5 баллов)

Dear Paul,

We’re going sailing with our mother next weekend. We’re leaving at seven o’clock Friday evening and coming home in the afternoon on Sunday. Would you like to come with us?

Best wishes,

Marco and Franco

VII. Страноведение.

1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-f

Максимальная сумма баллов - 56

Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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