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School subjects. Школьные дисциплины

School subjects. Школьные дисциплины

Happy English.ru (7)

Task 1. This school subject concerns.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps and translate into Russian.


Содержимое разработки

This school subject concers:

1) the language spoken in London, New York (English)

2) the language spoken in Berlin (German)

3) the language spoken in Paris (French

4) the language spoken in Rome many years ago (Latin)

5) ... pictures, paintings, drawings (Art)

6) … maps, continents, the world (Geography)

7) … molecules, elements, substances (Chemistry)

8) … animals, birds, flowers (Biology)

9) … kings, queens, wars, the past (History

10) … scientists: Newton, Einstein, Ampere, Ohm (Physics)

11) … melodies, notes, songs (Music)

12) ... terms "minus', 'plus' and numbers (Maths, Mathematics)

13) … poems, stories, novels (Literature)

Fill in the gaps and translate into Russian:

14) IT = Information Technology

15) RE = Religious Education

16) PE = Physical Education

17) Design and Technology

Happy English.ru (7)

This school subject concers:

1) the language spoken in London, New York (7)

2) the language spoken in Berlin (6)

3) the language spoken in Paris (6)

4) the language spoken in Rome many years ago (5)

5) ... pictures, paintings, drawings (3)

6) … maps, continents, the world (9)

7) … molecules, elements, substances (9)

8) … animals, birds, flowers (7)

9) … kings, queens, wars, the past (7)

10) … scientists: Newton, Einstein, Ampere, Ohm (7)

11) … melodies, notes, songs (5)

12) ... terms "minus', 'plus' and numbers (5, 11)

13) … poems, stories, novels (10)

Fill in the gaps and translate into Russian:

14) IT = I_f_ _ _ _ti _n T_ _h_ _ _ _gy

15) RE = Re _ _ _i_us E_ _c_tion

16) PE = P_ys_ _ _l E_uc_ _io_

  1. _ _ sig_ and T_ch_ _lo _ _

Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 3450 руб.
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