Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  9 класс  /  Проблемы экологии

Проблемы экологии

Разработка урока по теме:Проблемы экологии

Содержимое разработки

Организационный момент.(2-3 min)

Good morning students, I’m glad to see you today. My name is…..and today I’m your teacher. Let’s start our lesson. Now look at the screen. I’ll show you a short video.

And now guess - what is the theme of our lesson… ( «Environmental problems».)

Yes. You are right. The theme is «Environmental problems» and the aim of our lesson…( to learn about ecological problems and solutions. )We will speak about our planet, ecological problems and solutions. Ecology is a science about nature and about relations of man with it. The word “ecology” came from the Greek which means “home”. This idea of “home” includes the whole planet of ours. Today you are the members of our EcoClub and we are focusing on environmental problems. Before we start our lesson, I suggest you do phonetic exercise.

Phonetic exercise.

Teacher: Look at the screen and repeat after me a tongue twister.

Pupils: Whether the weather be fine

Or whether the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold

Or whether the weather be hot.

We’ll weather the weather

Whatever the weather

Whether we like it or not.

Now, I’d like to ask you some questions………..

Task 1.Answer the questions( Discussion)(5 min) (фронтальный опрос,дисскусия)

  1. Why is the problem of protecting our nature so important now?

  2. What is the air polluted by?

  3. Can you see pollution at the seaside?

  4. Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

Task 2.ex. 46. Say how the phenomena in both the columns can be connected...(работа в группах)( 2 группе) (5 мин) задание из учебника

1. global warming

2. earthquakes

3. destruction of forests (tropical forests...

4. highly developed and booming economy

5. world population growth

6. agricultural mismanagement

7. development of new technologies

8. consumer society

a) water shortages

b) climate change

c) heat waves, intense rainstorms and floods

d) growing demand for energy

e) land erosion

f) increasing production of carbon dioxide (the main...

g) growing demand for comfort, electric devices,...

h) tsunamis

Task 3. Imagine that you are doing a project "Saving the Environment" together with your friends. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. In 2 minutes be ready to tell about the photos:

-give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

-say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

- mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two ways to help save the environment;

-express your opinion on the subject of the project – weather you like to do recycling to help save the environment and why.

Photo 1. Photo 2.

Task 3 . Now let’s watch the  video about plastic pollution. (Здание в группах)

Put the events in the mentioned order.

  1. Bottle one ends up in a landfill. As plastics sit there amongst layers of other junk, rainwater flows through the waste and absorbs the water-soluble compounds it contains.

  2. Bottles are filled with liquid, wrapped, shipped, bought, opened, consumed and discarded.

  3. Bottle two, after months lost at sea, is slowly drawn into a place known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Here some animals get entangled in the mess. They mistake the coloured plastic bits for food.

  4. Some of these compounds are highly toxic. Together they create leachate, which can move into groundwater, soil and streams poisoning ecosystems and harming wildlife.

  5. Most plastics don’t biodegrade which means they are destined to break down into smaller pieces rotating in the sea eternally.

  6. Bottle three is brought into a plant where it is squeezed flat and compressed into a block. The blocks are shredded into tiny pieces which are washed and melted so they become raw materials that can be used again.

  7. Plastic makes animals feel full when they are not so they starve to death.

  8. Bottle three is now ready to be reborn as something completely new.


B, A, D, C, G, E, F, H

Well, now (Quiet music)please sit comfortably. Close your eyes.Breathe in. Breathe out.

Let’s pretend it’s summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. you are relaxing. (Pause)

Your troubles float away.

You love your relatives, your school, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirits.

Open your eyes. How do you feel? You have a lot of energy. You are active and strong. You can do any work easily. Your body is light.

Ok, are you ready to continue?

Task 4. Read and translate. (Учащиеся читают и переводят тексты в группах)

People have to think about all these ecological problems if they want to survive.

Water pollution

Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers and pollute the water. We love rain. Rain helps our plants to grow big and strong. But sometimes the rainwater is not as clean as could be. Man-made chemicals get into the air and mix with the rainwater, making acid rain. If the water is polluted, it can make us sick.

Air pollution

People and animals need clean air with plenty of oxygen in it. Oxygen is added to the air by plants. So, you understand how important it is to have a lot of trees, bushes and grass. But we have now destroyed too many trees. There are not enough trees from the air.

Smoke from the chimneys of the factories, gases which are in refrigerators and sprays pollute the air. Some people pollute the air by smoking. Many people use sprays. Too many sprays can pollute the air.

Land pollution

About one kilogram of trash per person is thrown away every day. Some rubbish is very dangerous. It can poison plants and animals. Some rubbish gets burned. When plastic and some other things are burned, gases are given off. Remember that a piece of paper has two sides – use both of them before you throw it away.

Please open your books…..

Task 5. Ex.53 It is high time that people all over the world should recognise the ecological truth: nature reacts to human interference. Below you'll find some suggestions of how the problem may be solved. Add to them at least two or three of...

1. Environmental awareness should be...

2. Politicians should change their ways of thinking and think globally instead of securing...

3. Global ecological institutions, competent and trusted,...

4. New technologies should not be used unless they are proved to be...

5. Scientists of different countries should work together to develop new “clean” sources of energy and new...




Task 6.

The future of our planet depends on each of us. Everyone should contribute to improving the ecological situation in their country. What should we do ourselves to save the Earth? The first group tells what we should do to protect the Earth, the second group tells what we shouldn’t do, the third group tells what we can recycle, reuse, reduce. Before we start to do this task, I just wanna ask you : Who knows what does it (RRR) mean?

R3 is sometimes called the waste hierarchy.

The concept behind the first R: Reduce, is that you should limit the number of purchases that you make in the first place. For example, turning off the lights and taking shorter showers,

The concept behind the second R: Reuse, is that you should reuse items as much as possible before replacing them. For example, it generally makes more environmental sense to update your computer rather than get rid of it and buy a new one. However, if you do replace your computer, you should ensure that it, or its components, are reused. Many charitable organizations welcome donations of second-hand computers.

The concept behind the third R: Recycle, is that you should ensure that items or their components are put to some new purpose as much as possible. If your computer is not fit for reuse as is, you can donate it to one of several organizations which will refurbish it or recycle its components.(Students read)

Now let’s start to do the task(на листке будут все фразы, из данных фраз ребята берут те, которые необходимы для выполнения задания)(пишут в тетрадях)

The first group The second group

We should

  1. Save water. Turn off taps when you don’t need water any more.

  2. Save electricity. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Turn off the TV when you are not watching.

  3. Plant trees and flowers.

  4. Feed birds and animals in winter.

  5. Help homeless animals.

  6. Avoid buying packaged goods.

  7. Walk or cycle whenever possible.

  8. Help to clean up your local environment.

  9. Put garbage in the garbage can.

  10. Recycle things that can be recycled.

We should not

  1. Leave litter in the forest.

  2. Throw litter in the river.

  3. Throw away plastic bottles.

  4. Cut down trees.

  5. Disturb birds.

  6. Kill animals.

  7. Pick up rare animals.

  8. Leave a fire in the forest.

9.Waste paper.

The third group

We can recycle newspapers, metal, rubber, glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic containe

We can reuse glass and plastic bottles.

We can reduce using electricity, using water.

Let’s try to save our planet and make a paper pen. ( ECO Friendly Paper pen) (демонстация видео инстукции) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zE1aH22BhM

Task 7. We have environmental problems and let’s make a poster all toagether: Solutions to environmental problems.(все вместе делают постер,потом вывешиваем на доску.)

Suggested phrases:

– Never drop litter in the street;– Sort rubbish: use special containers for paper, tins, food, white glass, brown glass and green glass;
– Don’t spray chemicals! 
– Use less paper. 
– Save energy. Use less electricity and gas.
– Have showers, not baths. Showers use less water.
– Don't leave fire in the forest. 
– Change our attitude to the nature;

- We can get involved in clean-ups.

- We must put rubbish into rubbish bins.

-We can plant flowers and trees, feed birds in our gardens and forests.

-We can get involved in clean-ups.

- We must save energy, water and we must recycle materials.

-We can and must encourage other people to keep our nature clean and beautiful

Task 8. In groups +quiz .(Kahoot)(5-6 min.)

Questions (20)

Show answers

1 - Quiz

Climate change happens over time and is primarily caused by an increased amount of __________ in our atmosphere.


2 - Slide

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, collect in our atmosphere and get trapped.

3 - Quiz

Greenhouse gases are increased by


4 - Slide

Greenhouse gases are found in nature but become dangerous when released in large amounts.

5 - True or false

When food gets thrown away in the garbage, it contributes to climate change.


6 - Slide

When food decomposes in landfills, it creates methane – a greenhouse gas almost 85 times stronger than carbon dioxide.

7 - Slide

All of these causes of climate change are human-related activities! But are humans the only ones affected?

8 - True or false

Climate change doesn’t affect wildlife, only humans.


9 - Slide

Humans and wildlife are affected by many of the same effects of climate change.

10 - Quiz

Each of the following has increased with climate change EXCEPT


11 - Slide

Longer, more intense droughts threaten crops and cause food production to decline.

12 - Quiz

Climate change causes _________ sea levels and more ________ oceans.


13 - Slide

As glaciers melt, the increased amount of water causes sea levels to rise.

14 - True or false

Temperatures in the Arctic are warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world.


15 - Slide

Over the past 30 years, sea ice in the Arctic has declined dramatically due to climate change.

16 - Quiz

As climate change continues, weather is expected to become more


17 - Quiz

How do forests help protect against climate change?


18 - Slide

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a major pollutant that causes climate change, and prevent it from entering our atmosphere.

19 - Quiz

What does it mean to adapt to climate change?


20 - Slide

By acknowledging and understanding what is happening, we can better prepare ourselves for what is to come.


To sum up, I’d like to ask you

What theme was discussed at the lesson? (environmental problems& solutions)

What the aim of the lesson?

Are you find solutions to environmental problems?

What task was the most interesting for you?

Are you pleased with your work at the lesson?

Would you like to discuss this theme again ?

H/w Make a mini-presentation «Ecological problems & solutions in the place where you live»

If you don’t think about future, you will not have it.

( J. Galsworthy )

Lesson is over.

Карточки для доски

Card 1 Translate them into Russian (on the board)

Global warming

Waste dumping

Forest fires

Water pollution

Waste dumping

Endangered plants and animals

  1. To throw litter

  1. The air

  1. To pollute

  1. Animals

  1. To recycle

  1. In the river

  1. To leave glass bottles

  1. In the forest

  1. To disturb

  1. The countryside

  1. To spoil

  1. Paper

  1. To cut down

  1. Trees

  1. To plant

  1. Forests

Card 2 Match the words on the left and the words on the right.

Keys: 1c, 2a, 3f, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7h, 8g.

Задание на самостоятельную работу(карточка)

  1. A hurricane is a ______________________wind or storm. (violence)

  2. It was a _____________________disaster. (terror)

  3. The _________________made by the fire was awful. (destroy)

  4. It is __________________to be near the crater of volcano. (danger)

  5. ______________disasters can damage houses and kill people. (nature)

  6. Emergency _______________do their best to save people. (work)

  7. The ocean is polluted with __________ waste. (chemistry)

  8. We should solve ________________problems. (environment)

  9. Air ______________is very dangerous for people. (pollute)

  10. The _______________of scientists are alarming. (predict)

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Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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