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Презентация ''London. Places of interest''

Данная презентация знакомит учащихся с рядом достопримечательностей Лондона, среди которых Темза и Тауэрский мост, Лондонский Тауэр, Букингемский дворец, Вестминстерское аббатство, Музей Мадам Тюссо, здание Парламента, Британский музей, Музей естественной истории и Лондонский зоопарк.


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London Places of interest S.V.Nikiforova


Places of interest


The River Thames London became an important city because of the River Thames. The first London Bridge was built by the Romans and was made of wood. The first stone bridge was built 800 years ago.

The River Thames

  • London became an important city because of the River Thames.
  • The first London Bridge was built by the Romans and was made of wood.
  • The first stone bridge was built 800 years ago.

Tower Bridge Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which opens. The middle of the bridge has two sections that can be raised to let ships through.

Tower Bridge

  • Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which opens.
  • The middle of the bridge has two sections that can be raised to let ships through.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

The Tower of London William the Conqueror built the first building of this fortress, the White Tower, in 1078 to protect the city and guard the approach to London by river. The Tower grew over 400 years. It is ringed by two protective walls with towers and by a moat.

The Tower of London

  • William the Conqueror built the first building of this fortress, the White Tower, in 1078 to protect the city and guard the approach to London by river.
  • The Tower grew over 400 years. It is ringed by two protective walls with towers and by a moat.

Buckingham Palace The Palace was built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. The court architect John Nash rebuilt it in the early 1800s. In 1837 Queen Victoria moved in. There is a memorial to Queen Victoria in front of the Palace. Changing of the Guard is the ceremony which is held on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11:30.

Buckingham Palace

  • The Palace was built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. The court architect John Nash rebuilt it in the early 1800s. In 1837 Queen Victoria moved in.
  • There is a memorial to Queen Victoria in front of the Palace.
  • Changing of the Guard is the ceremony which is held on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11:30.

St James’s Park King Henry VIII acquired marshy land for a garden and deer park. St James’s Park has a large lake with an island in the middle.

St James’s Park

  • King Henry VIII acquired marshy land for a garden and deer park.
  • St James’s Park has a large lake with an island in the middle.

Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London. The first Abbey was built nearly a thousand years ago by Edward the Confessor. Nearly every king or queen of England has been crowned in the Abbey since 1066 and many English monarchs are buried there.

Westminster Abbey

  • Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London. The first Abbey was built nearly a thousand years ago by Edward the Confessor.
  • Nearly every king or queen of England has been crowned in the Abbey since 1066 and many English monarchs are buried there.

The Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament, the home of the British Government, were built in 1840. Victoria Tower

The Houses of Parliament

  • The Houses of Parliament, the home of the British Government, were built in 1840.

Victoria Tower

The Clock Tower Big Ben is the huge bell in the Clock Tower

The Clock Tower

  • Big Ben is the huge bell in the Clock Tower

London Zoo London Zoo, started in 1828, is one of the oldest and most famous zoos in the world.

London Zoo

  • London Zoo, started in 1828, is one of the oldest and most famous zoos in the world.

London Zoo

London Zoo

London Zoo

London Zoo

The British Museum The British Museum displays historic objects from many cultures, including ancient Egypt, Greece and Roman Britain. It opened in 1759 and is the oldest public museum in the world.

The British Museum

  • The British Museum displays historic objects from many cultures, including ancient Egypt, Greece and Roman Britain.
  • It opened in 1759 and is the oldest public museum in the world.

The British Museum The British Museum is famous for its Egyptian mummies. You can see mummies of kings and queens and important animals, like cats, dogs and falcons. Mummies were often buried with treasure and household goods to use in the afterlife.

The British Museum

  • The British Museum is famous for its Egyptian mummies.
  • You can see mummies of kings and queens and important animals, like cats, dogs and falcons.
  • Mummies were often buried with treasure and household goods to use in the afterlife.

Madame Tussaud’s Madame Tussaud’s is the world’s most famous wax museum.

Madame Tussaud’s

  • Madame Tussaud’s is the world’s most famous wax museum.

Madame Tussaud’s

Madame Tussaud’s

Madame Tussaud’s

Madame Tussaud’s

The Natural History Museum The Natural History Museum has a huge collection of animals, plants, rocks and fossils.

The Natural History Museum

  • The Natural History Museum has a huge collection of animals, plants, rocks and fossils.

The Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum The Dinosaur Gallery is full of life-size dinosaur models.

The Natural History Museum

  • The Dinosaur Gallery is full of life-size dinosaur models.

The Natural History Museum You can see real fossils of dinosaurs’ bones, teeth and eggs.

The Natural History Museum

  • You can see real fossils of dinosaurs’ bones, teeth and eggs.

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