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Презентация для 7 класса "Театр"

Презентация предназначена для учащихся 7 класса, которые учатся по учебнику для углубленной школы О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой "Английский язык VII класс". В презентации представлено зарождение театра в Древней Греции.

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Theatre: how it all began Гебенова Ф.Х., учитель английского языка  высшей квалификации МБОУ «Гимназия № 19» Г.Черкесска

Theatre: how it all began

Гебенова Ф.Х.,

учитель английского языка

высшей квалификации

МБОУ «Гимназия № 19»


Theatre is… Theatre is literally a place for spectacles, which began its existence as an art form in the 5th – 4th centuries BC. The ancient Greek theater of this time is called classical and is taken as a model. It is characterized by harmony in proportions and elements, whether we are talking about composition, plastics or architecture. The ancient Greek theatre appeared in connection with the desire of the Greeks to celebrate the death of winter and the rebirth of nature in spring.  Similar festivities were held in honor of Dionysus, the god of fertility.

Theatre is…

  • Theatre is literally a place for spectacles, which began its existence as an art form in the 5th – 4th centuries BC.
  • The ancient Greek theater of this time is called classical and is taken as a model. It is characterized by harmony in proportions and elements, whether we are talking about composition, plastics or architecture.
  • The ancient Greek theatre appeared in connection with the desire of the Greeks to celebrate the death of winter and the rebirth of nature in spring.
  • Similar festivities were held in honor of Dionysus, the god of fertility.
First theatres At first theatres served to honour the God whose name was Dionysus. Religion was tied up with political life at that time. And the performances were about Dionysus’ feasts .The authorities made a lot to popularize the theatre among population. That is the reason of quick popularity of the theatre in Athens as well as the number of famous poets who had written a lot of plays for the theatre performances. The buildings were made for more than 10 thousand people.

First theatres

  • At first theatres served to honour the God whose name was Dionysus. Religion was tied up with political life at that time. And the performances were about Dionysus’ feasts .The authorities made a lot to popularize the theatre among population. That is the reason of quick popularity of the theatre in Athens as well as the number of famous poets who had written a lot of plays for the theatre performances.
  • The buildings were made for more than 10 thousand people.
The first ancient Greek theatre consisted of three parts: the orchestra, the seats for the audience and the skene. Orchestra is a round area with an altar in the middle, where the choir was located. the choir was originally the protagonist of the performances. The choir not only sang, but also danced! The spectators' places were called
  • The first ancient Greek theatre consisted of three parts: the orchestra, the seats for the audience and the skene. Orchestra is a round area with an altar in the middle, where the choir was located. the choir was originally the protagonist of the performances. The choir not only sang, but also danced! The spectators' places were called "theatron" and they covered the orchestra platform in the form of a horseshoe. At first, the audience had to "enjoy" the performances, standing for several hours! Until wooden benches were invented.
The very first theatre The very first theatre is considered to be the Athens Theatre of Dionysus, located in the Acropolis. According to the testimony of the Byzantine scholar Svyd, in this theater all the buildings were exclusively for the time of performances and in 499 - 496. BC. they collapsed and the city authorities started building a theatre - special places for spectators.

The very first theatre

  • The very first theatre is considered to be the Athens Theatre of Dionysus, located in the Acropolis. According to the testimony of the Byzantine scholar Svyd, in this theater all the buildings were exclusively for the time of performances and in 499 - 496. BC. they collapsed and the city authorities started building a theatre - special places for spectators.
The Athens Theater of Dionysus could took in 17,000 people.

The Athens Theater of Dionysus could took in 17,000 people.

Ancient Greece theatres

Ancient Greece theatres

The antique actor had to be able to perform several roles in one performance, including women, as well as sing, read poetry, and dance. According to ancient tradition the Greek poet Thespis (Athens, 6th century BC) was the first actor in a Greek drama. The actor was selected from the choir by the playwright Thespides, who lived in the 6th century BC. e. Under Peisistratus, dramatic performances began in Athens, and the first to be honored to stage was the tragedy of Thespides.
  • The antique actor had to be able to perform several roles in one performance, including women, as well as sing, read poetry, and dance.
  • According to ancient tradition the Greek poet Thespis (Athens, 6th century BC) was the first actor in a Greek drama.
  • The actor was selected from the choir by the playwright Thespides, who lived in the 6th century BC. e.
  • Under Peisistratus, dramatic performances began in Athens, and the first to be honored to stage was the tragedy of Thespides.
The origin of the comedy Etymologically, the word comedy comes from komoidía and comes from the Greek komos (procession of comparsas that sang and danced). These comparsas roamed the streets sharing songs and jokes with the audience during Denise. Aristophanes (446 BC-386 BC) is considered the

The origin of the comedy

Etymologically, the word comedy comes from komoidía and comes from the Greek komos (procession of comparsas that sang and danced). These comparsas roamed the streets sharing songs and jokes with the audience during Denise.

Aristophanes (446 BC-386 BC) is considered the "father of comedy". He was also awarded the title of "Prince of the Old Comedy". It is said that Aristophanes recreated the life of ancient Athens more convincingly than any other author …

Thespis was a singer of  dithyrambs (songs about stories from mythology with choric refrains ). He is credited with introducing a new style in which one singer or actor performed the words of individual characters in the stories, distinguishing between the characters with the aid of different masks. This new style was called tragedy, and Thespis was the most popular exponent of it. Eventually, in 534 BC competitions to find the best tragedy were instituted at the City Dionysia in Athens , and Thespis won the first documented competition. Capitalising on his success, Thespis also invented theatrical touring; [6]  he would tour various cities while carrying his costumes, masks and other props in a horse-drawn wagon. the Greek poet Thespis was often called the inventor of the tragedy, and was named the first to organize the tragedy in Great Dionysia (534 BC). According to Aristotle, the tragedy was entirely choral until this Greek playwright presented the prologue and inner discourses. It was the first to weave a choral song with the actor's speeches. In addition, a tragic dialogue began when Thespis exchanged dialogues with the choir leader.

Thespis was a singer of  dithyrambs (songs about stories from mythology with choric refrains ). He is credited with introducing a new style in which one singer or actor performed the words of individual characters in the stories, distinguishing between the characters with the aid of different masks.

  • This new style was called tragedy, and Thespis was the most popular exponent of it. Eventually, in 534 BC competitions to find the best tragedy were instituted at the City Dionysia in Athens , and Thespis won the first documented competition. Capitalising on his success, Thespis also invented theatrical touring; [6]  he would tour various cities while carrying his costumes, masks and other props in a horse-drawn wagon.
  • the Greek poet Thespis was often called the inventor of the tragedy, and was named the first to organize the tragedy in Great Dionysia (534 BC).
  • According to Aristotle, the tragedy was entirely choral until this Greek playwright presented the prologue and inner discourses. It was the first to weave a choral song with the actor's speeches. In addition, a tragic dialogue began when Thespis exchanged dialogues with the choir leader.
The heyday of ancient Greek tragedy is associated with the names of three great tragedian playwrights - Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. There was a legend that linked them all to the Battle of Salamis. Aeschylus fought in it, Sophocles sang in the chorus of young men who greeted the victors, and Euripides was born that day . Sophocles  Aeschylus Euripides

The heyday of ancient Greek tragedy is associated with the names of three great tragedian playwrights - Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. There was a legend that linked them all to the Battle of Salamis. Aeschylus fought in it, Sophocles sang in the chorus of young men who greeted the victors, and Euripides was born that day .




интернет-источники: https://gorbilet.com/blog/teatr-i-kino/kak-byl-ustroen-pervyj-drevnegrecheskij-teatr/ https://greecemagazine.ru/teatr-v-drevnej-grecii/ https://www.syl.ru/article/349658/grecheskiy-teatr-opisanie-istoriya-i-interesnyie-faktyi https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BD https://ru.thpanorama.com/articles/literatura/teatro-griego-historia-elementos-vestuario-y-mscaras.html https :// ru . wikipedia . org / wiki /


  • https://gorbilet.com/blog/teatr-i-kino/kak-byl-ustroen-pervyj-drevnegrecheskij-teatr/
  • https://greecemagazine.ru/teatr-v-drevnej-grecii/
  • https://www.syl.ru/article/349658/grecheskiy-teatr-opisanie-istoriya-i-interesnyie-faktyi
  • https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BD
  • https://ru.thpanorama.com/articles/literatura/teatro-griego-historia-elementos-vestuario-y-mscaras.html
  • https :// ru . wikipedia . org / wiki /
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