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Презентация "Amazing creatures"

Данная презентация поможет в закреплении и обобщении пройденного материала по теме "Удивительные животные"


Содержимое разработки

AMAZING CREATURES учитель английского языка гимназии «Школа искусств» Оборина Т.П.


учитель английского языка гимназии «Школа искусств» Оборина Т.П.

English proverbs 1. When the cat is away the mice will play 2. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched (вылупляться) 3. Curiosity killed the cat 4. A living dog is better than a dead lion 5. A barking dog doesn’t bite 6. Fine feathers make fine birds 7. The leopard can’t change its spots

English proverbs

1. When the cat is away the mice will play

2. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched (вылупляться)

3. Curiosity killed the cat

4. A living dog is better than a dead lion

5. A barking dog doesn’t bite

6. Fine feathers make fine birds

7. The leopard can’t change its spots

W R I T E  T H E  W O R D S 1. bite 1. /bait/ 2. dangerous 2. /deinʤərəs/ 3. paw 3. /pɔ:/ 4. feather 4. /feðə/ 5. tortoise 5. /tɔ:təs/ 6. /ædʌlt/ 6. adult 7. fur 7. /fɜ:/ 8. mane 8. /mein/ 9. beak 9. /bi:k/ 10. trunk 10. /trʌɳk/ 11. tail 11. /teil/ 12. /ju:z/ 12. use 13. rhino 13. /rainou/ 14. wing 14. /wiɳ/ 15. sheep 15. /ʃi:p/ T E S T  Y O U R S E L F














1. bite

1. /bait/

2. dangerous

2. /deinʤərəs/

3. paw

3. /pɔ:/

4. feather

4. /feðə/

5. tortoise

5. /tɔ:təs/

6. /ædʌlt/

6. adult

7. fur

7. /fɜ:/

8. mane

8. /mein/

9. beak

9. /bi:k/

10. trunk

10. /trʌɳk/

11. tail

11. /teil/

12. /ju:z/

12. use

13. rhino

13. /rainou/

14. wing

14. /wiɳ/

15. sheep

15. /ʃi:p/













Riddles It’s a mammal. It’s a domestic animal. It is of different colours (black, white, red). It has 2 horns. It eats grass. It gives milk. It’s got strong paws, a long tail, a mane. Its fur is brown. It runs fast. It eats meat. It lives in Africa. It’s a mammal. It’s a mammal. It’s big, grey. It carries heavy things. It has got a trunk and tusks. It has got big ears .


It’s a mammal. It’s a domestic animal. It is of different colours (black, white, red). It has 2 horns. It eats grass. It gives milk.

It’s got strong paws, a long tail, a mane. Its fur is brown. It runs fast. It eats meat. It lives in Africa. It’s a mammal.

It’s a mammal. It’s big, grey. It carries heavy things. It has got a trunk and tusks. It has got big ears .

Pets in Britain  Lots of families in Britain have got one or more pets. Dogs are their favorite pets (about 6 million ).The second favorite are cats (about 5mln.) and the third favorite is a bird-budgie. Some families don’t keep cats or dogs, but other animals. There’re more than 12mln. pets in Britain. The English take good care of their pets. They give them nice names: Misty, Rover, Rex, Cindy (for dogs). Snowy, Albert, Fluffy, Tom (for cats). Polly, Chatterbox (for parrots). Bernard, Pepper, Goldilocks (for hamsters). Guy, Scamper, Shipley (for monkeys). When they speak of their pets, they say «He», «She» (not It).

Pets in Britain

Lots of families in Britain have got one or more pets. Dogs are their favorite pets (about 6 million ).The second favorite are cats (about 5mln.) and the third favorite is a bird-budgie. Some families don’t keep cats or dogs, but other animals. There’re more than 12mln. pets in Britain. The English take good care of their pets. They give them nice names: Misty, Rover, Rex, Cindy (for dogs). Snowy, Albert, Fluffy, Tom (for cats). Polly, Chatterbox (for parrots). Bernard, Pepper, Goldilocks (for hamsters). Guy, Scamper, Shipley (for monkeys). When they speak of their pets, they say «He», «She» (not It).

Find the names 1. Rabbit- 2. Cat - Snowy. Albert. Fluffy. Tom 3. Dog - Rover. Rex. Cindy. Misty 4. Monkey - Guy. Scamper. Shiple 5. Horse - 6. Guinea pig - 7. Hamster – Bernard. Pepper. Goldilocks 8. Parrot –Polly. Chatterbox

Find the names

1. Rabbit-

2. Cat - Snowy. Albert. Fluffy. Tom

3. Dog - Rover. Rex. Cindy. Misty

4. Monkey - Guy. Scamper. Shiple

5. Horse -

6. Guinea pig -

7. Hamster – Bernard. Pepper. Goldilocks

8. Parrot –Polly. Chatterbox

TOP 3 pets The most favourite The second favourite The third favourite

TOP 3 pets

The most favourite

The second favourite

The third favourite

Match the animals with their young a piglet a chicken a dog a kitten a sheep a cow a calf a pig a puppy a lamb a horse a cat a foal a hen HAS

Match the animals with their young

a piglet

a chicken

a dog

a kitten

a sheep

a cow

a calf

a pig

a puppy

a lamb

a horse

a cat

a foal

a hen


The brown bear is has The brown bear 1 … (be) a very big animal. It 2 … (have) got a short neck, its head 3 … (be) big and its tail 4 … (be) very short. The brown bear 5 … (live) in the forest. It 6 … (eat) wild fruit and honey too. In winter the brown bear 7 … (not walk) , it 8…. (sleep) in a den (берлога) . is is lives eats doesn’t walk sleeps

The brown bear



The brown bear 1 … (be) a very big animal. It 2 … (have) got a short neck, its head 3 … (be) big and its tail 4 … (be) very short. The brown bear 5 … (live) in the forest. It 6 … (eat) wild fruit and honey too. In winter the brown bear 7 … (not walk) , it 8…. (sleep) in a den (берлога) .





doesn’t walk


The world is full of animals Some are big and tall Some are strong and dangerous Some are cute and small  All creatures are amasing  Just like me and you  Help protect the animals  This is their world too Animals are wonderful Beautiful to see Help them live a happy life Help them to be free hare squirre sea-lion polar bear polar bear elk fox sfox ea-lion
  • The world is full of animals
  • Some are big and tall
  • Some are strong and dangerous
  • Some are cute and small
  • All creatures are amasing
  • Just like me and you
  • Help protect the animals
  • This is their world too
  • Animals are wonderful
  • Beautiful to see
  • Help them live a happy life
  • Help them to be free




polar bear

polar bear





Finish the phrases 1. As wise as an … 2. As busy as a … 3. As playful as a … 4. As quiet as a … 5. As stubborn as a … 6. As gentle as a … 7. As proud as a … bee ow l peacock kitten mule lamb mouse

Finish the phrases

1. As wise as an …

2. As busy as a …

3. As playful as a …

4. As quiet as a …

5. As stubborn as a …

6. As gentle as a …

7. As proud as a …


ow l






Рефлексия .I can read about animals .I can talk about animals. I know how to… I can use…..


  • .I can read about animals
  • .I can talk about animals.
  • I know how to…
  • I can use…..
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Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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