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Презентация по английскому языку "Традиции и обычаи народов Дагестана"

Дагестан является одним из самых многочисленных, уникальных по этническому составу и культурным традициям регионов России. Материал представлен на английском языке.

Описание разработки

Дагестан - это не только "страна гор", но и "страна языков". Слившись в один многонациональный народ, на территории Дагестана живет около 30 народностей - аварцы, даргинцы, лезгины, кумыки, русские, лакцы, табасаранцы, азербайджанцы, агулы, рутульцы, чеченцы, ногайцы и многие другие. А сколько народов, столько и наречий, представляющих большой интерес для изучения.

Какую бы часть горного Дагестана Вы ни посетили, Вас поразят необычные краски природы, чеканные силуэты аулов, необычные горные дороги и многочисленные настенные орнаменты. И хочется понять тишину гор, красоту местной архитектуры и душу народа, что нашла отражение в ковровых песнях табасаранцев, насечках кубачинских мастеров, в балхарской глиняной посуде, творцов поющего дерева - унцукульцев, в серебряных узорах гоцатлинцев.

В наш век цивилизации и модернизации можно заглянуть и в глубь веков, увидеть, чем жили народы Дагестана в прежние времена. Ведь, несмотря на достижения прогресса, горцы свято чтят свои обычаи, любовь к земле, уважение к старшим и своему прошлому, а также бережно хранят свое культурное наследие.

Презентация по английскому языку Традиции и обычаи народов Дагестана

In some villages there are lands that are of a strange name - «cakes earth». Such land is in the auls Digbashi, Kalkin, Gunacary, Buscry and others. The question of why these lands were called the «cakes», the elderly respond that before the revolution there existed a custom one village youth, gathered from all the houses of flour, eggs and meat, baked a big cake, and the forces of the best runners considered it to another village, nearby. Runners, bringing a cake, had to shout:"We from our village, we brought you a cake!" And then, at that moment were to disappear from the village. Young people of this village was chasing the runners, trying not to release them from their territory. If runners could not catch up, pursuing invite all the young people of the village , whence they brought a cake, and organized a feast and endow winners of the earth. That is why these lands are called «cakes». This custom, to say the elderly, strengthened friendship between mountain.

Содержимое разработки

 customs and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan Выполнила  ученица 9 «б» класса МКОУ «Кизлярская гимназия №1» Колова Патина

customs and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan


ученица 9 «б» класса

МКОУ «Кизлярская гимназия №1»

Колова Патина

Every nation in Dagestan have their customs and traditions. On them, we now discuss ... Come on

Every nation in Dagestan have their customs and traditions. On them, we now discuss ...

Come on

In some villages there are lands that are of a strange name - «cakes earth». Such land is in the auls Digbashi, Kalkin, Gunacary, Buscry and others. The question of why these lands were called the «cakes», the elderly respond that before the revolution there existed a custom one village youth, gathered from all the houses of flour, eggs and meat, baked a big cake, and the forces of the best runners considered it to another village, nearby. Runners, bringing a cake, had to shout:

In some villages there are lands that are of a strange name - «cakes earth». Such land is in the auls Digbashi, Kalkin, Gunacary, Buscry and others. The question of why these lands were called the «cakes», the elderly respond that before the revolution there existed a custom one village youth, gathered from all the houses of flour, eggs and meat, baked a big cake, and the forces of the best runners considered it to another village, nearby. Runners, bringing a cake, had to shout:"We from our village, we brought you a cake!" And then, at that moment were to disappear from the village. Young people of this village was chasing the runners, trying not to release them from their territory. If runners could not catch up, pursuing invite all the young people of the village , whence they brought a cake, and organized a feast and endow winners of the earth. That is why these lands are called «cakes». This custom, to say the elderly, strengthened friendship between mountain.

The Legend of languages of Dagestan.   Under the Constitution at us eight main nationalities: Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgians, the Laks, Tats, Tabasarans, Nogais.  We issue five literary almanacs in five languages.  They are called:

The Legend of languages of Dagestan. Under the Constitution at us eight main nationalities: Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgians, the Laks, Tats, Tabasarans, Nogais. We issue five literary almanacs in five languages. They are called: "Dustval", "Dosluk", "Gyalmagjdesh", "Gyudullji", "Dusshiva". However, all have at them one general name "Friendship". In nine languages books are published in Dagestan. But in how many languages sing songs? At each carpet the pattern. On each saber the inscription. But how so many fingers turned out on one hand? How there were in one Dagestan so many languages? Let scientists explain it in own way. And elders told so.

"Allah's envoy on a mule went on the ground and distributed from huge hurdjun to all people their languages. I gave to Chinese Chinese. I visited at Arabs and I gave them the Arabic language. I gave to Greeks Greek, to Russian — Russian, to French — French. Different there were languages: one melodious, other firm, third colourful, fourth gentle. The people rejoiced to such gift and immediately started speaking, everyone in the language. Thanks to the languages people knew each other better, and the people better learned other, next people.

Here this person to our Dagestan reached on the mule. Just it handed over language to Georgians in which Shota Rustaveli will write then the poem, the Ossetian just did much good for them the Ossetian language in which Costa Khetagurov will write. The turn and reached us.

But it happened so that in the mountains of Dagestan that day the blizzard walked. Snow turned in gorges and rose to the sky, it was visible nothing — is expensive, housing. It is audible only as in a haze the wind whistles, collapse times of the rock moreover four rivers, our four Koysu rattle.

— No — the he who gives of languages at whom already and moustaches started freezing told — I won't clamber on these rocks moreover in such weather.

It took the hurdjun in which still handfuls two not distributed languages at the bottom lay and poured out all languages on our mountains.

— Take who what wants — he told and came back to Allah.

The poured-out languages were picked up by a storm, started carrying and throwing on gorges and rocks. But here all Dagestanis jumped out of the houses. Hurrying and pushing away each other, they ran towards to a fertile golden shower which waited in the millennia. Started sufficing, collecting precious grains to whom what got. Everyone then got to itself(himself) the native language. Mountaineers with the production in saklyas escaped to wait, the storm won't come to an end yet.

Rise in the morning: on the earth the sun, snow as didn't happen. Look — the mountain! Now it already — "mountain". It is possible to call it by name. Look — the sea! Now it already — "sea". It is possible to call it by name. Everything that catches sight, it is possible to call all now. Pleasure what! Here — bread, here — mother, here — a saklya, here — the center, here — the son, here — the neighbor, here — people.

All poured out people on the street, shouted chorus: "Mountain! " Hear — it turned out at all differently. Shouted chorus: "Sea! " It turned out at all differently. And Avars, Lezgians, Dargins, Kumyks, Tats, Laks went since then... And all this is called since then Dagestan. People from sheep, from wolves, from horses, from grasshoppers separated... Speak, "to a horse a little bit didn't suffice that he became the person".

But Allah's envoy! Why you then were frightened of a blizzard and cool mountains? Why poured out to us languages without looking? That you did! People who spirit, heart, customs, customs, a way of life are so close, you divided, separated languages.

Well it is fine, and on that thanks. Speak therefore secrets Kubachi златокузнецов were so long and reliably kept that nobody could understand them language. Also you will want to stir up a secret and you will stir up a coma?

And still tell about how the hunzakhsky khan sent the spy that that listened to all conversations on their godekanakh and markets to learn of what gidatlinets think to Gidatli.

The spy came back quicker, than it is necessary.

— All learned?

— I learned nothing.

— How so?

— Everyone talks in the language. To us their languages are unclear.

One Highlander fell in love with a beautiful girl. Decided to write her three cherished words:

One Highlander fell in love with a beautiful girl. Decided to write her three cherished words: "I love you,” but not in the letter, and where a girl goes and where she could see his confession: on a cliff, on the path to a spring, on the wall of her house, on his instrument. And not that there would be trouble. But awakened by her lover in the head to write those three words in all languages that are only in Dagestan. With this purpose he came in the way. He thought that his journey will be short, but it turned out that in each aul these words say different.

Дие мун йокьула (аварский).

Заз вун к1анда (лезгинский).

Ттун ина ччай бура (лакский).

ХІу наб ригулра (даргинский).

Мен сени сюемен (кумыкский).

Узуз уву ккундузуз (табасаранский).

Ме туьре хосденуьм (татский).

And there still Botlikhs, chokhets, tsumadinets, tsuntinets...

Speak, still everything wanders about mountains this lover, his beloved married long ago, long ago grew old, and our knight everything writes the words.

Different circumstances unite people. Them unites not only relationship, neighborliness, the general profession, the general earth, common interests and many other things. The strongest form of rapprochement of people at the people of Dagestan is the jamia. Jamia at Dagestanis call inhabitants of one settlement. In an aul — aul jamia. In the settlement — rural jamia. In the area — area jamia. In the city — city jamia. And still, jamia in Dagestan call meeting where the people together contemplate and solves the problems.

Different circumstances unite people. Them unites not only relationship, neighborliness, the general profession, the general earth, common interests and many other things. The strongest form of rapprochement of people at the people of Dagestan is the jamia. Jamia at Dagestanis call inhabitants of one settlement. In an aul — aul jamia. In the settlement — rural jamia. In the area — area jamia. In the city — city jamia. And still, jamia in Dagestan call meeting where the people together contemplate and solves the problems.

"Reputable jamia! " - - it is so accepted to address in Dagestan to the gathered people.

Dear there is a jamia where people observe an order in discipline. The order and discipline — this basic rule of the Dagestan hostel, is the sacred law of the Dagestan jamia. Where there is no order and the discipline, there isn't present respect, there is no owner the word, put. Without order and the discipline can't be abundance, old residents of Dagestan speak. Dear it is considered the jamia which has become famous for hardworking, courageous people, noble famylies. Reputable jamia sacredly protects honor and dignity of each inhabitant everyone family all aul and all people. Many jamias were big reputable among inhabitants of the next auls, settlements, areas, at the next people, in all Dagestan and even beyond its limits.

Auls of kovrovshchitsa became famous for worthy affairs of the jamia: Mikrakh, Hiv, Huchni; auls of potters: Balkhar, Ispik; auls goldsmiths: Kubachi, Kumukh; auls burochnykh of masters: Andi, Rakhata, auls of masons: Sogratl, Ulluchaya; auls of pakhlevanov-rope-walkers: Tsovkra, Yarag; auls of cattle breeders: Kurus, Hnov; auls shapochnykh of masters; auls of masters of cloth; auls of derevoobdelochnik; auls of railroad workers; auls of scientists; auls of poets and many other auls.

Well that's all!

Well that's all!

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