678190, РС (Я), Мирнинский район
п. Айхал, ул. Корнилова,6
филиал «Айхальский» ГАПОУ РС (Я) «МРТК»
Автор: Оводова Т.П.
Элективный курс по английскому языку
Данная программа позволяет учащимся практически оценить свои способности и возможности в практике перевода печатных средств массовой информации. Предлагаемая программа предназначена для учащихся 1 курса профессионального училища.
Программа состоит из 8 модулей. Тематика модулей позволяет учителю творчески подходить к подбору материала, увеличивая количество часов на тот или иной модуль программы. Надпредметная основа курса призвана соединить знания, полученные в ходе изучения различных дисциплин, и вывести их на иной виток осмысления применительно к новым практическим задачам, а также сформировать или повторить базовые знания, как по иностранному языку, так и по другим учебным дисциплинам. Вариантность программы позволяет использовать дополнительные материалы, расширять, видоизменять ее содержание исходя из условий конкретного образовательного учреждения. Если вы посмотрите в толковом словаре что означает слово «перевод», то вы прочтете, что это «процесс и результат передачи текста с одного языка на другой». Это определение кажется очень простым, но действительно, перевод – это очень сложный творческий процесс. Человек, который начинает этот процесс, возможно, не является автором той или иной статьи, но, в любом случае, он вкладывает туда достаточно труда и сил. Существует несколько основных правил, с которыми сталкиваются люди, переводя текст. Одним из них является знание лексико-грамматических структур обоих языков. Говоря о лексике, необходимо учитывать то, что каждый язык наполняется новой лексикой, что лексика подвержена изменениям за счет заимствований, неологизмов, и.т.д. Согласно статистике вступительных экзаменов в вузы, правильный перевод оригинальных текстов различных жанров, элементарный лингвистический анализ, оказывается для школьников, чаще всего, одним из самых трудных заданий. Это объясняется наличием как объективных, так и субъективных причин, например, тем, что письменному переводу, реферированию, аннотированию целых текстов не уделяется должного внимания на уроках. Кроме того, запас слов у большинства учащихся недостаточен для перевода художественных и газетно-информационных текстов, научных статей. Необходимо ознакомить учащихся с обширным разнообразием словарей, которые существуют, и научить правильно работать с ними. При изучении языка и при его практическом использовании кроме «общих» словарей бывают нужны словари идиом, сленга, синонимов, эвфемизмов, личных имен, а также словари профессиональной лексики. Более подробную информацию о словарях учащиеся могут получить, заглянув на сайт www.abroad.ru Как известно, английские слова многозначны, и одно и тоже слово может иметь несколько, а иногда десятки совершенно различных значений. Через специальную систему упражнений из практического пособия по изучению английских фразовых глаголов, учащиеся смогут освоить и научиться использовать фразовые глаголы и производные от них слова. Умение сделать элементарный лингвистический анализ текста с целью нахождения лексико-грамматических явлений и определения их коммуникативных функций является неотъемлемой задачей для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ, в который включены 24 задания по тексту, из которых два задания на установление соответствия. Цель этого курса – помочь учащимся подготовиться к ЕГЭ. Наряду с решением задач по практическому применению полученных знаний предполагаемая программа позволяет решить и развивающие, и обучающие, и воспитательные цели:
Учащиеся должны:
• владеть наиболее употребительной лексикой в рамках тематики старшего этапа; знать основные грамматические явления изучаемого языка, узнавать их при чтении и аудировании, уметь использовать их в устноречевом общении;
• понимать в целом аутентичные высказывания в распространенных ситуациях повседневного общения; понимать в целом и извлекать необходимую информацию из аудио – видеотекстов различного жанра (функциональных, ситуативно – тематических);
• вести диалог в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения в социально-бытовой, культурной и учебной сферах в пределах тематики старшего этапа, в том числе этикетный диалог, диалог – расспрос, диалог – обмен мнениями, суждениями, диалог, побуждающий к действию ( например, в ходе выполнения совместного проекта); 90
• вести дискуссию в рамках обсуждаемых проблем или на основе прочитанного текста, соблюдая правила речевого этикета; делать сообщения, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с пройденной тематикой и проблематикой прочитанных текстов; выступать публично, в частности, по результатам выполнения проекта;
• читать аутентичные тексты различных жанров ( публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные, функциональные), используя основные стратегии, виды чтения;
• делать выписки из текста, составлять тезисы как основу для устного и письменного сообщения;
• писать личное и деловое письмо с опорой на образец, заполнять анкету, письменно излагать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране изучаемого языка.
Развивающие цели:
• Развитие аналитических способностей через перевод английских текстов средств массовой информации.
• Изучение особенностей перевода научных статей, книг, газетно-информационного текста, как средство развития языковых навыков.
• Развивать умения и навыки анализа и систематизаций полученных ранее знаний в области иностранного языка.
• Показать учащимся практическое значение перевода печатных средств в других областях знаний.
Обучающие цели:
• Расширение и углубление знаний по иностранному языку (лексико-грамматических).
• Подготовка к ЕГЭ.
• Обучение работе со справочной литературе и умению использовать полученные данные.
• Научить использовать надпредметные знания, умение и навыки.
Воспитательные цели:
• Воспитать гражданина и патриота.
• Воспитать грамотного человека.
• Показать роль практического перевода.
• Воспитать настойчивость в достижении поставленной цели.
Здоровьесберегающие цели:
• Профилактика умственного перенапряжения путем смены деятельности.
• Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта.
• Учет психологических особенностей подростков.
• Наличие эмоциональной разрядки.
• Структурирование урока с учетом изменения работоспособности учащихся.
• Ввести понятия лексико-грамматических моделей обоих языков.
• Научить владению технологий перевода, используя переводческие приемы.
• Способствовать к принятию оригинальных решений при переводе.
• Делать письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированных текстов с иностранного языка на родной, рассматривая перевод как профессиональное умение.
• Развить интерес к переводу.
• Вооружить учащихся методом и приемом перевода.
Общие сведения об учебной группе
1. Вид учебной группы – постоянный.
2. Время обучения – 1 год.
3. Группа включает в себя 15–20 человек.
Тема №1. Анализ и перевод как средство понимания текста
Два вида словосочетаний. Формальные показатели именных и глагольных словосочетаний. Глаголы и глагольные словосочетания в предложении, их признаки. Изменение значения глаголов to be, to have в зависимости от следующих за ними слов.
Тема №2. Словарь как средство понимания текста
Определение исходной формы слова. Выписывание слов и их значений. Условные обозначения, нахождение значения словосочетания, группового предлога.
Тема №3. Значение лексики для правильного понимания текста
Звуковая форма слова и его значение. Слова, обозначающие общественно-политические понятия. Слова, обозначающие как общие понятия, так и понятия специального характера.
Тема №4. «Ложные друзья переводчика»
Многозначность слов. Уточнение значения слов в контексте. Лексический буквализм в переводе. Отбор значения слова в зависимости от характера переводимого текста.
Тема №5. Лексические особенности общественно-политической и экономической литературы на английском языке
Омонимы. Синонимы и антонимы. Сочетаемость слов в английском языке.
Тема №6. Особенности перевода заглавий научных статей, книг, и заголовков газетно-информационного текста
Особенности русского стиля. Английский газетный язык. Сочетания слов в заголовках статей. Способы перевода имен собственных.
Тема №7. Перевод фразеологических сочетаний и идиоматических выражений
Фразеологические сочетания глаголов с существительными в устной и письменной речи. Фразеологические единства. Фразеологические сращения. Перевод пословиц, поговорок, вошедших в живую речь из мифологии и библейских легенд.
Тема №8. Использование дополнительных лексических средств при переводе
Описательный перевод английского слова. Передача значения английского словосочетания одним русским словом или термином. Исключение слов при переводе.
№ | Название темы | Количество часов |
1. | Анализ и перевод как средство понимания текста | 1 |
2. | Словарь как средство понимания текста | 2 |
3. | Значение лексики для понимания текста | 2 |
4. | «Ложные друзья переводчика» | 2 |
5. | Лексические особенности общественно- политической и экономической литературы на английском языке | 2 |
6. | Особенности перевода научных статей книг, газетно-информационного текста | 2 |
7. | Перевод фразеологических сочинений и идеологических выражений | 2 |
8. | Использование дополнительных лексических средств при переводе | 2 |
Развитие навыка перевода и анализа адаптированного текста.
Ознакомить учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами по произведению, тренировать учащихся в употреблении
этих лексических единиц, развивать навыки умения работать со словарем, используя новый и пройденный материал.
Совершенствовать навыки перевода развивать мышление, память, стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся,
формировать познавательный интерес к предмету.
Поддерживать у учащихся интерес к культуре Англии, воспитывать чувство товарищества, взаимопомощи.
Здоровье сберегающие задачи:
– проводить профилактику умственного перенапряжения путем смены деятельности;
– создать атмосферу психологического комфорта;
– учитывать психологические особенности подростков;
– учитывать необходимость эмоциональной разрядки;
– структурированть урок с учетом изменения работоспособности учащихся.
The Gift of the Magi
(By O. Henry)
One dollar and eighty – seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents were in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by begging the grocer and the greengrocer and the butcher. Three times Delia counted it. One dollar and eighty – seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. There was really nothing to do but sit down on the old little sofa and cry. So Delia did it. Which proves the statement that life is made up of sobs, and smiles. But there are more sobs than smiles in it. While the mistress of the home is miserable, let's take a look at the home. A furnished flat at eight dollars in a week. In the hall below was a letter – box into which no letter would go, but there was a card with the name «Mr. James Dillingham Young». But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called «Jim» and met by Mrs. James Dillingham Young, already introduced to you as Delia. Which is all very good. Delia finished her cry and touched her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only one dollar and eighty – seven cents with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, and that was the result. Twenty dollars a week is not a big sum. Only one dollar and cents to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something nice – something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim. Suddenly she moved quickly from the window and stood before the mirror. Her eyes were shining brightly, but her face had lost its color within twenty seconds. She pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. Now, there were two dear things of the James Dillingham Young’s and they were very proud of them. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's. The other was Delia's hair. So now Delia's beautiful hair fell about her shining like a cascade of brown waters. And then she did it up again nervously and quickly. Once she hesitated for a moment and stood still while a tear or two fell on the worn red carpel. She put on her old brown jacket; she put on her old brown hat. Then she ran out of the door and down the stairs to the street. At the place where she stopped the sign read: Mme Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds». One flight up Della ran, and collected herself hard. Madame was large and too white. "Will you buy my hair?" asked Delia. "I buy hair," said Madame. "Take your hat off and let's have a look at it». Down fell the brown cascade. "Twenty dollars," said Madame, taking the hair with a practiced hand. "Give it to me quick," said Delia. Oh, and the next two hours passed by on rosy wings. She visited many shops looking for Jim's present. She found it at last. It surely had been made for Jim and no one else. There was no other like it in any of the shops, and she had turned all of them inside out. It was a gold chain, simple, but looking very expensive. It was even worthy of The Watch. As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim's. Twenty – one dollars they took from her for it, and she went home with the eighty – seven cents. With that chain Jim might take his watch out of the pocket in any company. When Delia came home she got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing her hairdo. Which is always a difficult task, dear friends. Forty minutes later her head was covered with tiny, beautiful curls that made her look wonderfully like a schoolboy. She looked at her reflection in the mirror critically. "If Jim doesn't kill me," she said to herself, "before he takes a second look at me, he'll say I look like a schoolboy. But what could I do – what could I do with a dollar and eighty – seven cents?" At seven o'clock the coffee was made and the frying – pan was on the stove hot and ready to cook the chops. Jim was never late. Delia took the chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door. Then she heard his step on the stair and turned white for just a moment. She usually said little prayers about the simple everyday things, and now she said "Please God, make him think I am still pretty». The door opened and Jim came in and closed it. He looked very serious. Poor fellow, he was only 22 and had a family. He needed a new overcoat and he was without gloves.
Jim didn't move. He looked at Delia, and there was an expression in his eyes that she could not read, and it terrified her. It was not anger. Nor surprise, nor horror. He just looked at her with that strange expression on his face. Delia came up to him. "Jim, darling," she cried, "don't look at me that way, I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. I just had to do it. My hair grows awfully fast. Say 'Merry Christmas!' Jim, and let's be happy. I have a very nice present for you». "You've cut off your hair?" asked Jim. "Cut it off and sold it," said Delia. "Don't you like me just as well? I'm me without my hair». Jim looked about the room. "You say your hair is gone?" he said foolishly. "You needn't look for it," said Delia. "It's sold, I tell you – sold and gone too. It's Christmas. Be good to me. May be the hairs of my head were numbered," she went on seriously, "but nobody could ever count my love for you. Shall I put the chops on, Jim?" Jim came to himself quickly. He took a package out of his pocket and put it upon the table. "Don't make any mistake, Dell," he said, "about me. I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut that could make me like my wife any less. But if you unwrap that package you may understand everything». White fingers tore a string and paper. And she screamed of joy; and then all of a sudden she began to cry. For there lay The Combs – the set of combs, that Delia had wanted very much looking at them in a shop window. They were expensive combs, she knew and she didn't hope to have them. And now, they were hers, but her hair was gone. She took them and smiled through tears and said: "My hair grows fast, Jim!" And then Delia jumped up like a little cat and cried, "Oh, oh!" Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him upon her open palm. "Isn't it nice, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it». Instead of doing this, Jim lied down on the sofa and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled. "Dell," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep them a little. They are too nice to be used just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy you combs. And now you may put the chops on».
1. What is Christmas? Why do people give each other presents on Christmas? What do you think the story is about? Write 6 – 7 sentences.
2. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the transcription below.
Grocer, butcher, Christmas, prove, miserable, introduced, backyard, honor, cascade, sign, expensive, curling, prayer, gloves, foolishly, tore, palm, instead, comb
3. Do you know the reading rules well? Which of the words in each line is the Odd One Out? Explain why?
[k] cry, count, card, Christmas, fence, quickly, collected, carpet
[3:] nervously, curling, work, furnished, herself, heard, stair, turned
[ж] jacket, hat, saving, ran, hand, rag, gas, unwrap, happy
4. Make the right choice.
1. There was really nothing to do but...
a) go and ask someone for help;
b) sit down and cry;
c) take it easy and laugh.
2. But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was...
a) all alone but very happy;
b) met by his mother and sister – in – law;
c) called 'Jim' and met by his wife.
3. The Dillingham earned...
a) 20 dollars a week;
b) big sums of money;
c) 200 dollars a month.
4. There were two dear things in their family...
a) Jim's gold watch and Delia's diamond ring;
b) Jim's leather gloves and Delia's hair;
c) Jim's gold watch and Delia's hair.
5. Delia decided...
a) to give up the idea of buying a present;
b) to sell her hair;
c) to buy something very cheap.
6. When Jim saw his present...
a) tie smiled and offered to put the presents away and keep them a little;
b) he got angry and started to shout at his wife;
c) he left the room without a word.
5. Say True or False. If false, correct the statement
1. Delia saved some money by begging in the street.
2. Life is made of sobs and smiles, in the author's point of view.
3. The family was large and lived in a very big flat.
4. Delia wanted to buy a very good present for her Jim.
5. Delia sold her hair for 20 dollars.
6. She quickly found what she needed for Jim.
7. When she curled her hair she looked like a schoolboy.
8. Her little prayer that day was: "Please God, make him think I'm still pretty».
9. Jim earned some money to buy expensive combs for his wife.
6. Put the sentences in the right order.
1. She looked in the mirror and had an idea.
2. She worried very much waiting for her husband's arrival.
3. The young woman was very upset.
4. At home she started to curl her hair because she wanted Jim to like her.
5. Delia counted her money several times.
6. Now Jim could take his watch out of the pocket in any company.
7. She didn't have enough to buy a good present for Jim. 94
8. So she got twenty dollars and went looking for a nice present.
9. She decided to sell her hair to get the necessary money.
10. At last she found a gold chain that was simple but looked very expensive.
7. Find in the story the English for.
Считать, жизни состоит из, хозяйка дома, взглянуть, табличка, коснуться, она побледнела, в конце концов, достойный, внезапно, покрывать, отражение, бедняга, не смотри на меня так, приходить в себя, витрина, по сто раз на день, вместо этого.
Use the words or word combinations in the sentences of your own.
8. Say what the italicized words mean.
1. There was really nothing to do but sit down on the old little sofa and cry.
2. A furnished flat at eight dollars per week.
3. Delia touched her cheeks with the powder rag.
4. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him.
5. Once she hesitated for a moment and stood still while a tear or two fell on the worn red carpet.
6. The gold chain was simple, but very expensive.
7. He needed a new overcoat and was without gloves.
9. Use the verbs in brackets in an appropriate tense form.
1. "If Jim (not to kill) me," she (to say) to herself, "before he (to take) a second look at me, he (to say) I (to look) like a schoolboy».
2. She (to find) something that surely (to be made) for Jim and no one else.
3. As soon she (to see) it she (to know) it must (to be) Jim's.
4. He (to buy) the set of combs that Delia (to want) very much looking at them in a shop window.
5. "Let's (to put) our presents away and (to keep) them a little.
6. She (to save) every penny she (can) for months, and that (to be) the result.
7. Her eyes (to shine) brightly, but her face (to lose) its colour within twenty seconds.
10. Replace the italicized words and word combinations with a synonym from the box in an appropriate form.
sum to be never late
miserable at present
to say to oneself to be expensive
to lose one's color worn
1. While the mistress of (fie home is unhappy, let's lake a look al the home,
2. Twenty dollars a week is not a very big amount.
3. Her eyes were shining brightly, but her face became pale within twenty minutes.
4. Once she hesitated for a moment and stood still while a tear or two fell on the shabby red carpet.
5. "But what could I do – what could I do with a dollar and eighty – seven cents?" she thought.
6. Jim was always on lime.
7. The combs cost very much, she knew and she didn't hope to have them.
8. They are too nice lo be used now.
11. Fill in the missing prepositions where necessary.
1. __ the hall__ was a letter – box__ which no letter would go, but there was a card __ the name __ the owner.
2. She stood __ the window and looked __ dully __ a gray cat walking a gray fence __ a gray backyard.
3. She pulled __ her hair and let it fall __ its full length.
4. Then she ran __ __ the door and __ the stairs __ the street.
5. "Take your hat __ and let's have a look __ it».
6. Twenty – one dollars they took __ her __ it, and she went __ home __ the eighty – seven cents.
7. __ that chain Jim might take his watch __ __ the pocket __ __ any company.
8. __ seven o'clock the coffee was made and the frying – pan was __ tine stove hot and ready __ the chops.
9. He just looked __ her ___ that strange expression __ his lace.
10. "I had my hair cut __ and sold it because I couldn't have lived __ Christmas__ giving you a present».
11. She held it __ __ him __ her open palm.
12. What is the opposite? Match the words in two columns. Use them in the sentences of your own to describe the events of
the story.
•into •take • cheap •quickly
•sell •out of •ugly •expensive
•give •under •above •beautiful
•cold •buy •slowly •hot
13. Report the sentences in indirect speech.
1. "Twenty dollars," said Madam, taking the hair with a practiced hand.
2. "Will you buy my hair?" asked Delia.
3. "You've cut off your hair?" asked Jim.
4. "My hair grows fast," she repeated.
5. "But if you unwrap that package you may understand everything," explained Jim.
14. Answer the following questions.
1. How much did Delia manage to save? What did she do to save some money? 95
2. What was she going to do with the money?
3. What was the only thing she had to do?
4. Who was Delia? Was she married? What was her husband's name?
5. How old do you think Delia was?
6. Use your imagination and describe her everyday life.
7. Why the result of her economy was so small?
8. What prompted her to sell her hair?
9. What were the dear things of the James Dillingham Young?
10. Where did Delia go? Why? What was the result?
11. Why do you think the next two hours passed by on rosy whings? How do you understand this phrase?
12. What did she do when returned home? Why the author said it was always a difficult task?
13. Describe Delia's feelings. What did she worry about?
14. What was the expression on her husband's face?
15. What did he bring her? Did Delia like the present? Why did she start to cry then?
16. What did Jim advise to do with their presents?
15. Say why.
1. Delia decided that life was made up of sobs and smiles.
2. she had to save some money.
3. there was nothing to do but sit down and cry.
4. Delia spent much time planning to buy something nice for her husband.
5. she visited many shops.
6. she usually said little prayers.
7. Jim advised to put their presents away and keep a little.
16. Prove that:
1. the young family had a difficult life.
2. Delia loved her husband very much.
3. the only way out for Delia was to sell her hair.
4. Delia worried very much waiting for her husband's return.
5. despite all the difficulties and problems they were happy.
17. What is your opinion?
"Life is made of sobs, and smiles. But there are more sobs than smiles in it». Do you share this opinion? Why? Can you give some examples of sobs and smiles from your own life? Discuss the problem with the classmates and find out what they think about it.
18. Make up your own sentences with the following phrases. Use these phrases to describe the events of the story.
next day; a furnished flat; worthy of the honor; to put on; to collect oneself; to turn something inside out; to look serious; to hunt all over town
19. Retell the text
a) as if you were Delia;
b) as if you were Delia's husband, Jim;
c) as if you were the author.
Ознакомить учащихся с новыми фразовыми глаголами, тренировать учащихся в употреблении этих фразовых глаголов, развивать навыки умения работать с дополнительными источниками, используя новый и пройденный материал.
• Презентовать для заучивания и освоения фразеологические выражения.
• Отработка навыка использования фразеологических глаголов в предложении с соблюдением лексико-грамматических правил.
• Отработка навыка анализа лексико-грамматических единиц.
• Отработка навыка перевода с использованием фразовых глаголов.
Здоровьесберегающие задачи:
– профилактика умственного перенапряжения путем смены деятельности;
– создание атмосферы психологического комфорта;
– учет психологических особенностей подростков;
– наличие эмоциональной разрядки;
– структурирования урока с учетом изменения работоспособности учащихся;
1. Выберите соответствующий фразовый глагол для пропусков в предложениях.
1. What ____ ____ such an allergic reaction?
a) carried away b) brought about c) put through
2. I ____ my translation _______ twice and was satisfied with it.
a) gave... up b) put... aside c) read... over
3. Did you ____ your arguments ____?
a) cut... down b) get... across c) make... up
4. Will we have enough time to _____ our business ______?
a) put ... through b) look... up c) give... away
5. His words suddenly have ____ ____ that day.
a) put aside b) cleared up c) brought back
6. This interesting idea had ____ him ____ and he couldn't stop thinking of it.
a) carried... away b) brought... in c) made... up
7. ____ your dog ____, please!
a) Make... out b) Keep... away c) Look... up
8. Next week I'll ____ ____ the time at my dacha.
a) pass away b) let down c) lay out
9. You'd better ____ this money ____ for a holiday.
a) read... over b) make... out c) put... aside
10. He didn't have the right to ____ me ____.
a) give... away b) blow... up c) pass... away
11. We couldn't imagine that he would ____ his colleagues ____.
a) let... down b) give... away c) make... up
12. You should ____ ____his position on this question.
a) clear up b) read over c) bring about
13. To live here we have to ____ ____ our expenses.
a) clear up b) let down c) cut down
14. She ____ ____ a promising career in Moscow and emigrated.
a) brought in b) gave up c) brought back
15. I can't understand this expression. ____ it ____ in a phraseological dictionary. a) Look... up b) Put... aside c) Blow... up
16. The pharmacist will be able to ____ the medicine ______ in two hours.
a) carry... away b) keep... away c) make... up
17. They ____ me ____ to solve that problem.
a) brought... in b) read... over c) passed... away
18. The editor suggested ____ _____ the newspaper items in the reverse order.
a) putting through b) laying out c) bringing back
19. Only in a few years I could ____ ____ how she loved me.
a) make out b) bring about c) get across
20. If you ____ anything ____ about me you won't be my friend any more.
a) lay... out b) cut... down c) give... away
Упр. 3. Найдите в правой части продолжения для каждого начала предложения в левой части.
1. His rude words a) put through this programme in two years.
2. Did you find any mistakes when b) carried away and forgot everything.
3. Anyway, try c) bring back to you?
4. I think we'11 be able to d) put the rest aside for tomorrow.
5. What did this music e) passed all evenings away.
6. Dancing with her I was f) reading over my article.
7. Be careful, g) blow you up.
8. Listening to classical music h) brought about the fight.
Упр. 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя фразовые глаголы данного раздела.
1. Я не знаю, чем это вызвано._______________________________________________________________________
2. Прочти и проверь, пожалуйста, мое письмо._________________________________________________________
3. Боюсь, что я не смогу правильно изложить свой план._________________________________________________
4. Я осуществил свою мечту и стал учителем.__________________________________________________________
5. Это вызывает в памяти все нехорошее.______________________________________________________________
6. Какие чувства охватывают вас при этом грустном зрелище?____________________________________________
7. Держи свое ружье подальше. ______________________________________________________________________
8. Он очень ждал выходные дни, чтобы провести их с детьми.____________________________________________
9. Ты, действительно, ничего не сэкономил?___________________________________________________________
10. Директор намерен отругать тебя за это.____________________________________________________________
11. Я не прощу его за то, что он меня подвел.__________________________________________________________
12. Мы, наконец, прояснили это недоразумение.________________________________________________________
13. Тебе надо реже курить.__________________________________________________________________________
14. Почему ты бросил работу учителя?________________________________________________________________