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Открытый урок английского языка в 7 классе "DVD-frenzy"

План-конспект урока

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План-конспект урока для 7 класса по УМК “Spotlight 7”

Module 7B “DVD frenzy!”

Цели урока:

1. Учебная:

- в аудировании: развитие умений в аудировании с выбором необходимой информации;

- в чтении: развитие умений в поисковом чтении;

- в говорении: совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;.

2. Развивающая:

- развитие способности и готовности общаться;

- развитие умений в поисковом чтении с извлечением необходимой информации;

- развитие языковой догадки, внимания, памяти.

3. Воспитательная:

- создание условий для формирования правильных привычек в отборе зарубежных и российских фильмов для просмотра;

- совершенствование умения работать в парах, слушать друг друга, с уважением относиться к мнению партнера по команде.

4. Социокультурная:

- приобретение знаний о реалиях мира, традициях других стран (знакомство с кинематографом зарубежных стран).

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

Good morning everybody. I’m glad to see you in our English lesson. I want to start with some questions to you. Do you remember what it means: WDIIT? Yes! What date is it today?

Can you answer?

Well, and what date was it on Sunday? Yes, the twenty-fourth of February.

That was an unusual day, why? What happened on Sunday? You are right! The 91st Academy awards ceremony took place in Hollywood in Los-Angeles. Actors, actresses, directors, singers got their Oscars for the best roles, the best directing, the best song, the best make- up and costumes. Let’s watch a short video about the main winners.

VIDEO OSCARS 2019 Winners Recap 91st Academy Awards

And here there are other puzzled questions to you. Can you solve these puzzles? Each group gets one puzzle.

WTOFDYK? What types of films do you know?

DYWTGTTC? Do you want to go to the cinema?

WYFGOF? What is your favourite genre of film?

You will answer all these questions in our lesson, because the topic of our lesson is “Films”.

Today you are working in groups and going to get stars for your right answers and the group with the most stars will get my own Oscar. Today we have an audience; they are all teachers of English. So, wish you good luck!

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Our first nomination is The Best Tongue Twister group. And now some words to our honourable audience: support our nominees with your applause. The louder your applause, the better the group.

If you want to film a film, what film would you film if you had a film film to film.

A film- фильм; пленка

To filmснимать

Film- кинематографическая

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars.

  1. Отработка лексики

Well, our next nomination is The Best Genre Experts. We’ll find out who knows more genres of films. And the last group to give an answer will be the winner. I’m going to point at any person in your group to give one genre. Don’t shout out just wait for your turn. What genres of films do you know? Let’s start.

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars.

3. The third nomination today is The best word searchers. You get Film Wordsearch lists. In 1 minute find as many hidden genres of films as you can. Ready, steady, go! While our teachers are counting the number of words you have found I want to invite one person from the group to find the words on our magic screen. Touch the word you have found.

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars.

After the third nominations we meet the fourth one. It is The best unscramblers.

You have anagrams which you should unscramble. Start your work. I know you are the best ones.

Cм. Приложение 1.

  1. Аудирование и чтение.

I’m announcing the fifth nomination The best Matchers.

First, you are going to listen to the description of one of the genres and match it with the genre of a film.

Then you should read some of the descriptions with the names of the genres to make up 5 sentences per group. The rule is that every member of your group should read one sentence without mistakes. Otherwise you miss some points. For example: Mysteries are films about spies.

Action films

Films about the life of real people

Adventure films

This films involve a lot of singing and dancing


This films involve horses, guns, dusty towns, bar fights and cowboys


This films are about space travels and alien civilizations

Horror films

This films make people laugh


Films in this genre involve exotic locations, historical settings, expeditions


Films involve putting together real life events and people to tell a story.

Science fiction films

Films in this genre often involve car chases, gun fights and hand-to-hand combats


They are based on real events that happened in the past


This films involve blood, the supernatural, monsters

Disaster films

This films use computer graphics to make adventure and comedies.


This films are about police and criminals.

Animated films

Films of this genre are about imaginary world

Historical films

This films focus on horrible things happening in nature.


They are stories of people finding each other and falling in love.

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars.

  1. Описательные прилагательные.

Are you ready to our sixth nomination? It is The best Advective Experts.

Look at the screen. Here you can see a random wheel with genres of films. Each of you should come up to the wheel, press this button and use an adjective for a chosen genre. Let’s start.

Horror films are scary.

Thrillers are thrilling.

Historical films are informative.

Comedies are cheerful and hilarious.

Detectives are unpredictable.

Adventure films are exciting.

Love stories are touching.

Dramas are tearful.

Action films are violent.

Science fiction films are fantastic.

Animated films are fabulous.

War films are horrible.

Documentaries are educative.

Disaster films are terrible.

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars.

  1. Монологическое высказывание.

Uphhh! I’m getting nervous and waiting for the end of the lesson to see the Winner! It is the seventh nomination.

The best Speakers.

You get our two-minute-talk plans. In 15 seconds one of you will present us a speech “Film genres”.

This time I need the help of the audience. You should decide who will get a star for speaking. Be ready to applause loudly.

There are different types of films.

They are_______,________,________,________,_________ and others.

Some people like watching ______,_______ or ________.

Others prefer _______,________ or_______.

As for me, I enjoy watching _______ because they are________.

Also I’m keen on ________ as they are so ________.

I can’t stand ________ because they are _______.

Besides ________are not my cup of tea as they are too________.

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars

  1. Диалогическое высказывание.

Well,well,well. I announce the eighth nomination The best Chatters.

You have prepared short dialogues but you don’t know the names of the films for your dialogues. Look at the screen, they are your films.

And Group N ___ gets A big Star. Group N ___and ____ get small encouraging stars

  1. Решение проблемной ситуации.

And now time has come to go to the Awarding ceremony. You get tickets. Here are your seats. You should find your seats in 20 seconds. Group N1. GroupN2. GroupN3. Now open your tickets and read the words inside them. We are expecting to hear a short sentence out of these words.

  1. Подведение итогов и домашнее задание.

Let me announce the winner of today’s contest. And… it is…Group…Number….____! My congratulations. Today you’re the best! Applause to our winners. But…don’t be in a hurry! I give you a special task for your homework: Listen to the song I want to be a superhero and do the task because the next lesson will be devoted to MUSIC!

Thank you everybody. See you soon.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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