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Открытый урок английского языка "Ecology problems in my native town Kursk" в 8 классе с применением интерактивных методов (кластер и кейс-метод)

Открытый урок "Экологические проблемы города Курска" направлен на реализацию региональной составляющей основной образовательной программы по английскому языку в 8 классе по модулю "Экологические проблемы современности" (учебник Spotlight).


Содержимое разработки

Модуль 5:Глобальные проблемы современности. Загрязнение окружающей среды.

Тема урока:Экологические проблемы Курска.

Цель: Исследование экологической обстановки в Курске, создание проектов, включающих поиск способов решения проблем, предложения по улучшению экологической ситуации в городе.



- Изучать экологические проблемы больших городов, на примере родного города;

- Учить, на основе анализа информационных данных, выделять главное, обобщать, делать выводы, предлагать решение проблемных вопросов;

- Развивать умения использовать в речи пассивный залог и конструкции с инфинитивом и герундием.


- Развивать и совершенствовать коммуникативные умения обучающихся по теме «Экология»;

- Активизировать словарный запас;

- Развивать умения читать/аудировать(основное содержание, поиск конкретной информации);

- Развивать умения читать (полное понимание);

- Развивать речевые умения (монологическая и диалогическая формы речи);

- Развивать умения говорить на основе полученной информации, высказывать свою точку зрения, обмениваться мнениями;

Развивать умения работать в группе, взаимодействовать.


- Воспитывать бережное отношение к природе, потребность быть экономными с ее ресурсами;

- Воспитывать чувство коллективизма и ответственности за общее дело;

- Прививать интерес и побуждать к полезной проектной деятельности межпредметного характера.

Тип урока: Совершенствование знаний

Вид урока:Исследовательский проект

Методы и технологии:

активные – исследовательский, частично-поисковый, ИКТ;

интерактивные– кластер, метод проектов, кейс-метод, технология критического мышления, работа в группах, дискуссия.

Оборудование:ноутбук, проектор, экран; видеоролик «Экологические проблемы современности»; учебник “Spotlight” 8 класс авторов В. Эванс, Дж. Дулли, О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина.

МПС: Английский язык ↔ Биология ↔ Химия

Ход урока:

I. Организация начала урока.

How do you do? I’d like you to discuss some interesting but very serious questions. Please, look at the screen, see a short film and try to define the topic of our conversation.

II. Определение темы, цели, задач урока.

  1. Чтение (main idea, looking for information)

So, what is the subject of our discussion today and what do we need forthe productive work? You’re right! We continue to speak about environmental problems of our planetand find the solutions of these problems. I suggest you to explore the ecological situation in our native town, Kursk. But first, we should review our lexical and grammar material and answer some questions.

III. Актуализация ранее изученного материала (разминка).

  1. Кластер.-What harmful human activities does our planet suffer from? (making a cluster)

Air pollution cutting down trees nuclear pollution

Ecology problems litter

dust Water pollution Smog

wastes from factories

  1. Словарнаяработа. (work in chain, in pairs, word dictation, pay your attention at sounds [g]-exhaust,[j]-nuclear, and [ʃ]-pollution)

  2. Говорение.Make up the sentences using Passive Voice.Describethe damage from people’s consumer attitude to life on the Earth. (Air is polluted with harmful substances, gases and transport exhaust. Water is spoiled with wastes from factories, oil links and domestic chemicals. Soil is polluted with rubbish. Forests are cut down. Wild animals are disturbed by people.)

(Ребята работают с плакатом, на котором, наглядно изображают вред от жизнедеятельности человека)

People pollute the environment, all creatures suffer, plants and animals disappear.

  1. And how does the Earth react to being polluted by people? (For the last ten years the world has seen different disasters such as tsunami, tornado, earthquake, cyclone, avalanche, flood, drought and others. Besides people suffer from serious illnesses, for example, cancer, AIDS, etc.)

  2. Do you agree with one of the scientist who said “If we don’t stop pollution, we won’t have the future”? (If we continue to destroy our world, we’ll all die!)

  3. So, how can we help the planet to restore? What should everyone start to clean up the Earth? (I think…, In my opinion…, Why don’t we start with cleaning up our native town or village.)

IV. Планирование проектной деятельности. Работа над проектом.

And now let’s try to help our native land offering the real solutions of the environmental problems in Kursk. To make your projects I’d like to divide you into 3 groups according to 3 types of pollution:

Air pollutionWater pollutionSoil pollution

At home you were to find the information about the ecological situation in our town and analyze it. So, what do we need for our research?

  1. We should state the problem.

  2. Then tell about results of pollution and its danger.

  3. Give suggestions and show results

  4. Summaries your opinion

  5. Discuss with other groups

(Планнадоске.Ключевые фразы для дискуссии на карточках у каждого.)

  • Our project is about …

  • From our point of view, …

  • In our opinion …

  • Besides …

  • More than that …

  • We consider …

  • We don’t agree.

  • On the one hand it is …, but on the other hand … .

  • Moreover …

  • I think your opinion is absolutely nonsense because …

  • In addition, …

  • I think you’re being rather optimistic/unrealistic saying that …

  • Don’t forget about the other side of the problem.

  • You don’t seem to understand that …)

V. Защитапроектов.Дискуссия.Оценка. Взаимооценка.

  1. Water pollution (experiment):

  1. We get all drinking water in Kursk region from three main rivers: the Seim, the Tuskar and the Kur. The population of our town is… and we all use water. We pollute and spoil it as in other big cities. We often use it without control and don’t think about its limits. The main reason of our exploration is looking for answer for the question:

What kind of water do we drink in Kursk?

  1. Watching. Have you ever looked into your kettle before making tea? Look. What can you see at the bottom of the kettle? (incrustation, some substance, sediment) Do you think we should drink such water? (I think we can’t. It’s harmful./I disagree, we can boil the water and then use it for drinking.) And now let’s see, if you’re right.

  2. Experiment (filling the table).We suggest you to compare 3 examples of water:

Types of water


Smell and taste

Contain of salt and other substances


Time of boiling



Running water

No color, it has substance

A smell of chloride

2 min.

trace of salt




Boiled water

No color, it has substance

No smell, but it has some metal taste

2 min.

trace of salt




Bottled drinking water

No color, no substance

No smell, no taste

1 min.

trace of salt


(more or less pure)

  1. So, we have a conclusion: you shouldn’t drink running water. It has some harmful substance and products of chemical cleaning. Also, we won’t advise you to drink boiled water without staying for 30-40 min. or filtering it.We can drink only bottled drinking water safely. Think, how can the future generations survive if we have to buy drinking water nowadays?

  2. Our solutions of the problem:

  1. Use filters for cleaning

  2. Use some ways of cleaning for your running water

  3. Don’t spoil the water with domestic wastes

  4. Be economy with using water

Discussing.Do you agree or disagree with the results of the exploration? Whatsolutionscanyouadd?Whatmarkcanyougivetothegroup? (комментарий учителя по поводу произношения, лексических и грамматических ошибок, оценка других групп при помощи карточек)

  1. Air pollution (presentation, statistic facts)

  1. We have analyzed the situation of air pollution in Kursk region and have called our project “Kursk air – breatherarely”. Do you know that Kursk is one of the biggest industrial cities in our country? (How many factories are there in Kursk? What are they?) We have nearly 100large industrial companies and factoriespolluting the atmosphere with 100 tons of wastes a year such as carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitric oxide, and lead. Imagine the air we breathe.

  2. 148 different harmful gases, wastes and substance come to the air from Electric Power Station – 1, Kursk Rubber Technics Plant, Electric Engineering Plant, Kursk Agricultural Machine-building Factory, Kursk Chemical Fiber Enterprise,etc.We breathe dust, smog, dangerous gases and even heavy metals elements.(Can we breathe such air?)

  3. Besides, the air of our town is wasted with exhaust from transport. (Do you now the most polluted places of our town?) They are Lgovsky turn, the crossroads of 50-years of October and Zapolnaya Streets, Dzerzhinsky square and Moscow square.

  4. If we don’t reduce the pollution we are going to live like this…(short video “Life in the year of 2200”).

  1. We suggest:

  1. To improve the system of cleaning the air near the factories

  2. To reduce the amount of transport in the town(use bicycle or go on foot instead of driving a car)

  3. To reduce reforestation

  4. To plant more trees

  1. Soil pollution (logical chains)

  1. Litter is one of the most important problems in our town. We can see rubbish everywhere. Every man in average throws away 1-2 kilos daily. If we have population of… people, how many kilos we drop all together? And what is this number in a year?

  2. Do you know that some rubbish lasts longer then a man can live… (readinga program that help us to avoid the life in dirty town and in dirty planet. The idea is very simple. Let everyone clean the place where he lives.If one man picks up his dropped paper, why won’t others do the same? We do this at our school and near our houses. (Photos)

  3. Moreover we can sort our domestic wastes and litter and recycle or reuse some things of our everyday life. For example…

  1. you can reuse glass jars for tinned vegetables

  2. you can recycle paper or you can reuse old newspapers for drying your boots or for keeping their form

  3. you can made a stylish bag from your old jeans and decorate it with some old buttons and pieces of other clothes

  4. you can reuse old electric bulbsfor making up New Year Tree toys

  5. you can reuse plastic bottles to design and decorate your flower bed or make a feeding site for birds.

(Drawing the scheme.Discussion.Giving marks.)

VI. Рефлексия.

  1. So, what are the main problems of our town? What can our citizens do to reduce pollution? What does three re –s mean? (Re-use, re-duce, re-cycle)

  2. Look at the screen and do the test.

Your work was very useful today. If people follow your suggestions, we’ll be able to reduce pollution of our town and help the nature to restore.

VII. Home task.

Write the article about your solutions of ecology problems in your town.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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Открытый урок английского языка "Ecology problems in my native town Kursk" в 8 классе с применением интерактивных методов (кластер и кейс-метод) (66.13 KB)

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