
Making a newspaper

Проект создания школьной газеты на английском языке.

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Making the newspaper

So, do we need mass media in our school? I think, we do. Because, as you can see from the results of the questionnaire, the most number of our teachers and schoolmates would like to have it.

Nowadays school leavers are supposed to be active members of the society, to possess certain amount of knowledge, take the initiative, and acquire the ability to make decisions. The school life should be organized in such a way as to give the pupils the opportunity to apply the received knowledge to practice. It is especially important for teenagers as they are trying to take an active part in the adult life due to their age peculiarities. So there is a real necessity to involve teenagers into the adult life. There are various ways to manage to perceive the amount of information. The organization of young correspondents’ groups is one of the ways. They can’t obviously compete with the modern mass media on speed of reaction and quality of presentations. They are not of the concern. One of the possibilities is a school magazine. The newspaper is a way of association of children of different ages. It helps to form public opinion at school, serves a means of development of child’s personality, and promotes a sense of collectiveness. Youth press is becoming a common phenomenon in our life.

The idea of creating the newspaper at school is not new. In many educational establishments there are their own periodicals and radio stations. We have one newspaper in our school - "Shkolnik". It has been issuing for 5 years already. And every pupil can read it.

It should be remembered that each urgent issue must be unique. Bright colours, eye-catching heading, and unusual even shocking pictures or photographs

are quite OK here. An urgent issue shouldn’t hang for a long time. And the most important thing, it shouldn’t be edited on some insignificant events.

I think creating newspaper is very important, because it helps a teenager to solve problems and undertake such actions which would allow the person to find his or her own place in the adult world. It makes it possible to produce something new. It is teenager’s action that enables him to express his own point of view. It is the sphere of pupils’ activity connected with research, solving problems, composing. It is participation of schoolchildren in applied activities.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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