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Открытое занятие. "Traditions and Culture of Britain"

разработка будет полезна для проведения итогового занятия по теме "The United Kingdom" в игровой форме ( брейн-ринг)

Содержимое разработки



Зам. директора по МР

______________ Н. Н. Ландарь

«____» ______________2023 г.


Открытого занятия

по учебной дисциплине

Английский язык

Тема «Традиции и культура Великобритании»


Группа ЭП-224

Преподаватель Кидалова О.В.


Протокол № _____

от «____» ____________ 202__ г.

Председатель ЦК № 1

__________ (Т.С. Куринская)


Протокол № _____

від ____ _________ 201__ р.

Голова ЦК № 6

_____________ В. М. Шпигунова

Мелитополь, 2023 год


Дисциплина: Английский язык

Специальность: 38.02.01 «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)»

Группа: ЭП-224

Тема занятия: Традиции и культура Великобритании

Место проведения: каб 204

Тип занятия: Практическое занятие в форме развлекательно-познавательной игры (брей ринг) “Welcome to Britain”

Цель занятия:


- расширить кругозор знаний о стране изучаемого языка;

- развить навыки устной монологической речи по теме “The UK”;

- обучить умению быстро адаптироваться к новой информации;


  • развивать память, мышление, внимание, слух, догадку, умения сравнивать и делать выводы;

  • развивать способности вступать в иноязычное общение;

  • развивать способности логического изложения мыслей;

  • формировать лингвосоциокультурную компетенцию;


  • формировать навыки работы в команде;

  • вырабатывать личностные качества студентов: самостоятельность, инициативность, ответственность;

  • воспитывать уважительное и доброжелательное отношение к стане и народу изучаемого языка.

Место занятия в структурно-логической схеме:

Дисциплины, которые обеспечивают занятия: География, история

Дисциплины, которые обеспечивает занятие: культурология

Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Методическое обеспечение занятия: ноутбук, презентация к занятию, видео материал к занятию, раздаточный материал.

Список литературы

  1. Балк Е.А., Леменев М.М. Традиции, обычаи и привычки. - М, ИНФРА-М, 2016. - 127 с.

  2. Нестерова Н.М. Страноведение: Великобритания. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2016. – 368 с.

  3. Пинягин Ю.Н. Великобритания: история, культура, образ жизни. – Пермь: 2015. – 296.

  4. Сатинова В.М. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах. - Мн.: Выш. шк., 2017. - 255 с.

  5. Уолш, И. А., Химунина Т. Н., Конон Н. В. Great Britain: Сustoms and Traditions. – СПб.: КАРО: Антология, 2015. – 223 с.

  6. http://englishwell.org/11127-holidays-in-great-britain-prazdniki-vo-velikobritanii.html

  7. http://www.getsoch.net/holidays-in-great-britain/

  8. http://www.slideshare.net/dianatabatadze/holidays-in-great-britain/

Ход занятия

Good morning students and teachers. We have spoken about the United Kingdom during some lessons and today we have the summary lesson on this topic. So, I want to carry this lesson out of the ordinary, in the form of an intellectual game. We have two teams and you will show us your knowledge of English. I think it will be amusing and you will enjoy it.

And now the teams are going to introduce themselves. (представление команд). Very nice. You have already received your first points from our jury. Let’s go on.

Everybody knows that English is the official and native language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And are you sure that you know England well? Answer the questions, please. Do it by chain. You’ll get 1 point for the right answer.


  • What is the official name of Great Britain? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

  • How many parts does the UK consist of? (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)

  • What is the capital of England? (London)

  • What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)

  • What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

  • What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)

  • What river does London stand on? (the Thames)

  • What parts does London consist of? (the City, the East End, the West End, the Westminster)

  • Who is the head of the state? (the king or the queen)

  • What is Great Britain washed by? (the Atlantic ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Irish Sea)

  • What is the currency of Great Britain? (the pound)

  • How is the flag of Great Britain named? (the Union Jack)

  • What houses does the Parliament of Great Britain consist of? (the House of Lords and the House of Commons)

  • What is the official London residence of Royal Family? (the Buckingham Palace)

  • Who is the monarch of Great Britain today? (the king Charles III)

  • Who wrote “King Lear”, “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”? (William Shakespeare)

Well done! Let’s have a look at London, the capital city. What do you know about it? I propose you to watch a video. Do it attentively as after all you will have a task. (видео “Windows on Britain”). Ok. You can see on the screen 12 numbers that mean 12 questions. Your task is to choose any question and answer it. We’ll do this task by chain. For the right answer you’ll get 1 point. Is it clear?

  • How many bridges are there over the Thames now? (29)

  • What transport can Londoners use while going around the city? (water buses, red buses, black taxes and Tube)

  • What is the most famous store in Britain? (Harrods)

  • What’s a Covent Garden? (the shopping centre)

  • What parks are there in London? (Hyde, the Regent’s Park and St. James’s Park)

  • Continue the words of the English writer Dr. Johnson: “If you are tired of London, …” (you are tired of life)

  • When did the Romans build the first bridge over the Thames? (about 43 A.D.)

  • What’s the population of London? (7 mln)

  • What can tourists see in London? (churches, palaces, towers, cathedrals, museums, galleries)

  • What is the most famous museum of wax figures in London? (Madam Tussaud’s)

  • Where can one see street musicians and entertainers in London? (in Covent Garden)

  • Where do Londoners usually go at night? (restaurants, discos, clubs, pubs)

Traveling abroad our attention is always attracted by various and beautiful places of interest. There are a lot of them in G.B. And now we will see how you know them. Listen to the description and then name the sight. You’ll get 2 points for the right answer.


1) It’s the greatest of the English churches. It was rebuilt by architect sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire in London. It took him 35 years to build it. What’s this? (St. Paul’s Cathedral)

2) This is one of the most ancient buildings of London. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. For many centuries it has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and a royal treasury. It is now a museum of arms and armour, – and, as one of the strongest fortresses in Britain, it has the Crown Jewels. What’s this? (Tower of London)

3) Today this is the official residence of the British Monarchy. The Queen receives there a large number of formal and informal visitors. The state banquet for about 170 guests is always held here. What’s this? (Buckingham Palace)

4) This was made to commemorate the victory of the British nation over Napoleon. The British fleet was headed by Admiral Nelson who was killed in this sea battle. The Nelson Column was erected in the centre of this place. What place is it? (Trafalgar Square)

5) This is famous for its architecture and historical value. Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Kipling, Shakespeare, Byron and Scott were buried here. Almost all kings were crowned here. What’s this? (Westminster Abbey)

6) This was built across the Thames in 1894. It was designed so that it could be used equally by road traffic and by ships going up the river Thames. What’s this? (Tower Bridge)

7) An official title for this sight is the Palace of Westminster. The Palace of Westminster includes the House of Lords, the House of Commons, Westminster Hall, the Clock Tower, the Victoria Tower, various committee rooms, residences, officers, etc. The Queen enters it only on the day of the opening of Parliament at the beginning of the session. What’s this? (the Houses of Parliament)

8) It weighs thirteen and a half tons. It was named after its constructor Sir Benjamin Hall. A light above it shows that the Parliament is sitting at night. It is located on the famous 320 foot Clock Tower in the Houses of Parliament. It always strikes at twelve. What’s this? (Big Ben)

9) It is one of London's greatest museums. There is a huge collection of animals and plants, including a blue whale and the famous dinosaur skeletons. What’s this? (The Natural History Museum)

10) This place is known all over the world as it keeps the huge collection of artifacts gathered from different countries. Here people can get to know about the history of human’s culture from the very beginning to the present days. You can see granite pharaohs and statue from the island of Easter. What’s this? (The British Museum)

Excellent! The next contest will be for captains. It is “True or False” contest. You should agree or disagree with the statement. If it is false you must correct it. You will get 1 point for the right answer. So, you will go first.

  • This single is the anthem of GB (- it’s American anthem)

  • The Westminster is the historical centre of London. (+)

  • The House of Lords is a hereditary chamber. (+)

  • Big Ben is the name of the clock tower (- it’s the name of the bell)

  • The official residence of the Queen is the Queen’s House in Greenwich (-it’s the Buckingham Palace)

  • This single is the anthem of GB (- it’s Canadian anthem)

  • The Mississippi is the longest river in the UK. (- it’s the Thames)

  • The highest point of the British Isles is Ben. Nevis (+)

  • There are about 800 small islands around Great Britain. (+)

  • This single is the anthem of GB (+)

  • The Queen has the absolute power in the country. (- it’s limited by the Parliament)

  • 10 Downing Street is the address of the British Prime Minister. (+)

  • Today people can see the public baths in Britain which were built by the Romans 2000 years ago (+)

  • The London Eye attracts more visitors per year than Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids (+)

Perfectly! Let’s come down the following contest – “Famous People”. You can see the pictures of well-known persons. You should write the names of that people who were born in Great Britain. You will get 1 point for each right answer.

(фоновая музыка)

Now give your papers to jury. And let’s together name all these people.

Елизавета II, Ленин, Арнольд Шварценегер, Уинстон Черчилль, Пол Макартни, Дональд Трамп, Джеки Чан, Ленокс Льюис, Адольф Гитлер, Владимир Путин, Тарас Шевченко, Диана Спенсер, Анжелина Джоли, Юрий Гагарин, Фредди Меркури, принц Чарльз, Карл Маркс, Мерлин Монро, Чарли Чаплин, Джейсон Стэйтем, Майкл Тайсон, Леонардо Ди Каприо, Уильям Шекспир

Splendid! We got to the contest “Make up words”. You should make up as many words as you can from the letters of the name of the country “United Kingdom”. You may also use “a star” that is one additional letter of the alphabet. For example: “cut”. You will get 1 point for each correctly written word.

And while the teams are working and the jury are counting the points we may relax and watch the video. (видео “London tourism”)

So the jury is ready to announce the results of the game. (Слово жюри)

I hope that you had a good time. Thank you very much for your activity. And of course you’ll get good marks.

Бланк для жюри







Представление команд.



Quiz “Are you sure that you know Great Britain well?”



Game “Look at London”



Quiz “Sights of London”



Конкурс капитанов

“True or False”



Contest “Famous People”



Contest “Make up Words”



Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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