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My Favourite Season- Winter.

My Favourite Season- Winter. Полезная информация


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My Favourite Season- Winter

When December is approaching there is a breath of winter in the autumn air. It is getting colder day by day. The cold makes the hands cold and stiff. People put on warm clothes.

And then suddenly soft, white snowflakes are falling thick and fast covering the ground and roofs. When the branches of the fir trees and pines are covered with snow they look beautifully. The snow lies thick upon the ground and birds hop about looking for food.

Winter is a jolly time for children. They make snowmen and play snowballs. When the weather is fine children and grown-ups go skiing, skating or sliding down the snow covered hills.

It is also a season of loud celebrations, as there are many holidays during winter days. We celebrate Christmas and New Year and these are my favourite holidays of the year. As you see there are many reasons for me to like this season.

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