Н.Алшынов атындағы Жалаулы орта мектебі.
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 2 сыныпқа арналған «My English» тақырыбы бойынша
сыныптан тыс жұмыс жоспары.
Мұғалім: Ахметова Г.Ш.
2016-2017 оқу жылы
Күні: 29.03.2017
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың ағылшын тілі пәніне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайту және лексико – грамматикалық білімдерін дамыту.
- Good morning dear guests, teachers, children and my colleges.
- How are you? I am very glad to see you!! Welcome to my week – party. Today I started holding at school which is called " English week - party" Today my first day. We shall a wonderful time together. Our today ' s lesson is going to continue and revise our previous lesson. But todays we have an unusual lesson, i.e competition lesson. And also we have groups, who will be competing with each other.
The 1 st groups is 3 – class. And second group is 4 – class. Please come up.
Ist level.
The 1 st part of our competition is introduction of groups ( өз топтарын таныстыру)
Let's begin our first level.
Good luck!!!!
Our 1st level is called « Кім көп біледі?» Look at the blackboard, you can see posters with fruits. You should say this fruits in 3 languages. Kazakh, Russian and English.
Мысалы: алма, яблоко,apple.
This level is over……….
2nd level.
Our 2 nd level is called « stupid words» Адасып кеткен әріптер. Орындары ауысқан әріптерді орнына қою керек.
Plpea, raep, ernago, sgepar, mloen, tpairo, mloen, nanba.
This level is over……….
3rd level.
Our last level is fill in the gaps.
A_p_e p_a_ f_u_t v_g_t_b_e_ o_a_g_s l_m_n
Dear children our competition comes to the end I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
The English language very useful. Today is winner group is __________________ .
Thank you for your attention.
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 5 – 6 сыныпқа арналған сыныптан тыс мерекелік іс – шара.
Күні: 04.12.2012
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту, және топтық және жекелей жұмыс істей білуге дағдыландыру.
- Good morning smiling faces!!!
- How are you?
- -Dear guests, teachers and friends !!!I am very glad to see you at our competition. Today is our 2nd day.Today is Tuesday, December 04, 2012.
- We are welcome……………
- For the first I want to wish success!!
- Good luck for you!!
- Today we have a 2 groups. The 1st group is 5th class and 2nd group is 6 class.
- You should to appoint captains.
- Let's start our competition.
- 1st level: Say in English.
We should say and write this time.
2 st level: What colour is it?
3rd level: Question for you
1)How many days of the week?
2) How many months?
3)How many seasons?
4)What day after Monday?
5)What day after Sunday?
What day before Tuesday?
7)What day before Saturday?
8)What day after Thursday?
9)What day before Friday?
10)What day after Friday?
4th level: Choose the correct form.
Дүйсенбі Thursday
Суйсенбі Friday
Сәрсенбі Monday
Бейсенбі Tuesday
Жұма Saturday
Сенбі Sunday
Жексенбі Wedneasday
5th level: Look at the pictures and say what are you doing?
Dear children, we have come to the end of our lesson.
Let's see our results .The juries give the results of the competition. And names the winner group.
I think you have enjoyed the lesson!!Good bye… L wish you success and luck!
See you later!!!!
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 7 – 8 сыныпқа арналған сыныптан тыс мерекелік іс – шара.
Күні: 05.12.2012
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту, және топтық және жекелей жұмыс істей білуге дағдыландыру.
- Good morning smiling faces!!!
- How are you?
- -Dear guests, teachers and friends !!!I am very glad to see you at our competition. Today is our 2ndday.Today is Tuesday, December 04, 2012.
- We are welcome……………
- For the first I want to wish success!!
- Good luck for you!!
- Today we have a 2 groups. The 1st group is 5th class and 2nd group is 6 class.
- You should to appoint captains.
- Let's start our competition.
- 1st level: Say in English.
I. Warm-up activity.
a) Greeting.
b) Phonetic drill.
II. Follow-up activity.
1. Checking-up homework.
2. Repetition of the names of animals.
Task 1. Name this animals.
Task 2. Association.
Task 3. Complete the words with the missing letters.
Task 4. Secret envelopes.
Task 5. Match the words with the picture.
3. Work with the sayings.
4. Speaking. Work with diagrams.
5. Vocabulary work.
6. Reading for information.
I. Warm-up. Today we have an unusual lesson. We`ll talk about wild and domestic animals. First of all answer my questions please:
12. What is the difference between wild and domestic animals?
2. What animals do people like to keep as pets?
I. Warm-up activity. Greeting. Good morning everybody!
How are you?
What day, date is it today?
Everybody is here?
Phonetic drill: Repeat after me:
One, one, one
Little dogs run
Two, two, two
Cats see you
Three, three, three
Birds are in the tree
Four, four, four
Rats on the floor.
II. Follow-up activity.
I`ll give you bnew words to learn by heart. Let`s check them.
OK, come to the blackboard, Indira take three cards in this box, and say it in English.
I wrote them in Kazakh and you must translate it in English. OK, begin.
Үй жұмысын тексеру үшін сіздерге фзнайы тапсырма істедім№ Әрбір карточкада бір жануардың аты қазақша жазылған, сендердің мақсаттарын оларды ағылшынша дұрыс аударып айту№
Мысалы; мысық- a cat.
2. Repetition of the names of animals.
I`ll divide you into two groups.
Your name is EAGLE. And your name is TIGER..
One group say this animal, the second group second picture, and so on, by turn.
Кезекпен әрбір топ жануардың атын атайды. Бірінші EAGLE тобы бастайды, Let`s begin.
Task 1. Name this animals. What is it?
Task 2. Association. Pupil must write the word in the boxes. Оқушылар жануарлардың аттарын жазу керек,
Task 3. Complete the words with the missing letters.
Eleph…nt (a)
Rab…it (b)
Hor…e (s)
Task 4. Secret envelopes.
Guessing animals. I`ll read the definition and you must guess what animal it is.
Task 5. Match the words with the picture.
III. Round-off activity.
Conclusion. Today you worked very active. You are very good pupils.
The lesson is over. Good bye.
My English
Күні: 29.03.2017
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, ағылшын тілін оқуға қызығушылықтарын арттыру, сөз қорын байыту, дамыту.
- Good morning smiling faces!!!!
-How are you?
- I am very glad to see you....
- You are welcome to my week party at English!!
Today we have 2 groups, wich are competing with each other!!
First group is the 4th class and second 4class. Please only 5 pupil come.
Todays our competition is called " Who is the chempion?'
At the first you should named your groups and to draw emblems.And choose captain.
1st level:
I ask the question and you should answer to them.
1. Translate into Kazakh " May I go out?" ( шығуға рұқсат па?)
2. What month is it now?(it is December)
3. Ағылшын тіліндегі болымсыз түр (not )
4.Ағылшын тілінде қанша дауыссыз дыбыс бар?(20)
5.Translate into Kazakh " school subject" (мектеп пәні)
6.What day of the week today?(Today is Thursday)
7. The 17th letter an English alphabet?(Q)
8.Қазақ тіліндегі осы шақ ағылшынша қалай аталады?(Present simple)
9.Cағат 4.40 дегенді ағылшынша қалай айтады?( It is twenty minut for five)
10"The" артикілі бұл не?(Бұл, осы деген мағынаны береді)
So the questoins for the second groups.
1.Ағылшын тілінде қанша дыбыс бар?(33)
2."Шығып келуге бола ма"?(May I go out?)
3.Ағылшын тілінде қанша әріп бар?(26)
4.Who invented the first telephone?( Alexander Bell)
5.Translate into Kazakh "Happy"(Бақыт)
6.Сағат 5.5 кетті дегенді қалай айтады?( It is 5 minute past 5)
7. Who is the president of Kazakhstan?( Nazarbaev)
8.When do celebrate the New year?(on 31 st of December)
9.Ішке кіруге рұқсат па ағылшынша қалай? ( May I come in?)
10. Who was in the main part in the film "Terminator?'(Arnold Schwarzenegger)
This level is over!!!!
2nd level:
Everybody look at the blackboard. You can see a posters and you should write.
Fruits Drinks Vegetables
3rd level:
There is the words and we should devide this words into 2 column.
Countable and uncountable nouns.
cars, water, air,bottles, apples, bread, tea, dollors, sugar, salt,egg, toys, milk,book, pen.
4th level:
Schoolchildren you should make words to them. ( he, she, side,shoe, son, nose, ill, red, doll,line, child,school)
5th level:
Give the anyonyms
long - short
good - bad
new - old
big - small
tall- short
clean – dirty
Dear children, we have come to the end of our lesson.
Let's see our results .The juries give the results of the competition. And names the winner group.
I think you have enjoyed the lesson!! Good bye… I wish you success and luck!
See you later!!!! Our competition is over!!!! Good bye!!!!