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Модульный тест №8 к учебнику Spotlight 7

Проверочная работа позволяет провести контроль усвоенных знаний по Модулю №8 учебника Spotlight.

Содержимое разработки



  1. Fill in the correct word.

fumes rain pollution rubbish recycle trees clean out

1. toxic............................................... 4 plant..............................

2 ........................... newspapers and cans 5 acid...............................

3............................................ a pond 6 collect............................

7 air, water and soil ........

B. Underline the correct item.

8. Governments have been trying to reduce/ emit pollution in the air.

9. Toxic fumes play a huge role/cycle in the formation of acid rain.

10. Oxygen/Solar power can be used to heat homes.

11. I can’t make up/out what it says here.

12. Can I volunteer/join an environmental organisation?

C. Phrasal verb MAKE. Fill in the correct word UP, UP WITH, OUT.

13. I’ve just ………….. a story.

14. I can't ………… the meaning of this poem.

15. He……….his sister yesterday.


D. What does/doesn’t Tom have to do today?

Call Rachel. DONE = Tom doesn’t have to call Rachel.

16.Clean out a pond with Dad today. =__________________

17. Finish school project on the environment with Jackie. =__________________

18. Apply to volunteer at the zoo next week. =__________________

19. Collect newspapers today. DONE =__________________

E. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

20. I ............................................. money to environmental organisations for the last five years. (donate)

21. I .............................................. at the zoo for a year already! (volunteer)

22. It ................................................. for two hours and it won’t stop! (rain)

23. The students........................................ to reduce pollution. (try)

24. We ................................... hard to raise awareness of environmental problems. (work)

25. Acid rain .................................. natural habitats for years. (destroy)

F. Fill in the question tag.

26. John already went to the pond, ...............?

27. Ben has called his dad, .........................?

28. Some species of tiger are endangered, ......................?

29. Camels live in the desert, ......................?

30. John didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, ......................?

31. We’re late, …?

G. Reading. Read the text at page 81 in the Student’s book and find the words:

  1. ландшафт 2. редкий 3.далекий, дальний

4.утесы, холмы 5.морские птицы 6.уникальные

7.пещеры 8. колокольчики

1___ ___________

2___ ___________

3___ ___________

4___ ___________

5___ ___________

6___ ___________

7___ ___________

8___ ___________

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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