Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы по теме «Внутренние органы» для студентов специальности 36.02.01 Ветеринария ОГБПОУ «Жадовский сельскохозяйственный техникум»
Задание 1. Запомните следующие слова и выражения:
internal organs [in'tə:nl 'o:gənz] – внутренние органы
sense organs ['sens 'o:gənz] – органы чувств
a brain ['brein] - головной мозг
a spinal cord ['spainl 'ko:d] , a spinal marrow ['spainl 'mærəu] – спинной мозг
a marrow ['mærəu] – костный мозг
organs of digestion ['o:gənz ov di ʤestʃən] – органы пищеварения
the reproduktive system ['ri:prə'dΛktiv 'sistim] – система размножения
reproductional organs ['ri:prə'dΛkʃən 'o:gənz] – органы размножения
an ovary ['ouveri] - яичник
organs of blood circulation ['o:gənz ov blΛd 'sə:kju'leiʃən] – органы кровообращения
to have a fine sense of smell – иметь тонкое обоняние
an ear [iə] , hearing ['hiəriŋ] – слух
a gullet ['gΛlit] – пищевод, глотка
a stomach ['stΛmək] – желудок, живот
a rumen ['ru:mən] – рубец (1- й отдел кишечника)
a reticulum [ri'tikjuləm] – сетка (2- й отдел кишечника)
an omasum [ə'meizəm] – книжка (3- й отдел кишечника)
an abomasum [eibə'meizəm] – сычуг (4- й отдел кишечника)
a pylorus [pai'ləurəz] – пилорус, привратник желудка
pyloric [pai'ləurik] - пилорический
an intestine [in'testin], a gut [gΛt] – кишка
intestines (pl.) [in'testinz], bowels (pl.) ['bauəlz] – кишечник, кишки, внутренности
a lean [li:n], a meagre ['mi:gə] – тощая кишка
a large intestine [ladʤ in'testin] - толстая кишка
a colon ['koulən] - ободочная кишка
a caecum ['si:kəm] – слепая кишка
a rectum ['rektəm] – прямая кишка
a duodenum ['djuə'dənəm] – двенадцатипёрстная кишка
a circulatory system ['sə:kju'leitəri 'sistim] – кровеносная система
a heart [hα:t] – сердце
blood – vessels ['blΛd - 'veslz] - кровеносные сосуды
a vein [vein] – вена
an artery ['α:təri] – артерия
a capillary [kə'piləri] – капилляр
a liver ['livə] – печень
a spleen [spli:n] – селезёнка
a lung [lΛŋ] – лёгкое
an urino – genital system ['juərinə - ' ʤenitl 'sistim] – моче – половая система
an urinary vladder ['juərinəri 'blædə]- мочевой пузырь
an ureter [ju'ritə] – мочеточник
a kidny ['kidni] – почка
the endocrine system ['endou'krain 'sistim] – эндокринная система
the integumentary system [in'tegju'mentri 'sistim] – система наружного покрова
the organs involved ['o:gənz in'voulvəd] ... - органы, входящие …(в систему …)
a disease [di'zi:z] – заболевание
to fall ill (with) [fo:l il] – заболеть
to be taken ill (with) [bi: 'teikən il] – заболеть
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу:
№ | Орган | Составные части органа (системы органов) |
1. | The stomach |
2. | The genitourinary system |
3. | The small section of intestines |
4. | The large section of intestines |
5. | The digestive system |
6. | The chest consists of |
7. | The circulatory organs |
8. | Hematopoietic organs |
1. The brain is in the skull. 2. The spinal cord is located in the spinal column.
3. Food comes through the esophagus into the stomach. 4. The stomach is in the abdominal cavity. 5. The stomach digests the food. 6. The stomach consists of rumen, reticulum, omasum and true stomach - the abomasum. 7. The food is digested in the stomach and comes into the intestines. 8. The intestines consists of thin and thick sections. 9. The small section of intestines consists of the duodenum, jejunum (lean) and ileum.
10. The large section of intestine consists of the colon, cecum( blind gut) and rectum. 11. Digestive system consists of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestines. 12. Nutrients are absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream. 13. Animals, like humans, breathe with the lungs. 14. There are the left and the right lungs. 15. Lungs are in the breast cavity of the chest. 16. The chest is formed by the pectoral (breast) ribs and breast boun. 17. The organs of blood circulation are the heart and blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries. 18. Aorta passes under the spine. 19. The circulatory system delivers nutrients and oxygen to various organs throughout the body.
20. The blood-forming (hematopoietic) organs are the liver, spleen and red bone marrow. 21. The liver is under the right ribs. 22. The liver cleanes (filters) the blood. 23. The spleen is located next to the stomach from the left side in the abdominal cavity. 24. The spleen function is to perform the blood vessels. 25. The kidneys are under the lumbar vertebraes. 26. The kidneys excrete harmful substances. 27. Urino-genital system consists of the kidneys, urinary bladder and ureters.
28. Harmful substances are excreted in the urine. 29. Thevet examines urine of the animal to determine the chemical composition and the presence of protein and sugar in blood. 30. The urinary bladder is on the pubic bones. 31. In the urinary bladder collects urine. 32. All animals have a keen hearing and a fine smell. 33. The internal organs of animals need to be healthy.
34. A veterinary must treat all diseases in time.
Задание 3. Установите соответствие между внутренними органами (или системой органов) и их функцией в организме: 1 - …, 2 - …, 3 - …, 4 - …, 5 - …, 6 - … .
№ | Орган |
| Функция органа (системы органов) в организме |
1. | the stomach | a) | collects urine |
2. | the circulatory system | b) | remove harmful substances from the body |
3. | the liver | c) | digests food |
4. | the spleen | d) | delivers nutrients and oxygen to various organs |
5. | the kidneys | e) | cleanses the blood |
6. | the bladder | f) | acts as a reservoir of blood |
Задание 4. Прочитайте текст «Organ systems» и выпишите ответы на вопросы:
1) How many organ systems are commonly recognized in animals?
2) What organ system plays a role in regulating body tempe
3) What organ system provides the body with the means to get rid of metabolic waste?
4) By what principle are organs grouped into an organ system?
5) What organ system provides the supporting base for the body?
6) With what system does the body respond to nerve impulses?
Organ systems
As the various tissues in the plant and animal body differentiate, they become associated with each other to form organs that carry out particular functions. Organs which are related by function are grouped into organ systems. It is the coordinated functioning of all organ systems that enables an individual organism to maintain itself in its environment and to reproduce.
Although organs and organ systems exist in all multicellular forms, this level of differentiation is probably better illustrated in animals than in plants. The association of organs with each other to carry out particular functions results in organ systems. Ten such systems are commonly recognized in animals.
The digestive system is composed of such organs as the esophagus, stomach. small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, and liver. All of these organs function together. primarily through the action of digestive enzymes, to break down food particles into molecules that are small enough to be absorbed into the blood stream.
The circulatory system is composed of the heart, the blood vessels, blood, the lymphatic vessels, and lymph. This system transports materials from one part of the body to another. The circulatory system also transports hormones and has a role in the regulation of body temperature and in protecting the body against disease.
The respiratory system is composed of the lungs and the related air passages (the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the trachea, and the bronchial tubes). The function of this system is twofold. l) to supply all of the cells within the body with the oxygen they need to carry on respiration, and 2) to remove the carbon dioxide and some of the water that is a waste product of respiration. In some animals, other organs of respiration have eyolved. For example, fish possess gills, insects have a series of tubules through which air flows, and a number of organisms, particularly the more primitive ones, carry on an oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange through the body surface.
The excretory system provides the body with a means of ridding itself of metabolic waste materials. The primary excretory organs are the kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver.
The skeletal system is composed of varying amounts of bone and cartilage, depending upon the group of animals in question. The skeletal system provides a supporting framework for the body, a system of joints, and places of attachment for skeletal muscles. In the vertebrates, this system also serves to protect such organs as the brain, the spinal cord, and the organs contained within the rib cage. The marrow tissue within the cavities of long bones and ribs is the source of red blood cells and certain kinds of white blood cells.
The muscular system involves all of the muscle tissues within the body. The contraction of these tissues, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a response to a nerve impulse.
The nervous system is composed of the brain, the spinal cord, all the peripheral nerves, and the sensory parts of those organs concerned with receiving stimuli from the external or internal environment. Not only does the nervous systim receive the stimuli and conduct the nerve impulses that cause an organism to respond, but it also integrates and coordinates the various body parts in accordance with the information received in the form of stimuli. In higher animals, this system permits the processes, which we term intelligence - thought, reasoning, and memory.
The reproductive system has as its sole function the perpetuation of the species through the production of new organisms. The organs involved include the gonads (the testes and ovaries) with their various associated ducts and glands. The asexual methods of reproduction characteristic of primitive forms do not involve reproductive organs.
The endocrine system consists of the ductless glands, the glahds which produce chemical regulators called homones. Hormones are highly specifik in their effects. The thyroid pituitary, and adrenal glands are examples of organs which compose this system.
The integumenentary system is composed of the skin and the specialized structures, such as hair, scales, feathers and nails, which develop from it. Although the primary purpose of this system is protection, such functions as respiration, excretion, the reception of stimuli, and the production of cecretions are also sometimes carried out by the integument. The body of the multicellular plant is differentiated, although not as extensively as in animals, into organs and organ system (roots, stems, and leaves).
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст «The ruminant stomach» и выпишите из текста эквиваленты фразам: 1) травоядные животные 2) волокнистая пища 3) простые желудки 4) размер рубца 5) сеточно-книжное отверстие 6) многочисленные складки или пластинки 7) ороговевший эпителий 8) слизистая оболочка
The ruminant stomach
In herbivorous animals it is essential that the alimentary canal has somewhere in course a roomy compartment where the bulky, fibrous food can be delayed in its passage through the canal and undergo soaking and fermentation. This requirement in animals with simple stomaches is fulfilled in the cecum and colon. Synthesis in the alimentary canal is also developed in ruminants. These advantages are due mainly to the great size of the rumen.
The ruminant stomach, characterized anatomically by its great size and its division into several distinct compartments, is probably an evolutionary modification of the simple stomach.
The ruminant stomach is compound and consists of four compartments or divisions, designated as rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.
The relative size of the four compartments varies with the age of the animal. In the newborn calf the first three compartments are small. They develop as the animal grows and passes from a milk diet to one containing grain and roughage.
The rumen presents dorsal and ventral sacs, which freely communicate with each other through a large opening surrounded by muscular pillars. The anterior and posterior pillars are especially well developed and powerful. There is also a pair each of longitudinal, dorsal coronary and ventral coronary pillars. The rumen communicates freely with the reticulum over the ruminoreticular fold. From the cardia to the reticulo-omasal orifice extends the peculiar esopha-geal or reticular groove. In the ox it is 7 or 8 inches in length. The mucous membrane of the rumen is nonglandular and in most situations is covered with papillae, which are especially well developed in the ventral sac.
The reticulum lies against the diaphragm and liver. It is small and somewhat flask-shaped. It communicates with the rumen over the ruminoreticular fold and with the omasum through the comparatively small retico-omasal orifice. Its base is below the inlet and the outlet. The mucous membrane is nonglandular and is thrown into folds, so that it resembles a honeycomb.
The omasum is somewhat globe-shaped. It communicates with the reticulum through the reticulo-omasal orifice and with the abomasum through the large omaso-abomasal orifice. The sulcus omasi is a groove extending mainly downwardfrom the inlet to the outlet. The interior of the omasum presents numerous folds or laminae. They are attached to the wall of the organ except in the region of the sulcus. As regsrds length, the folds can be grouped into about five orders. The longest folds extend almost across the organ; the smallest are mere ridges; the others are of intervening lengths. The leaves have some muscular tissue in their structure and are studded with numerous papillae covered with cornified epithelium. Certain ruminants have no omasum; that of the sheep and goat is not well developed.
The abomasum is the glandular compartment of the ruminant stomach. It communicates with the omasum and, through the pylorus, with the duodenum. It is divided by a construction into two portions, the fundic and pyloric regions. Fundic and pyloric glands, respectively, are found in these parts. The mucous membrane of the former region is thrown into about 12 large spiral folds. The mucous membrane of the pyloric region is similar in appearance to that of the pyloric region of other animals.
Лексический минимум к тексту:
ruminant [ 'ru:minənt] – жвачное животное
stomach ['stΛmək] – желудок
herbivorous [hə:'bivərəs] – травоядный
alimentary canal [,æli'mentəri kə'næl] – пищеварительный тракт
bulky, fibrous food [bΛlki 'faibrəs 'fu:d] – объёмная, волокнистая еда
fermentation – ['femin'teiʃ(ə)n] - брожение
colon ['koulən] – ободочная кишка
rumen ['ru:mən] – рубец (1-й отдел желудка жвачных)
reticulum [ri'tikjuləm] – сетка (2-й отдел желудка жвачных)
omasum [ə'meizəm] – книжка (3-й отдел желудка жвачных)
abomasum ['eibə'meizəm] – сычуг (4-й отдел желудка жвачных)
roughage ['rΛfiʤ] – грубый корм
longitudinal ['lonʤi'tju:dnəl ] – продольный
fold – складка
orific ['orifis] – отверстие
esophageal [i,souθə'ʤi:əl] – относящийся к пищеводу
groove ['gru:v] – жёлоб
nonglandular [ non'glændjulə] – не имеющий желёз
papillae [pə'pilə] – сосочки. папиллы
laminae ['læmini] – тонкие пластинки
muscular tissue ['mΛskjulə 'tisju: ; 'mΛskjulə 'ti sju:] – мышечная ткань
comified epithelium [ 'komfaid 'epi'θi:liəm] – ороговевший эпителий
glandular ['glændjulə] - – железистый
pylorus [pai'ləurəz] – пилорус, привратник желудка
duodenum [djuə'di:nəm] – двенадцатипёрстная кишка
a construction [kən'strΛkʃ(ə)n] – перехват, перетяжка (мед.)
fundic ['fΛndik] – фундальный, относящийся ко дну органа
pyloric [pai'ləurik] – пиларический, относящийся к привратнику желудка
Пояснения к тексту:
to a lessar extent – в меньшей мере
five orders – пять сортов, свойств
the former – первый
the latter – последний
it is essential that... – важно, что…
due to... – благодаря…
as regards – что касается
Задание 6. Выпишите из текста «The ruminant stomach» информацию:
Желудок жвачных животных сложный и состоит из четырех отделов или секций, обозначенных как рубец, сетка, книжка и сычуг.
Он взаимодействует с книжкой и, через привратник, с двенадцатипёрстной кишкой.