Грамматические диктанты на уроках английского языка
Большие возможности для обучения творческому письму имеют грамматические диктанты с экологическим компонентом. Покажу возможности применения в учебном процессе вида работы, известного под названием «диктоглосс» (dictogloss – восприятие на слух по специальному алгоритму) или грамматического диктанта. Данный вид учебно-методической работы направлен на активизацию учебной деятельности учащихся, развитие различных коммуникативных языковых компетенций. Грамматический диктант схож с традиционным диктантом и изложением, но имеет собственную специфическую целевую установку и процедуру проведения.
Перед проведением диктанта учитель вводит тему занятия и необходимый лексический материал, либо организует повторение грамматических форм и конструкций. На этом этапе возможно использовать любую технику и их совокупность: открытая дискуссия, мозговой штурм в подгруппах, проблемный диалог, предсказания темы занятия по картинкам, словам, схемам. Это помогает подготовиться к восприятию определенного вида информации, лексики и идейного замысла.
Затем учащимся предлагается короткий текст, читаемый с нормальной скоростью. Во время прослушивания они фиксируют в тетради услышанные знакомые слова, и по окончании диктанта каждый имеет лишь небольшой набор изолированных слов или фрагментов. Затем класс, предварительно поделенный на группы из 3-4 человек, получает задание воспроизвести цельную, осмысленную структуру услышанного текста в собственной версии. Каждая группа пишет вариант текста, обращая внимание прежде всего на грамматически правильную передачу его главного содержания, но ни в коем случае не пытаясь добиться точного воспроизводства оригинала. На завершающей стадии, подготовленные в группах варианты, подвергаются сравнительному анализу, и одновременно проводится работа над ошибками.
Учитель может сам подобрать нужный и интересный материал для работы. Приведу примеры грамматических диктантов из книги “Grammar dictation” автор R. Wajnryb.
Grammar dictation ‘Marco Polo’
Topic: Famous people, Travelling
Language points: Past simple tense. Prepositions: from, to, about.
Preparation: 1. You may want to bring a map of the world to class.
2.Familiarize yourself with Marco Polo's route in 1271 from Venice to China.
Warm-up: 1. Ask around the class to find out what your students know about Marco Polo.
2. Trace his journey on the world map.
3. Talk about the journey and get your students to suggest some of the difficulties he might have experienced, particularly at that point in history.
4. Brainstorm the subject of China.
Pre-text vocabulary: famous (adj) well known
to travel (v) to visit other countries
journey (n) trip
to tell (v) to report, inform
1. Marco Polo was a famous traveller. 2. In 1271 he travelled from his home city of Venice all the way to China and back again. 3. He wrote a book about his journey and it became very famous. 4. Marco Polo was the first person to tell the world about China.
Grammar dictation ‘Earthquake’
Topic: Natural disasters
Language points: Past simple tense. Simple sentence structure. Prepositional phrases
Warm-up: 1. Write on the blackboard: San Francisco-1989. Ask your students if any of them remember what happened at that time.
2.When they have focused on natural disasters, elicit and discuss other natural disasters around the world.
3. Elicit the students' views on causes.
Pre-text vocabulary: to search for (v) to look for (someone or something missing)
missing (adj) absent, someone whom people are looking for
rescuer (n) a person who tries to save someone in trouble
suffering (n) pain, unhappiness
destruction (n) damage, ruin
1. In 1989 there was an earthquake in San Francisco. 2. Many hundreds of people died in the disaster. 3. People searched the city for missing relatives and friends. 4. Rescuers worked without rest for many days. 5. There was a great deal of suffering and enormous destruction.
Grammar dictation ‘World English’
Topic: English, Language and communication
Language points: Present simple tense, Gerund
Preparation: It may be helpful to bring a map of the world to class for this activity.
Warm-up: 1. With the help of your students, identify on the world map the areas with the greatest concentration of English speakers (native and non-native).
2. Ask your students to guess the number of English speakers in the world. 'English' here should include all varieties and dialects of English; 'English speakers' should also include people who speak it as a second or foreign language.
3. When all the students have had a chance to guess, reveal that there are 320 million speakers of English as a first language and 390 million speakers of English as a second language. The student whose guess comes nearest to that figure is the 'winner’.
4. Next, raise the topic of English as an international language. Brainstorm around the class to see what areas of human activity your students think English is used for. If necessary, guide them towards those mentioned in the text (diplomacy, commerce, pop music, aviation, and sport).
Pre-text vocabulary:
diplomacy (n) political relations between governments
commerce (n) trade between countries
aviation (n) connected to planes and flying
1.Millions of people around the world speak English. 2.Some use it as their first language. 3.Others use it as their second or third language. 4. It is the world language for diplomacy, commerce, pop music, aviation, sport. 5. What’s your reason for learning it?
Grammar dictation ‘I’m Kate’
Topic: Self-identification
Language points: Present simple tense, Gerund after like
1. Ask the students to form pairs.
2. Then ask each pair to find out their partners' names, where they come from, how long they have been here, their age, and whether they like studying English.
3. The pairs can either record their responses on their slips of paper, or callout the information for you to put up on the board. This will help them to get the feel of the corporate history of the class.
Pre-text vocabulary:
single (adj) not married
to share (a house with) (v) to live with other people
1. I'm Kate and I come from Greece. 2. I've been in this country for three years and I really like being here. 3. I'm twenty years old and I'm single. 4. I share a house with two other girls. 5. I am a student and I really like learning English.
Grammar dictation ‘Passive smoking’
Topic: Health, Environment, Rights
Language points: Present perfect tense, Prepositions, Articles
Warm-up: 1. Tell your students that in this activity they will be discussing the subject of smoking.
2. Discuss their own attitudes to smoking in public.
Pre-text vocabulary:
to be aware (v) to know about
risk (n) danger
passive (adj) not active
non-smoker (n) a person who does not smoke
to ban (v) to prohibit
1.For a long time people have known about the dangers of smoking. 2. Recently they have become aware of the risk of passive smoking. 3. Passive smokers do not smoke but share their air space with smokers. 4. As a result Government Departments have banned smoking in the workplace.