От авторов.
Предлагаемый сборник для чтения предназначен для детей в возрасте10-11 лет и старше и не является учебником английского языка для какого-либо определенного класса. Для работы с данным пособием достаточно минимальное предварительное знакомство с языком. Данное пособие должно пробудить в детях желание изучать английский язык.
Сборник содержит тексты английских сказок и упражнения для развития навыков чтения. Последовательность предъявления заданий к текстам сказок соответствует дидактическому принципу: от простого к сложному. Сборник включает в себя ряд английских сказок и красочных иллюстраций и будет хорошим подарком для всех, кто любит английский язык. Автор надеется что данный сборник послужит полезным дополнением к той литературе, которая используется для изучения английского языка.
The gingerbread man.
Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She was very unhappy as she had no children. One day she cooked a gingerbread man. ‘I’ll go for a walk”, he said.
He met a cow in the field. The cow gave him some milk. “Come on. Come with me”, said the gingerbread man. They went to the river.
They met a dog and he played with them.
Then they saw a cat. The cat played with them too. They were very happy.
Then the gingerbread man took his friends home. The old woman was very happy. Now she had a gingerbread man, a cow, a dog and a cat.
New words:
the gingerbread man – имбирный мужичек;
once upon a time – жил-был когда-то;
a field – поле.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) about a boy b) about a girl c) about a gingerbread man
2. Read the text again. Match the parts of the sentences:
1. She was very unhappy… a) in a field
2. One day she cooked… b) took his friends home
3. He met a cow… c) as she had no children
4. They met a dog… d) and played with them
5. Then a gingerbread man… e) a gingerbread man
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) Once upon a time there lived an old man.
b) One day she cooked a gingerbread man.
c) He met a cow near the river.
d) The cow gave him some butter.
e) Then they saw the cat.
f) The gingerbread took his friends home.
4. Answer the question:
Why was the old woman very happy?
Pete and the fox
Once upon a time there lived a boy. His name was Pete. He lived on a farm with his mother, father, sister and brother.
There were many animals on the farm. Pete took care of chickens. He protected them against foxes, which ate the chickens.
One day Pete was bored and decided to have some fun. “Help! Help! Fox! Fox!” he cried. “The fox is going to eat the chickens!” Mother came to help. She did not see a fox. Pete laughed and said that it was a joke. Mother went back to her work.
But Pete yelled “Fox! Fox!” three more times. First father came to help. Then sister came to help. Finally brother came to help. Pete thought it was funny. His family did not think so.
Soon a fox came. Pete cried, “Fox! Fox!” But mother, father, sister and brother did not come to help. They thought it was a joke. The fox ate all the chickens. Pete was very sad. He decided, “I will never tell any more lies”
The moral of the story: If you tell lies, no one will believe you when you tell the truth.
New words:
Animals – животные;
To tell the truth – говорить правду.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What was the name of the boy?
a) Mike b) Pete c) Tom
2. Read the text again. Complete the sentences according to the text:
a) Pete lived on a farm with…..
b) Pete took care of …..
c) One day he was bored and decided to…..
d) Pete laughed and said that…..
e) But mother, father, sister and brother …..
f) The fox ate all the…..
3. Fill in the gaps according to the text:
a) There were many ……on the farm.
b) Pete protected them against…., which ate the chickens.
c) First…….came to help.
d) Then ……came to help.
e) Finally ….came to help.
4. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) There were four people in the family.
b) The boy protected cats against foxes.
c) Pete decided to have fun because he was bored.
d) The fox ate three chickens.
e) Pete was very sad.
5. Answer the question:
Why didn’t Pete’s family help Pete when he yelled “Fox! Fox!” the last time?
Together we are strong

Once upon a time a woman lived with her four sons: Sam, Jim, Pat and Dan. The woman’s son died many years ago. The sons always fought and argued. The woman told her sons not to fight. The sons did not listen to their mother. They continued to fight and argue.
One day the woman had an idea. She called her sons. She took four sticks and gave them to Sam. She told Sam to try to break the sticks. Sam was very strong, but he could not break the sticks. Next she gave the sticks to Jim. Jim could not break the sticks either. Next she gave the sticks to Pat, but he could not break the sticks either. Finally she gave the sticks to Jim. She told Dan to try to break the sticks. Dan tried very hard, but he could not break the stick either.
Next the woman gave one stick to Sam. She gave the second stick to Jim. She gave the third stick to Pat. She gave the last stick to Dan. She told them to try to break the sticks. It was easy for them to break the sticks.
The woman told her sons that they were like the sticks. Four sticks were stronger than one stick.
Four people were stronger than one person alone. The woman said, “Together we are strong”.
The moral of the story: Two or more people together have more strength than one person alone.
New words:
A stick – палочка;
To fight and argue – драться и спорить;
Strong – сильный.
1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) about animals b) about people c) about countries
2. Read the text again. Complete the sentences according to the text:
a) Once upon a time a woman lived with…..
b) The sons always …..
c) One day the woman…..
d) She took four sticks…..
e) She told Sam to try to …..
f) Sam was very strong but…..
3. Order the sentences:
a) Finally she told Dan to try to break the sticks.
b) She told Sam to try to break the sticks.
c) Next she gave the sticks to Pat.
d) Next she gave the sticks to Jim.
4. Choose the right answers to the questions:
1) How many sons did the woman have?
a) two b) three c) four
2) What did the woman tell her sons?
a) not to sleep b) not to dance c) not to fight
3) What did she give to her sons?
a) four balls b) four sticks c) four toys
4) What did she ask them to do with the sticks?
a) to break the sticks b) to throw the sticks c) to eat the sticks
5. Answer the question:
Why did the woman give the sticks to her sons?
The tiger and the fox
One day a fox met a tiger in the forest. The tiger rushed at the fox ready to tear him to pieces. But the fox was not frightened. He said to the tiger, “Don’t think you are the strongest animal in the forest. It is true that I am smaller than you, but people are less afraid of you than they are of me. I can prove it to you right now. Come with me to the road where the people pass by. I shall walk in front of you and you will see that they run away as soon as they see me. After that you can tear me to pieces.”
The tiger agreed and they went to the road.
Not long afterwards a group of travelers came along the road. As soon as they saw the Tiger walking behind the Fox they ran away terrified.
“Do you believe me now?” asked the fox. The silly Tiger was so frightened that he did not reply. He ran back into the forest. He really believed that the Fox was a terrible and a dangerous animal.
New words:
To rush – бросаться;
To pass by – проходить мимо;
Silly – глупый.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) about farm animals b) about wild animals
2. Read the text again. Complete the sentences according to the text:
1) One day a fox…..
2) The tiger rushed at the fox....
3) “It is true that I am smaller than you…..”
4) “Come with me to the road….”
5) The Tiger agreed and they…..
6) As soon as they saw the Tiger…..
7) He really believed that….
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) One day a fox met a lion in the forest.
b) The fox was not frightened.
c) “Don’t you think that you are the smallest animal in the forest?
d) Not long afterwards other animals came along the road.
e) The silly tiger was so frightened that he did not reply.
4. Answer the question:
Was the Fox clever or silly?
The Ant and the Dove
A little ant once fell into the water. “Oh, dear, I’m afraid I shall go down. Help! Help!” he cried.
A dove in the brunches of a tree heard the cry. “Keep swimming and I’ll help you,” called the Dove. Then she bit off a leaf and dropped it into water. The Ant climbed up onto it and was saved.
“You saved my life,” said the Ant. “I will never forget your kind deed.”
Soon afterwards a hunter came through the forest. He saw the Dove and said, “I’ll shoot that bird. She will taste very good in a hot stew.”
The little Ant heard the hunter. “Now I can help my friend the Dove,” he said to himself.
The hunter pointed his gun at the Dove and was just about to shoot when the Ant bit his heel.
The hunter dropped his gun. “Oh, my heel, my heel!” he cried.
The Dove, hearing the noise, flew away. When the hunter had left the forest, the Dove flew back to the little Ant and said, “You saved my life today, I thank you.”
New words:
A hunter – охотник;
A gun – ружье;
To save the life – спасти жизнь.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) the ant b) the bee c) the butterfly
2. Complete the sentences according to the text:
a) A dove in the brunches of a tree…..
b) The Ant climbed up onto it…..
c) Soon afterwards a hunter…..
c) The hunter pointed his gun….
d) When the hunter had left the forest…..
3. Choose the correct word:
a) A little ant/ dove fell into the water.
b) A dove/ an ant bit off a leaf and dropped it into water.
c) A boy/ a hunter came through the forest.
d) The ant/ the dove bit the hunter’s heel
e) The ant/ the dove flew away.
4. Order the sentences:
a) “You saved my life”, said the Ant.
b) The little ant heard the hunter.
c) The hunter dropped his gun.
d) A little ant once fell into the water.
e) The dove, hearing the noise, flew away.
f) A dove in the brunches of a tree heard the cry.
5. Answer the question:
Why did the Ant help The Dove?

The Hedgehog’s Pot
Hedgehog went to town and bought a nice big pot.
“It’s a lovely big pot,” hedgehog thought. “I shall cook my dinner in it every day.”
Hedgehog was very pleased with his pot. He looked at it from every side and he felt it with his little paw. He was so pleased that he curled up into a ball and rolled round and round the pot.
Soon the animals in the forest heard about the Hedgehog’s pot.
One morning Badger came to visit the Hedgehog.
“I hear you went to town and bought a wonderful new pot,” said Badger.
“That’s right said Hedgehog, and he showed the pot to Badger.
“Ah!” said Badger, “not bad at all, not bad at all. But it has got a handle on each side.”
“Is that bad?” asked Hedgehog. He was quite worried.
“Very bad,” said Badger, “very bad indeed. I have never seen a pot with two handles.”
Of course Badger didn’t say that he had never seen a pot before at all.
Then Stork came to see Hedgehog.
“I hear you went to town and bought a wonderful new pot,” said Stork. “May I have a look?”
“Of course, you can,” said Hedgehog politely and went to fetch it.
Stork looked at it and tapped it with her beak.
“Pity,” she said, “pity there is no bell on it.”
“A bell on a pot?” Hedgehog was amazed.
“Don’t you understand?” said the Stork. “A bell that rings when the food boils. What’s the use of a pot without a bell?”
And Stork went on her way. Poor Hedgehog was quite miserable.
A little later Hare cane by.
“Can I look at your pot, too?” asked Hare. “Everybody in the forest is talking about it.”
Hedgehog put the pot down in front of Hare.
“Oh, well,” said Hare. He took the lid off. “That’s odd,” he said. “Your pot is empty.”
And he hopped off into the forest.
Poor Hedgehog was so upset that he burst into tears. When he stopped crying he decided to cook some apples to console himself. He put the apples in the pot and put the pot on the fire. Soon his apples were cooked.
He tasted them once, he tasted them twice. And then he laughed for joy. He had never tasted such delicious stewed apples.
New words:
A hedgehog – ежик;
To console – утешать.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) the Hedgehog’s friends b) the Hedgehog’s pot c) the Hedgehog’s family
2. Read the text again. Complete the sentences according to the text:
a) Hedgehog went to town and…..
b) He was so pleased that he curled up…..
c) One morning Badger came….
d) Of course Badger didn’t say….
e) Stork looked at it and….
f) Poor Hedgehog was so upset that….
3. Order the sentences:
a) Then Stork came to see Hedgehog.
b) One morning Badger came to visit Hedgehog.
c) A little Hare came by.
d) Hedgehog was very pleased with his pot.
4. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) Hedgehog bought a nice big pot.
b) Soon the children heard about Hedgehog’s pot.
c) Badger said that he had never seen a pot before at all.
d) Hare looked at it and tapped it with her beak.
e) Poor Hedgehog was so upset that he burst into tears.
f) He put the bananas in the pot and put the pot on the fire.
5. Answer the questions:
a) Why didn’t the animals like the Hedgehog’s pot?
b) Was the Hedgehog happy? Why?
Reynard the Fox and the Stork
One day Reynard the Fox invited the Stork for dinner. But he did not want to give her any dinner, really. He only wanted to laugh at his friend.
There was meat for dinner. The fox served it in small pieces on a plate. The Stork tried to pick up the pieces with her long beak, but she could only pick up one or two. The fox soon ate all the meat. Reynard asked his hungry friend, “Well, Stork, what do you think of the dinner? I liked the meat very much, and you?”
The Stark – a very polite bird – thanked the Fox for his dinner and said, “Come to my place tomorrow, and let us have dinner together.”
But she did not want to give the Fox any dinner, really. She wanted to teach him a lesson.
Now the Stork also decided to have meat for dinner. She served it in small pieces in a jar with a very long, thin neck. The fox tried to eat out of the jar, but he could not. The Stork picked all the meat out of the jar with her long beak and the Fox looked at the meat with hungry eyes.
“Well,” said the Stork, “well, friend Reynard, and what do you think of my dinner? Did you have enough meat? I am afraid you did not like it, you took so little.”
New words:
A stork – аист;
To have dinner – обедать;
Hungry eyes – голодные глаза.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) about farm animals b) about wild animals
2. Read the text again. Match the parts of the sentences:
1) One day Reynard the Fox a) but she could only pick up one or two
2) He only wanted to laugh b) thanked the Fox for his dinner.
3) The Stork tried to pick up
the pieces with her long beak c) invited the Stork for dinner.
4) The Stork very polite bird d) to have meat for dinner.
5) Now the Stork also decided e) at his friend
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) The Fox did not want to give the Stork any dinner, really. He only wanted to laugh at his friend.
b) There were sausages for dinner.
c) The Stork wanted to give the Fox dinner.
d) The Fox tried to eat out of the jar, but he could not.
e) The Fox liked the Stork’s dinner.
8. Answer the question:
Why didn’t the Stork want to give the Fox dinner?
Why the Hawk carries off Chickens
Once the Sun said to the Hawk, “I need some money. Please give me some. I shall give it back to you very soon.”
The Hawk gave money to the Sun. A week passed, a month passed, but the Sun did not give back the money. At last the Hawk decided to go to the Sun and ask for his money. He went to the Sun when he was high up in the sky.
“Do you remember that you must give me back my money?” he said to the Sun.
The Sun answered “Yes, I do, but I am in the sky now, and the money is at home. Please come when I am at home, and I shall give the money back”
“All right,” said the Hawk.
He decided to go next morning. But the next morning he was too late: the Sun was already in the sky. The Hawk went to the Sun’s house another time, and again the Sun was not at home. He went many times, but never found the Sun at home.
One day, on his way to the Sun, the Hawk met his friend, the Cock.
“Why do you go to the Sun every day?” the Cock asked. “I gave him some money a long time ago, and I cannot get it back. The Sun says that when he is in the sky, he cannot go home to get the money. And I can never find him at home.”
“I can help you,” the Cock said. “You stay the night with me, I always get up earlier than the Sun does. I shall wake you up very early. Then you can run very quickly to the Sun and get your money.”
So the Hawk stayed the night with the Cock. In the morning the Cock woke him: “Cock-a-doodle-doo! Get up, Hawk! Run to the Sun! He is at home now. He is not in the sky yet.”
The Hawk got up, thanked the Cock and went to the Sun. The Sun was at home. He was sleeping.
“Good morning, Sun!” the Hawk said. “It is time for you to get up. And I am here to get my money.”
“Good morning,” the Sun said. “Who told you to come to me so early?” The Hawk did not answer. “If you want to get your money, you must tell me, who told you to come to me so early.”
And then the Hawk said, “It was the Hawk.”
The Sun was very angry. He said, “Now all the Cock’s children will be yours.” And from that day the Hawk began to carry off chickens.
New words:
A Hawk – сокол, ястреб;
To carry off – похищать, воровать.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) about animals b) about children c) about seasons
2. Read the text again. Fill in the gaps according to the text:
a) Once….. said to……., “I need some money. Please give me some”
b) A week passed, a month passed, but ……did not give back the money.
c) At last …..decided to go to …..and ask for his money.
d) He went to the Sun when he was high up …….
e) He went many times, but never found ……at home.
f) One day, on his way to the Sun, the Hawk met his friend, …..
g) ……..got up, thanked the Cock and went to…….
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) The Hawk gave money to the Sun.
b) He went to the Sun when he was sleeping.
c) But the next morning he was too late: the Sun was already in the sky.
d) The Cock wanted to help the Hawk.
e) So the Hawk stayed the night with the Sun.
f) The Sun was not very angry.
6. Choose the right answers to the questions:
1) Who gave money to the Sun?
a) the Hawk b) the Cock
2) Who wanted to help the Hawk?
a) the Sun b) the Cock
3) When did the Hawk stay with the Cock?
a) the night b) the day
4. Who told the Hawk to come to the Sun so early?
a) the Night b) the Day c) the Cock
8. Answer the question:
Why was the Sun very angry?
The Talkative Frog
Long, long ago there lived a frog in a pond with two ducks. They were very good friends. The Frog liked to talk very much, and she liked the Ducks, because she could talk with them.
So they lived there for a long time, and they were very happy.
But one summer it was very hot, so hot that the pond became dry. The two Ducks could not live there.
“Let’s fly to another pond,” said the Duck. They went to the Frog to say good-bye to her.
“Oh, I don’t want to live here alone!” cried the Frog. “Take me with you! I am afraid to stay here alone.”
“But you cannot fly,” said the Ducks. “How can we take you with us?”
“Take me with you! Take me with you!” cried the Frog. The Frog was so unhappy that at last the Ducks said, “All right, we’ll take you with us.”
Then they said, “You cannot fly, but we have an idea how to help you. We’ll take the ends of a big stick, and you must take the middle of the stick in your mouth. Then we’ll fly to another pond and carry you with us. But you must not talk. If you open your mouth, you are lost.”
“Oh, thank you very much, dear Ducks,” said the Frog. “Take me with you, I’ll not say a word.”
So the Ducks brought a big stick. Then they took the ends of the stick, and the Frog took the middle of the stick in her mouth, and the Ducks carried the Frog with them.
The Frog wanted to say, “How high we are!” But she thought, “I must not talk. If I open my mouth, I am lost.” So she did not say a word.
Then they came over a village, and the people looked up and saw them.
“Look at the Ducks! They are carrying a frog! How funny!” they cried.
And everyone ran out to look. The Frog wanted to say, “That’s not funny!” But she did not say a word.
Then people cried again, “How funny! Look at it! Look!”
The Frog got angry. She wanted to say. ”That’s not funny, you fools!” She opened her mouth – and fell to the ground. And that was the end of the frog.
New words:
Talkative – болтливый;
To fell to the ground – падать на землю.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
a) a Frog and two Ducks b) a Frog and three Ducks c) a Frog and four Ducks
2. Read the text again .Complete the sentences according to the text:
a) Long, long ago there lived…..
b) The Frog liked to talk very much, and she liked the Ducks…………..
c) They went to the Frog to……..
d) The Frog was so unhappy that at last the Ducks said ……..
e) Then they took the ends of the stick, and the Frog took …….
f) Then they came over a village……….
g) She opened her mouth –………
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
a) Long, long ago there lived a frog in a pond with three ducks.
b) But one summer it was very cold, so cold that the pond became dry.
c) The Ducks have an idea how to help the Frog.
d) So the Ducks brought a small stick.
e) And people ran out to look at the Ducks carrying a Frog.
f) She opened her mouth – and fell to the water.
4. Answer the question:
Is the end of the story happy or unhappy?
The Ant and the Elephant
An Ant met an elephant near a river in the forest. The Elephant said, “Good morning, little thing.”
“Little thing!” cried the Ant. “I am very strong. I am the strongest of all.”
“I am the strongest animal in the forest, said the Elephant.
“Well, come here tomorrow at the same time and we shall fight. Then we shall see which of us is stronger,” answered the little Ant.
“How can I fight with you? I can’t see you in the grass!” cried the Elephant.
“We shall pull a rope. And you will see that I am stronger than you,” said the Ant.
The Ant went to the river and said to a crocodile who lived there, “I have a good dinner for you, Crocodile. Come here tomorrow at the same time. I shall have a big hare tied to a rope for you.”
“That’s very good of you, Ant,” said the Crocodile. “Thank you very much.”
The next morning the Ant met the Elephant. And the Ant gave the Elephant the end of a long rope. “Tie this end of the rope to your leg,” said the Ant, “and I shall tie the other end to my leg. Then I shall say “Ready!” and you must begin to pull. Then we shall see which of us is stronger.”
The Elephant tied one end of the rope to his leg and the Ant ran off with the other end to the Crocodile. He tied the rope to the Crocodile’s neck and said, “And now pull!” And to the Elephant he cried, “Ready!”
The Crocodile began to pull, and the Elephant began to pull too. They pulled and pulled. “How strong the Ant is!” thought the Elephant and hr pulled again.
“How strong the Hare is!” thought the Crocodile and pulled again.
And they pulled and pulled. But the clever little Ant only laughed at the silly Elephant and the Crocodile, and went home.
New words:
To see in the grass – видеть в траве;
To pull a rope – тянуть веревку.

1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
2. Read the text again. Match the parts of the sentences:
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
4. Complete the sentences according to the text:
5. Order the sentences:
6. Choose the right answers to the questions:
7. Fill in the gaps according to the text:
8. Answer the question:
A cat and her strong friends
Once there lived a cat. She thought, “The lion is the strongest of all the animals. It is good to have strong friends. I shall go to the Lion and make friends with him”
She did so and the Lion and the Cat were friends for many, many days. Once they went for a walk together and met an elephant. The Lion began to fight with the Elephant, and the Elephant killed him. The Cat was very sorry. “What shall I do?” she thought. “The Elephant was stronger than the Lion. I shall go to the Elephant and make friends with him.”
She did so, and they were friends for many, many days.
Once they went for a walk and met a hunter. The Hunter shot at the Elephant and killed him. The Cat was sorry but she thought, “The man is stronger than the Elephant, I see.”
So she went to the Hunter and asked, “May I go with you?” “All right, let us go home together,” he said.
They came to the Man’s home. His wife met him and took his gun from him. The Cat saw that and thought: “Oh, the woman is the strongest of all. She can take the Hunter’s gun from him, and he does not fight with her; he does not even say a word!”
The man sat down at the table, and the Woman went to the kitchen. The Cat went to the kitchen, too. She decided to stay with the Woman forever.
New words:
To kill – убивать;
To stay forever – остаться навсегда.
That’s why you always see a cat in the kitchen at a woman’s feet.
1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
2. Read the text again. Match the parts of the sentences:
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
4. Complete the sentences according to the text:
5. Order the sentences:
6. Choose the right answers to the questions:
7. Fill in the gaps according to the text:
8. Answer the question:

How Stork changed his diet
One fine morning Stork was thinking, “Why do I always eat frogs? All the other animals in the forest eat different things.”
“Listen, friend,” Stork called out to Squirrel. “Tell me what do you think: why should I always eat frogs when there are so many nice things to eat in the forest?”
“I don’t know,” said Squirrel. “Why don’t you try nuts?”
“Good idea,” said Stork, “I shall eat nuts.”
So Stork started to break nuts with his beak. That night he went to bed very pleased with himself. The nuts didn’t taste nice, but they were different.
So all was well. But that night Stork dreamt of a nice juicy frog.
Next morning Stork met Hare.
“Little Hare, give me some good advice. I’m sick of eating frogs. What shall I eat?”
“Cabbage,” said Hare, “it has very tasty leaves.”
“Of course,” said Stork. “Funny I never thought of that. I shall eat cabbage.”
He fetched a big round cabbage and pecked at it a little. And in the evening Stork vent to bed very pleased with himself.
The cabbage didn’t taste nice, but they were different.
So all was well. But that night Stork dreamt of three nice juicy frogs.
Next morning Stork met Bear.
“Listen Bear, why do I always have to eat frogs?”
“Because you are silly”, said Bear. “You should try honey. Then you’ll know what real food tasted like.”
So Stork went off to find a beehive. He poked his beak in it and ate some honey.
Now I’m as good as all the other folks in the forest,” he said, very pleased with himself. “I eat everything they eat.”
But that night Stork dreamt of a whole colony of nice juicy frogs.
And when he woke up in the morning, Stork flew straight to the pond and ate lots and lots of frogs.
“Ah,” said Stork, “nuts and cabbage and honey are all very well. But a juicy frog or two makes a nice change”
New words:
A squirrel – белка;
Honey – мед.
1. Read the text and choose the right answer to the question:
What is the text about?
2. Read the text again. Match the parts of the sentences:
3. Say if the information is true or false (T/F)
4. Complete the sentences according to the text:
5. Order the sentences:
6. Choose the right answers to the questions:
7. Fill in the gaps according to the text:
8. Answer the question:
