Задание 1 - соотнести слово с его определением (контроль знания лексики)
Задание 2 - аудирование (соотнести выражение с говорящим))
Задание 3 - перевод предложений с русского на англ. (по теме Past Perfect Passive)
Задание 4 - заполнить пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом из списка (выражения со словом health)
Задание 5 - дать развернутый ответ на вопрос.
I variant
Task I. Match the words with their definitions.
o ma ke a fi lm, vid eo, or C D avai lable f or peo ple to2. X-ray b) endless and never changed;
ure o f t he b ones o r or gans in side som eone's4. fraud d) the cri
me of getting mo ney by dec eiving pe ople;5. perpetual e) a bo ok con taining instr uctions fo r do ing som ething, esp ecially f or ope rating a mach ine.
Task II. Listen to the people speaking about the role of the Internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements.
1. The speaker sees the danger of the Internet cutting people off from real life. –
2. The speaker uses the Internet for doing daily routine tasks. –
3. The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life, not on the Internet. –
4. The speaker believes that the Internet allows you to get your message across to many people. –
5. The speaker is fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from you. –
Task III. Translate the sentences into English, using Past Perfect Passive.
1. Тест был написан до того, как прозвенел звонок. –
2. К 7 часам утра исследование завершилось. –
3. Когда мы пришли в кинотеатр, фильм уже начался. –
4. Мне не сказали об изменении расписания.
Task IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or word combination:
maintain health damages his health health check regain health
1. If a person smokes a lot, it really …………………………………………. .
2. When you apply for a job, you have to have a …………………………… .
3. I always try to ……………………………………. by eating a lot of fresh fruits.
4. It is impossible to ………………………………. very quickly.
Task V. Answer the question (write no less than 5 sentences).
What is the most important and useful invention: a CD player, a telephone, a digital camera, a TV or a personal computer? Explain your choice.
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