Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс 3 четверть, вариант 1
1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.
1. I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t. 2. He _______ (live) in this street all his life. 3. His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday. 4. Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago. 5. He ________ (send) his letter yesterday.6. They ________ (just/ buy) some postcards.
2. Translate from Russian into English
1. Я сегодня собираюсь пойти в кино.
2. Большая проблема африканских стран — это болезни и голод.
3. Моя дядя и тетя путешествовали через Атлантический океан.
4. Люди плыли по реке.
5. Мальчик перепрыгнул через забор.
6. Он любит изучать заголовки газет.
3. Put will, might, be going to
1. The Olympic Games _____ in Wellington.
2. I _______ to try parachuting next year.
3. My team _______ win the match.
4. My parents _________to move to America.
5. It ______ be snowy there at Christmas.
6. We _______ see my cousin.
4. Match the global problems with the notes about them.
1. Pollution 5. Famine
2. Disease 6. Environment
3. Racism 7. Illiteracy
4.Immigration 8. Terrorism
a) The majority have come from African countries, looking for a better life.
b) If we don’t low CO2 emissions immediately, the environmental balance will be affected.
c) Millions of plants and animals have died and the water is poisoned.
d) When will people learn that we cannot treat people differently just because of the colour of their skin?
i) It’s a big problem because only one in five adults can read and write.
f) Airport controls are stricter after a series of bomb scares.
g) The Red Cross is bringing medicines to the suffering people.
h) While one section of the world wastes millions of kilos of food every year, people in the other countries are dying because they have nothing to
5. Reading My New School Is Fantastic
Rita Nelson is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to another town this summer.
“Let me tell you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly, but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school starts at 8.00 here, a whole hour before it did in that school. This morning I forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note into my record-book. I was really angry!
There are a lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they love sports here.
I joined gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.
Another important thing here is learning to do practical things. Their metal and wood shops are like small factories, and we are taught to drive as well. It’s fantastic. I had my first lesson in driving a tractor yesterday.”
True or false?
Rita doesn’t like her new school.
Today Rita came to school in time.
Student don’t love sports in the new school.
Many girls play football in the new school.
Rita likes to drive a tractor.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс 3 четверть, вариант 2
1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.
1. I (have, just) ______ a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup? 2. I (see, not) ______ Steve this morning yet. 3. Carol and I are old friends. I (know) ______ her since I (be) ______ a freshman in high school. 4. Maria (have) ______ a lot of problems since she (come) ______ to this country. 5. I (go) ______ to Paris in 2003 and 2006. 6. A car came round the corner and I (jump) ______ out of the way.
2. Translate from Russian into English
1. Идите по этой дороге через поле и через лес.
2. Он перешел дорогу и вошел в кафе.
3. Бедность и неграмотность – большая проблема Африканских стран.
4. Я и мои друзья часто играем в он-лайн игры.
5. Каждый день я слушаю прогноз погоды.
6. Для переписки со своими друзьями я использую мгновенные сообщения.
3. Put will, might, be going to
1. The Olympic Games _____ in Wellington.
2. I _______ to try parachuting next year.
3. My team _______ win the match.
4. My parents _________to move to America.
5. It ______ be snowy there at Christmas. 6. We _______ see my cousins.
4. Match the global problems with the notes about them.
1. Pollution 5. Famine
2. Disease 6. Environment
3. Racism 7. Illiteracy
4.Immigration 8. Terrorism
a) The majority have come from African countries, looking for a better life.
b) If we don’t low CO2 emissions immediately, the environmental balance will be affected.
c) Millions of plants and animals have died and the water is poisoned.
d) When will people learn that we cannot treat people differently just because of the colour of their skin?
i) It’s a big problem because only one in five adults can read and write.
f) Airport controls are stricter after a series of bomb scares.
g) The Red Cross is bringing medicines to the suffering people.
h) While one section of the world wastes millions of kilos of food every year, people in the other countries are dying because they have nothing to
5. Reading Mysterious Monster
At different times, thousands of people say that they have seen a large animal in the famous lake called Loch Ness in Scotland. For many centuries, people have tried to catch it. People who live there always talk about the mysterious animal in the lake, and many of them believe that it is still there today.
In 1933, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble, and a huge animal with two humps came out of it.
After that, scientists examined the lake with underwater equipment and tried to find out what kind of animal lived there. Of course, they haven’t found it yet, because the lake is so deep and so dark.
Tourists from all over the world have visited Loch Ness, they hope to see the monster. They have even given it a nickname “Nessie”. Many people even show photos of the monster, but they are usually photos of the pictures of the monster. Scientists suppose that the Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, which has survived since the Ice Age. Here is a description of the monster:
Length: About 50 metres. Body: With two humps.Half horse, half snake and quite small. Long and thin, like a giraffe. Yellow-brown.
People think that it eats sheep on land and underwater plants.
Shy, doesn’t want to be seen.
Lives in the deepest and coldest parts of the lake about 1 km from the surface.
True or false.
For many centuries, people have tried to catch the Loch Ness monster.
No one believes that the Loch Ness monster is still in the lake today.
In 1956, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble.
The lake is very deep.
Many people show photos of the monster.