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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Homes"

План урока на тему Homes. В этом плане есть кросворд, загадки, пословицы касающийся дома


Содержимое разработки

Plan of the lesson

School № 48 05.10.11.

Theme: Homes

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: work using new words

  2. Developing: To develop children reading, speaking skills and to teach answering the questions and to develop translation abilities.

  3. Bring up: To educate them to be helpful.

Form: 8 “Б”, 8 “В”

Time: 40

Type of the lesson: Explaining a new lesson

Grammatical theme: Present Simple, Present Continuous

The methods of teaching: explaining, reading, question-answer.

Visual aids: active board, pictures, cards, the English book.

The Procedure of the lesson.

Warm-up: Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please!

  • How are you? Tell me please

  • Who is on duty today?

  • What is the date today?

  • What is the day today?

  • Who is absent today?

  • What is the weather like today?

  • What season is it now?

  • Is it snowing?

  • Is it raining?

  • Is it raining?

  • Is the sun shining?

Today we have an interesting lesson. You’ll show me your projects, your houses and we’ll speak about all the houses. You divided into two groups. Tell me please, who is your captains? And now are you ready to start? - Let’s begin.

Phonetic drill:

[t] – TV set, stereo, table, stove, flat e.t.

[d] – desk, bed, cold, modern, e.t,

[w] – wall, wall unit, flower, wash, e.t.

[r]– running water, room, right, e.t.

[k] – carpet, cupboard, cosy, kitchen, e.t.



3. A piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers

4. A tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes

7. An overstuffed davenport with upright armrests

9. A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books


1. An open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built

2. A seat for one person, with a support for the back

5. Chair with a support on each side for arms

6. A simple seat without a back or arms

8. A piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments

9. A piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep

Checking the homework. Now let’s speak about your houses. I want to listen to your story about your projects. Captains, please.

Now tell me please, who is an architect?

- Who is a builder?

- Who is a joiner?

- Who is a designer?

- Who is a house-painter?

- That’s very good. Now I know all about your work.

Play the game «What’s missing?». You all must turn around from your houses? And I take one thing from it. After it you’ll tell me, what’s missing. Are you ready?

Solve the puzzle

  1. Clean, but not water,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not ice-cream,

What is it?

Чист, но не вода,

Бел, но не снег,

Сладок, но не мороженое,

Что это?

Answer: Sugar.

Ответ: Сахар.

  1. What flares up quickly and does some good

But a moment later, it’s just a small piece of wood?

Вспыхивает быстро, хорошо горя

Но кусок деревяшки моментом спустя.

Answer: A match.

Ответ: Спичка.

  1. The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

Чем больше этого есть, тем меньше ты видишь. Что это?

Answer: Darkness.

Ответ: Темнота.

  1. I am round like an apple

Flat as a chip

I have eyes

But I can’t see one bit

Я круглая как яблоко, плоское, как монета, имею глаза, но не вижу.

Answer: A button.

Ответ: Пуговица.

  1. Look at my face and you see somebody

Look at my back and you see nobody.

Посмотри на мое лицо и увидишь кого-то. Посмотри на спину и не увидишь никого.

Answer: A mirror.

Ответ: Зеркало.

  1. We have legs but cannot walk.

У нас есть ножки, но гулять мы не можем.

Answer: Tables and chairs.

Ответ: Столы и стулья.

  1. I am always hungry,

I must always be fed,

The finger I touch,

Will soon turn red

Я всегда голоден и меня надо всегда кормить. Палец, до которого я дотронусь становится красным.

Answer: Fire.

Ответ: Огонь.

  1. I am not inside a house. But no house is complete without me. What am I?

A window

  1. My life can be measured in hours,

I serve by being devoured.

Thin, I am quick

Fat, I am slow

Wind is my foe.

Моя жизнь может быть измерена часами. Я служу и меня поглощают. Тонкая я быстра, толстая я медленная. Ветер мой враг.

Answer: A candle.

Ответ: Свеча.

Proverb about houses

  1. Charity begins at home — Жақсылық (қайырымдылық) үйден басталады.

  2. East or west, home is best, «В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше». «Өз үйім - өлең төсегім»,

  3. Home is where the heart is. – Жүрек қандай болса, үйде сондай.

  4. A house divided against itself cannot stand. И всякий город или дом, разделившийся сам в себе, не устоит.

  5. A house is not a home. Здание еще не дом.

  6. A babe in the house is a well - spring of pleasure. Ребенок в доме-это источник радости. Балалы үй базар, баласыз үй қу мазар.

  7. An Englishman's home is his castle. Дом англичанина – его крепость.

  8. One's house, one's castle. Өзге елде ұлтан болғанша, өз елінде сұлтан бол.

  9. My house is my castle. – «Өз үйім – кең сарайдай боз үйім».

  10. The house shows the owner.

  11. There is no place like home. Нет места подобного родному дому.

  12. Men make houses, women make homes. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины – семейный уют.

  13. A man without a home is a bird without a nest. Үйсіз адам ұясыз құс сияқты.

  14. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. Сухая корка дома лучше жареного мяса за границей.

  15. He that buys a house ready wrought, hath many a pin and nail for naught.

  16. Better one's house too little one day, then too big all the year after.

  17. Home is home though it be never so homely. Дом есть дом, даже не самый уютный.

  18. He has no home whose home is everywhere. У того нет дома, у кого он везде.

  19. Every dog is a lion at home. Любая собака в своем дворе - лев.

  20. No good building without good foundation. Нет хорошего здания без хорошего фундамента.

Doing exercises: Ex 1, 2, 3, 4 p17

Look at the pictures. Answer teacher’s questions.

Children, look at this picture. What do you see in this picture? What kinds of rooms are there in the house?- There is a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a bedroom. What kind of home do you live in? Do you like your home? Why? \Why not?

Sing a song: It’s my house

It's my house and I live here

It's my house and I live here

There's a welcome mat at the door

And if you come on in

You're gonna get much more

There's my chair

I put it there

Everything you see

Is with love and care

It's my house and I live here

It's my house and I live here

On the table, there sits a rose

Through every window

A little light flows

Books of feeling on the shelf above

'Cause it was built for love

I was built for love

It's my house and I live here

It's my house and I live here

There's a candle to light the stairs

Where my dreams await someone to share

Oh, there's music on the radio

And good vibrations won't let me go

I put my name on the ceilin' above

'Cause it was buillt for love

It was built for love, ooh

You say you wanna move in with me

You say you wanna move in with me

Got to follow the rules to get me

Got to follow the rules to get me

You wanna visit my house

Say you wanna drop by

Wanna visit my house, yeah

To see me sometimes

There's a welcome mat at the door

And if you come on in

You're gonna get much more

I put my name in the ceilin' above

'Cause it was built for love

It was built for love

It's my house and I live here

It's my house and I live here

Home-task: Your homework is to learn the words.


Conclusion: Students, thank you for the lesson! You worked hard. I’ll give you good marks.

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Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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