5 класс
Тема модуля: В любую погоду. (In All Weathers.)
Тема урока: Климат Аляски. (The Alaskan Climate.)
1) совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи, формирование навыков аудирования и чтения.
2) развитие самостоятельности, креативности, воображения, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие информационной и социокультурной компетенций.
3) воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка, формирование способности выражать своё мнение.
Познавательный аспект – ознакомление с англоязычными странами, Аляской, ее климатом и природой.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning!
2. Речевая разминка
Remember please what were we speaking about at our previous lessons?
Right you are, we were speaking about climate, weather and clothes.
Let’s remember the seasons of the year and the months
Tell me please, what clothes do we need for different seasons?
What weather conditions do you know?
By the way, what is the weather like today?
3. Формулируем тему, ставим цели
Let’s revise English-speaking countries. Look at the map. Which continents can you see? Name and show them on the map.
Pupils: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North America, South America.
Teacher: Look at the capital cities on the map. Match them with their country. For example, London is the capital of the UK.
Pupils: Washington is the capital of the USA. Canberra is the capital of Australia. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
Teacher: Look at this map. What country is it?
Pupil: It is the USA.
Teacher: That’s right.
Teacher: I have a surprise for you. Our director presented us a tour. Try to guess the place we travel. Well , now I want you to watch a short video. Have a look at the screen .
(просмотр видео ролика об Аляске-3 min)
So what`s this video about?
Are you ready to go right now? What do you know about Alaska? Where is it?
What can you tell me about Alaskan climate?
I see you are not ready yet. But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be ready by the end of the lesson.
So, how do you think what is the theme of our lesson? What are we going to learn about? What are we going to do?
Imagine that you are flying. Fasten seat belts. Enjoy the flight. It`s a little tour for you.
4.Проверка домашнего задания
Teacher: I know that you have some information about Alaska too.
Pupil: I have pictures about Alaska. This is a map of Alaska. This is a famous lake Wonder. This is a flag of Alaska. It was made by a thirteen-year boy in 1927. This is a popular sport in Alaska: a dog-racing. Many bears live in Alaska near water. This is a famous volcano and a valley it made. Alaska was called “Russian America”. Russia sold Alaska to the USA in 1867.
Teacher: Thanks, Nadia. Well done.
So, do you know that Alaska is wonderful in different weather?
(показ слайда с изображением Аляски летом).
T: It`s summer in Alaska now. What`s the weather like?
P1: It`s cool.
T: It`s autumn in Alaska now.
(показ слайда с изображением Аляски осенью).
What`s the weather like?
P2: It`s cold.
5. Введение и отработка новой лексики.
Now look at the screen. Let’s learn new words on the topic. Listen and repeat after me.
Учащиеся отрабатывают вслед за учителем введенную лексику, читают самостоятельно в парах и группах.
Peninsula - полуостров
North - север
West - запад
South - юг
East - восток
Northwest - северо-запад
Mild - мягкий
Continental - континентальный
Arctic - арктический
Degrees Celsius/centigrade-градусов-по Цельсии
Iceblock - ледник
Look at the blackboard, you can see the sentences, fill in the missing words from the blackboard using the information you know.
1There are more than 10 thousand iceblocks in Alaska.2. Alaska is a peninsula.3.Alaska is in northwest America.4.The Alaskan climate is mild but in some it is arctic and continental arctic. 5 Winter temperatures can reach minus 62 degrees Celsius.
6. Аудирование текста
Teacher: Find the text. Listen to the text. Follow it in the book.
Get ready to answer the questions:
Where’s Alaska?
What is the weather there?
What clothes do people in Alaska wear in winter?
What clothes do people in Alaska wear in spring, summer and autumn?
(When is the travel season in Alaska?What is the best known national park?What can you see in Alaska? What does the word “Alaska” mean?
Answer the questions.
1. Alaska is in the northwest corner of the USA.
2. In winter it is cold with a lot of snow.
3. A long-sleeved shirt, jeans, a warm hat and gloves, boots, a wool sweater and a winter coat.
7. Рефлексия, проверка усвоения знаний.
Задачи: рефлексия этапов урока, контроль лексических навыков аудирования и говорения.
Teacher: So, tell me what you have learnt today. Now let’s check if you remember the material.
Pupils: We have learnt about English-speaking countries, the USA, Alaska, the Alaskan climate, clothes, the climate in our place.
I am very pleased with you. We’ve done a lot of work today and I’m sure you are ready to go to Alaska. If you feel the same, take your suitcase write down your name and give it to me.
8.Итог урока
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye.