Разработки  /  Начальные классы  /  Уроки  /  4 класс  /  Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "Весенние каникулы"

Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "Весенние каникулы"

Урок поможет детям систематизировать и закрепить знания.

Описание разработки


- to use Past Simple Tense, negative and interrogative forms;

- to describe events in the past;

- to use regular and irregular verbs in the past tense;

- to increase reading and speaking skills;

- to memories the words;

- to broaden communicative activity.


1. Organizing a lesson. greetings.

Teacher: Good morning dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Ball game: students form Past Tense of regular words and train write pronunciation of the verbs (help, jump, like, paint, skate, live, phone, open, cook, invite, wash and so on)

2. Kelly asked students questions about the events in the Past.

What did you do yesterday?

When did you come to school?

Who did you meet first yesterday?

When did you have lunch?

Did you help your Mum last Sunday?

Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов Весенние каникулы

3. Teacher:Now youcan see some verbs are written on the blackboard. Are they regular or irregular? OK.

Who can write Past Tense of these verbs? (written verbs: see, go, take, have, make, get, give, come, speak, teach)

4. Teacher: How can we ask questions in the past? What verb can help us? (Did) OK Let’s make a write order of the words to form English question (Sts try to stand in write order)Ok let’s repeat this question(What did you do yesterday?)

5. Chain questions: teacher gives cards with expressions which students should ask questions each other and answer putting the verbs on the card into Past Tense (addition №1)

6. Teacher: Now open your books on page 118 and read the text.

After the text Kelly ask questions up to the text.

Who wrote the letter?

Where did Taras go last week?

What did he learn about?

Who did Taras heard about?

What did he buy there?

7. Teacher: Now you have to do some writing exercises on the cards (Addition №2)

8. Teacher: Dear friends look at these pictures can you tell me what did these people do yesterday? (Addition 3)

9. Teacher:I think you can tell us sentences what you did on your spring holidays(students try to say 3-4 sentences)

10. Teacher: Write your home task for the next lesson Ex.5p.119.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Открытый урок в 4 классе


Весенние каникулы

Феодосия 2013 год


  • to use Past Simple Tense, negative and interrogative forms

  • to describe events in the past

  • to use regular and irregular verbs in the past tense

  • to increase reading and speaking skills

  • to memories the words

  • to broaden communicative activity

Equipment: handouts, pictures, textbook, computer


  1. Organizing a lesson. Greetings.

Teacher: Good morning dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Ball game: students form Past Tense of regular words and train write pronunciation of the verbs (help, jump, like, paint, skate, live, phone, open, cook, invite, wash and so on )

  1. Kelly asked students questions about the events in the Past

What did you do yesterday?

When did you come to school?

Who did you meet first yesterday?

When did you have lunch?

Did you help your Mum last Sunday?

  1. Teacher:Now youcan see some verbs are written on the blackboard. Are they regular or irregular? OK. Who can write Past Tense of these verbs? (written verbs: see, go, take, have, make, get, give, come, speak, teach )

  2. Teacher: How can we ask questions in the past? What verb can help us? (Did) OK Let’s make a write order of the words to form English question(Sts try to stand in write order)

Ok let’s repeat this question(What did you do yesterday?)

  1. Chain questions: teacher gives cards with expressions which students should ask questions each other and answer putting the verbs on the card into Past Tense(addition №1)

  2. Teacher: Now open your books on page 118 and read the text

After the text Kelly ask questions up to the text

Who wrote the letter?

Where did Taras go last week?

What did he learn about?

Who did Taras heard about?

What did he buy there?

  1. Teacher: Now you have to do some writing exercises on the cards (Addition №2)

  2. Teacher: Dear friends look at these pictures can you tell me what did these people do yesterday? (Addition3)

  3. Teacher:I think you can tell us sentences what you did on your spring holidays(students try to say 3-4 sentences)

  4. Teacher: Write your home task for the next lesson Ex.5p.119

Card 1

Get up at 7 o’clock

Do exercises

Read books

See films

Play computer games

Make a cake

Hear a song

Have a party

Go to my granny

Help mum

Have some chocolate

Buy some bread

Speak English

Come home at 1o’clock

Have an ice-cream

Card 2

Name ………………………………………….

1. Yesterday I (go)............................ to the park

2.I (see) …………………………………….. my friends in the park.

3.We (play) …………………………………….. there.

4.We (skate) ……………………………. In the park.

5.We (like)…………………………….it very much.

6.We (want).............................. to go to this park next weekend too.

Name …………………………………………

Вставь пропущенные буквы в слова

Wor…..ed, wa……hed, cook…..d, pho……ed, en…..oyed,

cl….aned, inv……ted

Get up at 7 o’clock

Do exercises

Read books

See films

Play computer games

Make a cake

Hear a song

Have a party

Go to my granny

Help mum

Have some chocolate

Buy some bread

Speak English

Come home at 1o’clock

Have an ice-cream

Курсы повышения квалификации

Образование и сопровождение детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "Весенние каникулы" (8.99 MB)

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