Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  5 класс  /  Раздаточный материал для 5 класса (Степени сравнения прилагательных)

Раздаточный материал для 5 класса (Степени сравнения прилагательных)

Очень удобная разработка задания на степени сравнения прилагательных для учащихся 5-6 классов по английскому языку может быть использована как в качестве обучающего материала, так и проверочной работы.


Содержимое разработки

Open the brackets:

  1. Wait! Your bicycle is……………………………(fast) than mine!

  2. I think you look……………………(pretty) when you wear your hair up.

  3. His new film is…………………………(interesting) than his last one.

  4. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be…………………..(lucky) next time.

  5. These buscuits are………….(nice) than the last ones.

  6. Andy is……………………(confident) than Alex.

  7. My boss is the ………………(bad) in the firm.

  8. I promise this is the ……………………..(good) joke ever!

  9. This is the …………………..(tasty) soup you’ve made!

  10. What’s the……………….(difficult) thin about English grammar for you?

Open the brackets:

  1. Wait! Your bicycle is……………………………(fast) than mine!

  2. I think you look……………………(pretty) when you wear your hair up.

  3. His new film is…………………………(interesting) than his last one.

  4. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be…………………..(lucky) next time.

  5. These buscuits are………….(nice) than the last ones.

  6. Andy is……………………(confident) than Alex.

  7. My boss is the ………………(bad) in the firm.

  8. I promise this is the ……………………..(good) joke ever!

  9. This is the …………………..(tasty) soup you’ve made!

  10. What’s the……………….(difficult) thin about English grammar for you?

Open the brackets:

  1. Wait! Your bicycle is……………………………(fast) than mine!

  2. I think you look……………………(pretty) when you wear your hair up.

  3. His new film is…………………………(interesting) than his last one.

  4. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be…………………..(lucky) next time.

  5. These buscuits are………….(nice) than the last ones.

  6. Andy is……………………(confident) than Alex.

  7. My boss is the ………………(bad) in the firm.

  8. I promise this is the ……………………..(good) joke ever!

  9. This is the …………………..(tasty) soup you’ve made!

  10. What’s the……………….(difficult) thin about English grammar for you?

Open the brackets:

  1. Wait! Your bicycle is……………………………(fast) than mine!

  2. I think you look……………………(pretty) when you wear your hair up.

  3. His new film is…………………………(interesting) than his last one.

  4. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be…………………..(lucky) next time.

  5. These buscuits are………….(nice) than the last ones.

  6. Andy is……………………(confident) than Alex.

  7. My boss is the ………………(bad) in the firm.

  8. I promise this is the ……………………..(good) joke ever!

  9. This is the …………………..(tasty) soup you’ve made!

  10. What’s the……………….(difficult) thin about English grammar for you?

Open the brackets:

  1. Wait! Your bicycle is……………………………(fast) than mine!

  2. I think you look……………………(pretty) when you wear your hair up.

  3. His new film is…………………………(interesting) than his last one.

  4. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be…………………..(lucky) next time.

  5. These buscuits are………….(nice) than the last ones.

  6. Andy is……………………(confident) than Alex.

  7. My boss is the ………………(bad) in the firm.

  8. I promise this is the ……………………..(good) joke ever!

  9. This is the …………………..(tasty) soup you’ve made!

  10. What’s the……………….(difficult) thin about English grammar for you?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Раздаточный материал для 5 класса (Степени сравнения прилагательных) (43.5 KB)

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