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Комплект итоговых КР 2-8

Комплект итоговых контрольных работ по англ языку для учеников 2 - 8 классов по итогам учебного года, из них для 2-7 классов к учебнику Комаровой, 8 класс Дворецкой


Содержимое разработки

  1. Напиши буквы в алфавитном порядке:

b m i f h c a g e j k d l

  1. Напиши ответ Yes, it is или No, it isn’t

    Is it an octopus?


    Is it a computer?


    Is it a dog?


    Is it a rabbit?


  2. Впиши This is или These are

  • This is a tiger.

2) ……………………. a boat

  1. …………………….. stars.

3)………………….. pirates.

  1. Напиши цифры словами.

3 three

  1. 9 _____________

  1. 5 ______________

  1. 11 ______________

  1. Напиши True, если утверждение верное, или False, если неверное.

  • Elephants can’t fly. True.

  1. A cat can jump. ………………

  2. A rabbit can sing ……………..

  3. An octopus can’t swim ……………..

  4. A zebra can run …………………

  5. Dogs can’t run ……………….

  1. Вычеркни лишнее слово:

  1. banana, onion, pencil, strawberry

  2. ten, eleven, six, desk

  3. mother, sister, cat, father

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени___ 2 класса Рассветовской СОШ

Содержимое разработки

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени___ 3 класса Рассветовской СОШ

Содержимое разработки

Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

Tad and Fred

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

1. Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

1. Fred is

a) a boy b) a puppy c) a cat.

2. Tad is

a) black b) grey c) white.

3. They play hide-and-seek

a) in the park b) at the school c) in the garden

4. Tad sees

  1. a green frog b) a big dog c) a small cat

5. Fred and Tad have a … house.

a) red b) blue c) green

2. Пронумеруй предложения в соответствии с прочитанной историей.

Tad and Fred are friends.

One day they play hide-and-seek in the park.

Fred has got a little white puppy.

He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

He sees a green house.

Tad wants to find Fred.

3. Заполни таблицу. Ответь на вопросы, отметь верные ответы.



Who has got a puppy?

Who sees a big black dog?

Who runs and runs?

4. Восстанови испорченную анкету, которая необходима для участия в викторине. Вставь пропущенные вопросительные слова. (who, where, why, what, when, how)

…….…is your name?

…….…are from?

…….…old are you?

…….…is your birthday?

…….…is your friend?

…….…do you like summer?

5. Чтобы найти новых друзей по переписке зарубежом, нужно немного рассказать о себе. Заполни анкету.

1. Your name……………………………………………………………

2. Your address ……………...……………………………………………………………


3. Your birthday …………..……………………………………………………………….

4. Your favorite sport ……………….…………………………………………………………..

5. Your favorite food ……………….…………………………………………………………..

6. Your favorite pet ………………………..………………………………………………….

7. Your hobby …………………………………………………………………………..

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени___ 4 класса Рассветовской СОШ

Содержимое разработки

Задание 1. Прочитай дефиницию ( описание) слова определи какое это слово и допиши его.

  1. The colour of a bright summer sky and a deep lake. B_ _ _

  2. A place where pupils go learn and teachers to work. S_ _ _ _ _

  3. A big and dangerous animal that likes honey and can climb trees. b_ _ _

  4. You can see it at the cinema or on TV f_ _ _

  5. To use a musical instrument to produce music or to take part in a game. P_ _ _

Задание 2 . Выбери правильную ответную реплику из трёх предложенных.

  1. How are you?


  1. OK then.

  2. Thanks.

  3. Fine, thanks.

2) Can you come to my house for lunch?


  1. I have to ask my mom.

  2. I like lunch.

  3. That’s a good time!

3) Can I take your pen?


  1. Yes, you do.

  2. I’ m sorry, I need it myself.

4) Have some more cakes?


A. No, it’s fine.

B. Yes, that’s tasty.

C. Thank you, I’ll have one more.

5) How long is your music class?


A. It’s one o’clock.

B. half an hour.

C. At 3 p.m.

Задание 3 . Заполни таблицу, выписав кратко нужную информацию из текста ( не более 3-4 слов)

Holidays with animals.

Text A

Text B


New Zealand

2. Time of the year.

3. Main activity

4 Other possible activities

Text A

On the East of New Zealand’s South Island, the beautiful clean water is home to many different types of dolphins. All seasons of the year, there are special tours of to swim with these friendly and intelligent animals and to see them doing their famous acrobatic jumps.

Boats go out into the open ocean with small group of tourists. Instructors teach you how to interact with dolphins without disturbing them. In this area of New Zealand you can also go whale watching.

Text B

Cape Churchill Coast in Northern Manitoba, Canada, is an extraordinary area in the Arctic Tundra and home to the polar bear. The animal migration of this enormous and aggressive animal takes place in autumn. In this period you can travel in special vehicles to observation platforms, where you can watch polar bears. Your guides give you a lot of information about these animals and their habitat. You can also see other animals, like arctic foxes and seals.

Задание 4. Напиши одно слово ( категорию) для каждой группы слово.

0) capitals

Moscow, London, Washington D.C., Paris.


summer , autumn, winter, spring.


back, green, orange, red.


banana, plum, apple, orange.


skirt, shorts, jeans, pullover.


breakfast, lunch ,diner, supper.

Задание 5. Выбери правильный вариант ответа для каждого пропуска. Обведи нужную букву( a, b,или c)

1. Look at………! They’re playing with the puppy!

a)they b)their c) them

2. Mike is very busy now, he ………… his composition.

  1. Is going to write b) is writing c) writes

3. Where is Sally? I can’t see………….

  1. she b) he c) her

4. Have we got ………….. cheese left?

  1. some b) many c) any

5. ……………. an underground station near your school?

  1. Is there b) Are there c) Is it

6. Our classes start ………..8.30 in the morning.

a) on b) in c) at

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени___ 5 «А» класса Рассветовской СОШ

Содержимое разработки

1. Label the objects with the words

textbook, sport clothes, mobile phone, CD player, pencil case, file, snack, notebook, trainers, calculator.











2. Underline the worlds that need capital letters

a) my name is john brown.

b) i live in london, the capital of england.

c) i’ve got a dog called eddie.

d) does tom live in manchester?

e) what are you doing on saturday?

f) sara’s birthday is in april

3. Complete the text with is or has got.

Anton __________a student at school in Voronezh. He ___________ 14  years old. He ___________tall and he ___________short, dark hair. He ________ two hobbies – tennis and playing the guitar.

4. Circle the correct word.

a) This / These is my classroom.

b) That / Those are my books.

c) These / This are your sports clothes.

d) That / Those is my mobile phone.

e) This / These are my friends.

f) That / This is my dad’s car over there.

5. Order the words to make sentences.

a) mobile / got / new / I’ve / a / phone


b) difficult / This / is / test


c) blue / got / eyes / She’s


d) American / TV / an / The Simpsons / is / programme


e) my / subject / English / favourite / is


6. Complete the text with the Present Simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

I _________(get up) at seven o’clock every day and I _______(have) a shower. My mother ________(make) breakfast for me. I always _______(eat) a big breakfast! Then I _________(go) to school.

In the evening, I ________(see) my best friend, Misha. We usually _________(play) football. When it _________(rain) we_________(stay) at home. Misha _________(like) watching TV.

7. Rewrite the sentences with the frequency adverbs in the correct place.

a) I go to the theatre. (never)_______________________________________

b) She visits her friends. (sometimes)________________________________

c) We go swimming at the weekend. (often)___________________________

d) I play football after school. (always)_______________________________

e) Do you have pizza for lunch? (usually)_____________________________

8. Read the dialogue and circle the correct alternatives.

Assistant: Hello. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I’d like a / some milk and a / some eggs, please.

Assistant: Of course. There is / are milk in the fridge and there is / are eggs on the shelf.

Customer: Thank you. I’d like some bread too.

Assistant: I’m sorry. We don’t have some / any bread.

9. Circle the correct alternatives.

a) I live in Oxford. Where do you live / are you living?

b) Can you help me? I look / I’m looking for dictionary.

c) Have you got / Are you having any brothers or sisters?

d) I go / I’m going to the cinema every Friday evening.

e) I learn / I’m learning French at the moment.

f) He usually plays / He’s usually playing football after school.

10. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

a) I ___________(play) tennis at the weekend.

b) I ___________(do) my homework last night.

c) My mum __________(buy) me a new T-shirt.

d) My brother _________(go) to England on a school trip.

e) I __________(watch) a film on TV.

f) We ____________(eat) popcorn during the film.

11. Complete the text with the correct preposition: in, on or at.

Hi Jenny,

We’re having a party ____ Friday 14th November and we’d like to invite you and Simon. The party is ____the Social Club ____Summertown. It starts ____ eight o’clock ____ the evening. Please let me know ____ Monday if you can come.

Love, Irma

12. Complete the questions with the question words: where, what, why, when, what time, who.

a) _______ is your name?

b) _______ is your birthday?

c) _______ do you live?

d) _______ do you like English?

e) _______ is your teacher?

f) _______ do you get up every morning?

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени 6 класса Рассветовской СОШ

Содержимое разработки

1. Write the words in the correct categories: Plastic, wildfire, librarian, a cut, ferry, glass, mechanic, an insect bite, doctor, cardboard, tsunami, cable car, flood, a sore throat, nurse, paper, hurricane, tram, a high temperature, moped.

Jobs: ________________________________________________________

Health: ______________________________________________________

Materials: ____________________________________________________

Ttransport: ____________________________________________________

Natural phenomena: ____________________________________________

2. Complete the words with the missing vowels.

Types of film

TV programmes

Computers and games

Thr_ll_r, w_st_rn, sc_ _nc_  f_ct_ _n, w_r.

Th_  n_ws, g_m_  sh_w, s_ _p  _p_r_, ch_t  sh_w.

Dr_ _ghts, k_yb_ _rd, b_ _rd  g_m_s, s_ftw_r_.

3. Circle the odd one out in each group.

a. sofa, study, desk, armchair

b. suncream, plasters, sunburn, antiseptic cream

c. library, police station, supermarket, hairdresser

d. aluminium, jars, tins, cartons

e. drummer, guitar, pianist, keyboard player

4. Make Present Simple or Continuous questions. Then write short answers

a. Maria/go swimming/this afternoon? No


b. your dad/work/in a hospital? Yes


c. Carl/have lunch/at the moment? Yes


d. Lucia and Simona/study/for the test? No


5. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple for of the verbs in brackets

a. I _____________(see) Katie at the party last Saturday.

b. They ___________(play)basketball for two hours last night.

c. ________(be) you at school yesterday?

d. I _______________(not have) pizza for dinner last night.

e._________you____________(go) to the football match at the weekend?

f. My parents _____________(buy)a new car last night.

g. He _____________(be) angry when he lost his dictionary.

h. She _____________(not put) her book in her bag this morning.

6. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

I________(sit)in my English lesson this morning when I ________(see) something strange through the window. A hot-air balloon __________(fly) straight towards the school!

Suddenly, while I______________(watch) the balloon, it ___________(crash) into our school building! I was so surprised! Fortunately, everyone was OK.

7. Circle the correct alternatives.

a. He flies/is flying to Rome once a month.

b. My friend likes listen to/listening to music.

c. If we go by taxi, it is/will be quicker.

d. We couldn’t find nowhere/anywhere to park.

e. If you’re hungry, you shouldn’t/should have something to eat.

f. Luke often goes/is going cycling at the weekend.

g. We’ll go to the cinema if it rains/will rain.

h. Paul is taller/the tallest boy in the class.

8. Make sentences with to be going to.

a. I/meet/my friends/after school.__________________________________

b. My parents/go/a jazz concert.___________________________________

c. It/not/rain/in the weekend.______________________________________

d. They/learn/to drive soon._______________________________________

9. Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

From the outside, the houses of the future will probably look the same as the houses of today. But home technology will be very different. In the future there will be no keys. You will press buttons on a special mobile phone to open the doors.

Each living room will have a big television. You will sit down on your sofa and just tell the TV to start playing your favourite programme. And in your bedroom, you will probably have a giant screen on the wall so that you can watch films in bed.

The bathroom door will also be ‘intelligent’. It will lock automatically when you enter the bathroom.

The homes of the future will also be more energy-efficient. Thirty per sent of the electricity will come from solar energy and the house will recycle water from the bath, sink and shower to flush the toilets.

So how long will you have to wait for these houses of the future? No one knows. Some people think home will be like this in 2050. Others say that homes are already changing and that things will be very different in only ten or fifteen years.

a. You won’t need keys to open the door of the future houses. T / F

b. You will be able to talk to your TV. T / F

c. You won’t be able to watch TV in your bedroom. T / F

d. The homes of the future will use more energy. T / F

e. Houses will recycle the water to flush the toilet. T / F

f. 40% of the electricity will come from solar power. T / F

10. Answer the questions about yourself with full sentences.

a. What do you look like? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

b. What are your hobbies? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

c. What makes you happy? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

d. What makes you angry? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

e. What things do you do every day? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

f. What are you going to do this summer? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени 7 класса Рассветовской СОШ

Содержимое разработки

1. Put the words from the box in three groups:

Listening to music, show-off, scuba diving, sunbathing, bargain, camping, discount, counter, notes, generous, confident, shy, cash, reliable, roller skating

Teenager’s activities



2. Choose the best word to complete the sentences

1. My friend never listens to pop music, __________ he?

a) is

b) isn’t

c) does

d) doesn’t

2. Wait a minute, I _______________if we have them in your size.

a) will check

b) check

c) am checking

d) will be cheking

3. –Mum, where’s Dad?

- I don’t know he ____________ in the garage.

a) must be

b) should be

c) could be

d) will be

4. – You look tired.

- My car broke down. I __________ for an hour.

a) have been walking

b) have walked

c) am walking

d) walked

5. I really like the soup. It tastes ___________.

a) well

b) better

c) the best

d) good

6. My dad ________be at home now. He usually works at this time of the day.

a) shouldn’t

b) couldn’t

c) mustn’t

d) can’t

7. – Why are you putting the scarf on?

- I __________wear it, I’ve got a sore throat.

a) had to

b) must

c) can

d) could

8. Tony’s grandfather’s bought him a bike, __________ he?

a) isn’t

b) doesn’t

c) hasn’t

d) wasn’t

3. Read the text and match it with the titles

1. The pencil incident 2. No more naughty children 3. Give her a floor!

I’m Bertie, I used to walk around school with my thoughts usually a million miles away from Algebra and irregular verbs. And I was in one of my dazes when I walked into my classroom and didn’t notice that someone was sitting on my chair. Yes, I know it’s unbelievable! And I just pulled it out from behind the table, throwing the person sitting there into a heap on the floor. Of course it couldn’t just have been a member of my class. Oh no! it had to be Mrs Lewis, the dreaded Textiles teacher with a very very bad temper. And there she was lying on the floor. And I was the one who put her there! Oh, the shame! She should have been the one more embarrassed, but it was me who turned a shocking red.

4. Read the text again and choose the person that:

Was very inattentive and careless ________________________________

Got a nickname as a result _____________________________________

Was tired of the activity _______________________________________

Turned red in the face _________________________________________

5. Supply the missing words.

1. I always keep my dictionary close _____________ hand.

2. I can’t stand it when my classmates laugh _______________ me.

3. Sorry, but I can’t work _____________ what you mean. Could you explain this for me?

4. She is very concerned ______________ environment problems.

5. he knew that he was guilty _____________ lying.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Учени___ 8 класса Рассветовской СОШ

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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