Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  8 класс  /  «In the World of the English Language»

«In the World of the English Language»

Разработка включает в себя вопросы на знание страноведения


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План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

«In the World of the English Language»

Тема: “Those who don’t understand a single foreign language, don’t know their own”

Цели: 1. повышение общей культуры выражения мысли

2. развитие мышления, памяти, воображения

3. формирование интереса к изучению иностранного языка

4. актуализация страноведческого материала

План мероприятия:

  1. Вступительное слово, представление команд;

  2. 1 конкурс “Flags and cities”

  3. 2 конкурс “Across the USA and Britain”;

  4. 3 конкурс “The World of Proverbs”;

  5. 4 конкурс “A word game”;

  6. 5 конкурс для капитанов “Quiz”;

  7. 6 конкурс «English or American?”;

  8. Заключительное слово.

Условия проведения:

Учащиеся разделены на две команды из 6 человек. Каждая команда придумывает название, выбирает капитана.

Максимальное количество баллов за представление команд и за домашнее задание – 10 б.

Максимальное количество баллов за 1 конкурс – 6 б.

Каждый правильный ответ в 2 конкурсе оценивается по таблице.

Максимальное количество баллов за 3 конкурс – 10 б.

Максимальное количество баллов за 4 конкурс – 10 б.

Каждый правильный ответ в 5 конкурсе оценивается в 1 б.

Максимальное количество баллов за 6 конкурс – 8 б.

Ход мероприятия

Leader 1: Good morning, boys and girls. We are glad to see you here today! J.W. Goethe said “Those who don’t understand a single foreign language don’t know their own”. And we absolutely agree with it. Knowing one or more foreign languages enables us to broaden our horizons, to get acquainted with different ways of thinking. It stimulates mental abilities and gives us an opportunity to understand a new literature, a different culture. The list of its values has no bounds. That’s why; people all over the world learn languages. And our today’s meeting is devoted to the most widespread and widely used language we all learn – English. Our aim is to discover more about this rich language and its native speakers’ history, traditions and culture.

Leader 2: Good morning, everybody! We are very happy to see you at our competition. It is devoted to the English speaking countries. I am sure you have read a lot of books and got useful information about the countries. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success. Be active, honest, industrious, helpful and you will win.

Leader 1: First of all we’d like to get acquainted with our two teams.

First team……………….8 “A” form.

Leader 2: Second team………………8 “B” form.

Leader 1: Thank you very much. Now, please, meet our jury. Here they are…………………. Applaud them, please.

Leader 2: Please, introduce your team and your captains. I want the captains to come over and tell us the name of your team, your anthem and tell us about your emblem.

Leader 1: Each of the teams prepared their home task. Let’s see.

First team…………..

Second team……….

Leader 2: Let’s start our competition. And the first contest is “Flags and Capitals”. I want you to look at the blackboard. You see many different flags. The one team must match cards with the names of the countries and the another team must match the names of the capitals. The winners will be those who finish their work first. Here are two envelopes with cards. Captains! Take your envelopes, please!

Конкурс с болельщиками “Countries and citizens”

Leader 1: Now I’ll show you cards with the name of a country and you should name citizens of this country. Let’s start.

Leader 2: Now our jury, show us your marks. Thank you.

Leader 1: Everyone would agree that one can’t know and use any foreign language without knowing its native speakers’ history, traditions and culture. That’s why our first contest is devoted to this and is called “Across the USA and Britain”. Look at the board there are some topics. You should choose one question by this theme and try to answer. Let’s start.

(Задание на интерактивной доске)

Leader 2: Now I’ll give the word to our jury.

Leader 1: In the English language like in any language there are a lot of well-known utterances which are usually made in the form of advice. They are called proverbs. And our next contest is connected with them. It is called “In the World of Proverbs”. You should give the Russian equivalent for English proverbs. For each correct answer you will get 1 point.

English proverbs and saying

  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  2. All is well that’s ends well.

  3. Better late than never.

  4. Like mother, like daughter.

  5. No news is good news.

  6. No smoke without a fire.

  7. Out of sight, out of mind.

  8. Two is a company but there is none.

  9. You can’t eat cake and have it.

  10. While there is life there is hope.

Leader 2: Now there is a musical pause. Cowboy dance.

(Ковбойский танец)

Leader 1: Now I’ll give the word to our jury.

Leader 2: Next contest is called “A word game” every team gets a card with a long word. You have to make other words from the letters it contains. The letters can be used in any order. The winner is the team that finds the largest number of words. (EXPERIMENTATION)

Конкурс с болельщиками “Riddles”

Leader 1: Now listen to the riddles and guess them. If you answer correctly your team will get point. Let’s start.

Leader 2: And now jury your marks for this task.

Leader 1: Now it’s high time for the contest between our captains. It is called “Quiz”. You are to answer our questions in turn. Each right answer is 1 point.

  1. What do the Englishmen usually say before taking a photo? (cheese)

2. According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about (weather)

3. Scotland is situated in (Britain)


5. The flag of Britain is called (“The Union Jack”)

6. Which is the longest river of the USA? (the Mississippi)

6. The first American president was (George Washington)

7. Where is the Statue of Liberty? (New York)

Leader 2: And now jury your marks for this task.

Leader 1: Now I’ll see whether you can tell American English from British English. 2 teams take part in this game. There are some British English words and you will give us an American versions of these words. The winner will be the team that writes as many words as possible.

British English American English

a flat an apartment

a lift an elevator

a tin a can

a sweet a candy

a form a grade

the tube the subway

a cinema a movie

holidays vacations

Leader 2: Now a musical interruption. Irish dance.

(Ирландский танец)

Leader 1: And now jury your marks for this task.

Leader 2: Dear friends! It s a pity but our competition has just finished. Thank you for coming and taking an active part in the game. You are really bright and industrious. You can do different kinds of work. You know a lot about English – speaking countries. And I m sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future life.

Leader 1: Thank you for your participation. We hope that today’s meeting wasn’t in vain, you have learnt something interesting and something new for you. Goodbye.

A pig in a pale – кот в мешке

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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