Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  8 класс  /  Игра-соревнование по английскому языку "Hobbies"

Игра-соревнование по английскому языку "Hobbies"

План-конспект игры-соревнования, которая проводится с целью повышения мотивации к изучению предмета.

Описание разработки


  1. повышение мотивации к изучению предмета «Иностранный язык»;
  2. обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала по теме “Hobbies”;
  3. развитие метапредметных связей для повышения функциональной грамотности учащихся (предметы «Иностранный язык» и «Информатика»).

 Жюри: учителя английского языка.

Предварительная подготовка: создание проектов «Мир  увлечений нашего класса» в форме слайд – шоу и стенной газеты.

         Ход игры.

  1. Вступление: приветствие, представление жюри и участников, постановка цели мероприятия.

  Good afternoon, dear friends. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we’re

having a contest of two teams. (Team A from Form 8-A and Team  B from Form 8-B.) They want to know who is better at English.

   Let me introduce our adjudicators: … . There are also supporters from different forms: 8-A, 8-B, 8-C.

   We’ve just studied the topic “Hobbies”. And the motto of our game is a

famous English proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

  1.  Разминка. (Warming up.)

   Teacher. (T.) What hobbies can people have? 

   Pupils. (P.) (give various answers)

   T.  To start with let’s watch a short film about popular activities in the

   United Kingdom. Remember as many of them as you can.

   Pupils watch WOB2, unit 5 “Leisure”, sequence 1. Then they name hobbies

   of the British.

  1.    Видеоконкурс.


T. What are British teenagers fond of?

P. Give different answers.

T. Let us watch and find out who is right.

 Pupils watch WOB2, unit 5 “Leisure”, sequence 2. Then they name British  teenagers’ hobbies.

T. What is the most popular activity of the British at home?

P. Give their ideas. Then they watch WOB2, unit 5 “Leisure”, sequence 6.

 Announcing results.

  1.   Конкурс «Найди пару».

       There are two cards on the board: one card with names of hobbies and  another one with names of different things. Match the things and the hobbies  to find pairs.

       listening to music – CDs

       photograghy – camera

       swimming – the Black Sea

       reading – books

       collecting – coins, stamps, badges

       travelling – transport, luggage

       theatre – performance

      watching TV – TV programmes

      hiking – backpack

      cinema – historical films

      gardening – flowers

     sport – ball

     drawing – pencils

     visiting museums – pictures, sculptures

  1. Конкурс «Составь слово». (Unscramble.)

       G N I R A N E D G > GARDENING


       S N N G G I I > SINGING

       G D N N C I A > DANCING

  1.   Конкурс «Снежный ком». (Snowball.)

 Each team draws out a topic (one of hobbies) and makes up a story on it.

The first pupil makes up the first sentence, the next one repeats it and adds one more, the third pupil repeats these two sentences and adds one more…

 The team that has a longer story is a winner.

  1. Конкурс «Лексический стул». (Lexical chair.)

There’s a chair in the middle of the room. Two players walk around the chair and the leader names words on the topic “Hobbies”. When the leader names a word on the other topic, each player tries to be the first  one to sit on the chair.

  1. Конкурс «Интерактивная игра». (Triple Play.)

   1) T. Listen to the dialogue and name the activities these people are going to do during their vacation.

     (Playing tennis, swimming, hiking, reading, dancing.)

    2) Playing the game with the computer “Word order in a sentence”.

  1.    Конкурс «Составь диалог». (Make up a conversation.)

 T. Draw out a topic and present an unprepared conversation on it.

  1. Конкурс «Движения». (Movers.)

The mover for Team A:

Pick up your pens, put them down,

Stand up, stamp your feet,

Look at the window, turn round.

Clap left, clap right,

Clap up, clap down,

Turn round, sit down,

Touch something … brown!

The mover for Team B:

Stand up, bend your knees,

Touch your toes,

Stand up, cross your fingers,

Touch your nose.

Stamp your feet, look at the door,

Point to the window, point to the floor.

Stand on your left leg,

Stand on your right,

Now sit down, touch something … white!

Весь материал - смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

План – конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку учителя ФГКОУ СОШ №8 Бойко Л.И.

Игра – соревнование по теме “Hobbies


  1. повышение мотивации к изучению предмета «Иностранный язык»;

  2. обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала по теме “Hobbies”;

  3. развитие метапредметных связей для повышения функциональной грамотности учащихся (предметы «Иностранный язык» и «Информатика»).


мультимедийный проектор и Smartboard, видеокурс “Window

on Britain”(disc 2), компьютерный диск с интерактивными играми

“Triple Play”, школьная доска с магнитами, картинки по теме,

раздаточный материал (карточки с лексическими единицами)

для проведения конкурсов.

Жюри: учителя английского языка.

Предварительная подготовка: создание проектов «Мир увлечений нашего класса» в форме слайд – шоу и стенной газеты.

Оформление: в классе два игровых стола для команд, рабочий

стол для жюри, места для болельщиков, на доске - стенгазета

«Мир наших увлечений» и девиз игры “All work and no play makes

Jack a dull boy” («Умей дело делать – умей и позабавиться»).

Ход игры.

  1. Вступление: приветствие, представление жюри и участников,

постановка цели мероприятия.

Good afternoon, dear friends. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we’re

having a contest of two teams. (Team A from Form 8-A and Team B from Form 8-B.) They want to know who is better at English.

Let me introduce our adjudicators: … . There are also supporters from different forms: 8-A, 8-B, 8-C.

We’ve just studied the topic “Hobbies”. And the motto of our game is a

famous English proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

  1. Разминка. (Warming up.)

Teacher. (T.) What hobbies can people have?

Pupils. (P.) (give various answers)

T. To start with let’s watch a short film about popular activities in the

United Kingdom. Remember as many of them as you can.

Pupils watch WOB2, unit 5 “Leisure”, sequence 1. Then they name hobbies

of the British.

  1. Видеоконкурс.


T. What are British teenagers fond of?

P. Give different answers.

T. Let us watch and find out who is right.

Pupils watch WOB2, unit 5 “Leisure”, sequence 2. Then they name British

teenagers’ hobbies.

T. What is the most popular activity of the British at home?

P. Give their ideas. Then they watch WOB2, unit 5 “Leisure”, sequence 6.

Announcing results.

  1. Конкурс «Найди пару».

There are two cards on the board: one card with names of hobbies and

another one with names of different things. Match the things and the hobbies

to find pairs.

listening to music – CDs

photograghy – camera

swimming – the Black Sea

reading – books

collecting – coins, stamps, badges

travelling – transport, luggage

theatre – performance

watching TV – TV programmes

hiking – backpack

cinema – historical films

gardening – flowers

sport – ball

drawing – pencils

visiting museums – pictures, sculptures

  1. Конкурс «Составь слово». (Unscramble.)





  1. Конкурс «Снежный ком». (Snowball.)

Each team draws out a topic (one of hobbies) and makes up a story on it.

The first pupil makes up the first sentence, the next one repeats it and adds one more, the third pupil repeats these two sentences and adds one more…

The team that has a longer story is a winner.

  1. Конкурс «Лексический стул». (Lexical chair.)

There’s a chair in the middle of the room. Two players walk around the

chair and the leader names words on the topic “Hobbies”. When the

leader names a word on the other topic, each player tries to be the first

one to sit on the chair.

  1. Конкурс «Интерактивная игра». (Triple Play.)

1) T. Listen to the dialogue and name the activities these people are going to

do during their vacation.

(Playing tennis, swimming, hiking, reading, dancing.)

2) Playing the game with the computer “Word order in a sentence”.

  1. Конкурс «Составь диалог». (Make up a conversation.)

T. Draw out a topic and present an unprepared conversation on it.

  1. Конкурс «Движения». (Movers.)

The mover for Team A:

Pick up your pens, put them down,

Stand up, stamp your feet,

Look at the window, turn round.

Clap left, clap right,

Clap up, clap down,

Turn round, sit down,

Touch something … brown!

The mover for Team B:

Stand up, bend your knees,

Touch your toes,

Stand up, cross your fingers,

Touch your nose.

Stamp your feet, look at the door,

Point to the window, point to the floor.

Stand on your left leg,

Stand on your right,

Now sit down, touch something … white!

  1. Chinese whispers.

A player of each team comes to the leader who whispers him (her) an

instruction to do something. Then the players give this instruction to each

other one by one in a whisper. The player who is the last one to hear the task

should fulfill it correctly.

  1. Конкурс «Прыгающие картинки». (Jumping pictures.)

The members of each team close their eyes . At this time the teacher’s

assistant changes the places of any two pictures. When the pupils open

the eyes, they should name these pictures.

  1. Конкурс проектов. (Presentation of the projects.)

Each team presents its project about their hobbies.

  1. Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Игра-соревнование по английскому языку "Hobbies" (43 КB)

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