Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  6 класс  /  "food around the world"

"food around the world"

Данная разработка урока представляет материал по теме "Еда по всему миру" и идет как внутрипредметный модуль в 6 классе. На основе лексического материала, которые учащиеся довольно хорошо знают и используют, можно подвести итоги и поговорить о кухнях мира, в виде урока - презентации проекта.


Содержимое разработки

Методическая разработка урока



Подготовила преподаватель английского языка


Дьяченко Евгения Александровна


Тема: Сходные черты в национальных кухнях мира.

Цель: обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал, активизировать употребление в речи учащихся ранее освоенной лексики, расширять словарный запас учащихся по теме.

  • Закрепить грамматическую структуру: I would like to ...

  • Совершенствовать лексические навыки, практиковать учащихся в монологической речи.

  • Совершенствовать навыки аудирования, тренировать учащихся в чтении, умении использовать различные структуры в беседе по ситуации и строить связное высказывание по теме.

Развивать стремление использовать наиболее рациональные способы решения задач и умение работать в команде.

Воспитывать положительное отношение к изучению английского языка и уважать культуру питания народов мира.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний и умений.

Форма урока: урок - презентация проекта.

Методы и приемы: фронтальный опрос, беседа по ситуации, защита ученического проекта, выполнения теста, игра, заполнение опросного листа.

Основные термины и понятия: food, meal, hated, favourite, delicious, to cook.

Межпредметные связи: народоведение, мировая литература, информатика, география. Наглядность: постер, мультимедийная презентация, карточки для рефлексии.

Технические средства обучения: медиа-проектор.

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

  2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Good morning! Today at the lesson we are going to continue our work on the theme “Food”. As you know it’s one of the most popular topics in English. We eat every day and everywhere. We can’t live without food. We eat not only our national food but have a lot of dishes from other countries. We have already spoken about Russian and British food. The theme of our lesson today is «Сходные черты в национальных кухнях мира» or “Food around the world” in English. People all over the world like fresh and healthy food, try to eat some new dishes from other countries. Write down the date and class work.

By the end of the lesson you should review vocabulary on the topic, be able to use it in your speech and be ready for the test. You will practise in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

  1. Актуализация опорных знаний.

Работа в группах.

а) фронтальный опрос.


I want you work very well at the lesson and that’s why I ask you some questions about food. (см. Дополнение 1)

b) Беседа с учениками про их предпочтения в еде. Speaking.

Now I want you to speak about your preferences in food. (см. Дополнение 2) 4. Мотивация.

Look at the words by famous people. Do you know them? What are they? Let’s read and translate the phrases together: I hate people who are not serious about meals. It’s so shallow of them O. Wilde. There is no love sincere than the love of food B. Show.

You have noticed that not only we pay much attention to food, but famous people considered this topic very important in our life. So we have to be serious and well-prepared speaking about food today. We all like to eat and have to work very well and attentively today to have good results and get something delicious at the end of the lesson.

ІІ. Основная часть урока.

1.Ученические презентации. Защита проектов. (см. Дополнение 3)

Our girls had a task to find out and prepare some interesting information about food in the world. Also they had asked you some questions and made up a test for you. They’ll present it to you. Let’s start working.

a) презентация карты мира – Speaking (см. Дополнение 4)

b) интересная информация с раздела – Reading (см. Дополнение 5)

c) результат опроса учащихся – Reading (см. Дополнение 6)

d) тест – Writing

1. What do Italians traditionally put on a Pizza Margharita?

a. Tomato

b. Tomato, cheese and basil

c. Tomato, cheese and pineapple

2. What is the most common Indian bread?

a. Pita

b. Chapatti

c. Tortilla

3. What’s the world’s favourite ice-cream flavour?

a. Chocolate

b. Strawberry

c. Vanilla

4. What do Chinese and Japanese people use when they eat?

a. Chip sticks

b. Chopsticks

c. Chilly sticks

5. What do we call people who don’t eat meat?

a. Vegetables

b. Vegepeople

c. Vegetarians

6. What’s the most popular dish in the UK?

a. Vegetables, fish or meat

b. Fish or chips

c. Roast beef and potatoes

7. When was the first hamburger made?

a. 1935

b. 1885

c. 1985

8. What do people often eat in Morocco?

a. Sushi

b. Paella

c. Couscous

9. What is the most popular fruit in the world?

a. The banana

b. The apple

c. The orange

10. What is the basic ingredient of chocolate?

a. Cream

b. Sugar

c. Cocoa butter

ANSWERS: 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.C

ІІІ. Заключительная часть урока.

  1. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

а) игра “ Listening and Guessing”.

Listening and Speaking Now let’s rest a little and play a game. You have to listen to the following clues and guess what food or dish is being described. Let’s look at the key and answer some questions. (см. Дополнение 7)

б) заполнение опросного листа.Writing

To finish our lesson I want with an English poem ”Robin the Bobbin”. I’ll read it in English and you can see the translation.

I don’t want you to be like Robin the Bobbin, but suggest you filling in the “Little Robin” with the information about yourselves. (см. Дополнение 8)

  1. Выставление оценок и комментарии к ним.

Thank you for your work. Some of you worked very well today, but some have to be more attentive and more active. Your marks are…

  1. Домашнее задание.

Repeat all the words and be ready for the test. Be ready with your daily menu as we’ll have the same task in the test.

Содержимое разработки

Questions What are the national Russian dishes? Which do you like? Which can you cook? What ( Japanese, Italian,American, British) dishes do you know? What do you prefer? meat or fish tea or coffee water or juice What is junk food? Examples. What is healthy food? Examples.


What are the national Russian dishes?

Which do you like?

Which can you cook?

What ( Japanese, Italian,American, British) dishes do you know?

What do you prefer? meat or fish

tea or coffee

water or juice

What is junk food? Examples.

What is healthy food? Examples.

Helpful Phrases

Helpful Phrases

  • I’m…
  • I like…
  • I dislike…
  • I’m crazy about…
  • I hate…
  • Most of all I like…
  • I would like to try…
  • What about you?
OUR TASKS The 1st one – to make a mind map “FOOD MAP” The 2nd one – to find out some interesting facts about food. “MATCHING” The 4th one – to create an interesting test for students “QUIZ” The 3rd one – to ask friends and classmates аbout their preferences in food “QUESTIONS & ANSWERS”


The 1st one – to make a mind map “FOOD MAP”

The 2nd one – to find out some interesting facts about food. “MATCHING”

The 4th one – to create an interesting test for students “QUIZ”

The 3rd one – to ask friends and classmates аbout their preferences in food “QUESTIONS & ANSWERS”


British food


Food map










Interesting facts about food Coffee is the world's most popular drink. During his life, a person eats about 40 tons of food. The most popular food for breakfast is an egg. An average person spends five years of life eating. About 27 million Americans eat at McDonald's every day. 1.2 billion pounds of potato chips are eaten each year in the US. Popcorn has existed for about 6000 years. Rice is the food for half the world's population. A typical banana travels 4,000 miles before being eaten.

Interesting facts about food

Coffee is the world's most popular drink.

During his life, a person eats about 40 tons of food.

The most popular food for breakfast is an egg.

An average person spends five years of life eating.

About 27 million Americans eat at McDonald's every day.

1.2 billion pounds of potato chips are eaten each year in the US.

Popcorn has existed for about 6000 years.

Rice is the food for half the world's population.

A typical banana travels 4,000 miles before being eaten.



  • What food do you like?
  • What do you drink?
  • What can you cook?
  • What Russian dishes do you like?
  • What foreign dishes do you know?
answers EATING DRINKING COOKING 1. 50% can cook almost everything 2. 25% can cook something for breakfast 3. 15% can cook a little 4. 10% help mum cook 1. 30% like Ukrainian food 2. 40% eat pizza, hot dogs and spaghetti 3. 10% want to try something unusual 4. 20% are on a diet 1. 70% drink tea for breakfast 2. 20% prefer coffee 3. 10% sometimes drink beer but it’s a very big secret!





1. 50% can cook almost


2. 25% can cook

something for


3. 15% can cook a little

4. 10% help mum cook

1. 30% like Ukrainian


2. 40% eat pizza, hot

dogs and spaghetti

3. 10% want to try

something unusual

4. 20% are on a diet

1. 70% drink tea for


2. 20% prefer coffee

3. 10% sometimes

drink beer but it’s

a very big secret!

Listening and guessing This food is hard on the outside but usually soft in the middle. It is used to make lots of dishes. In the UK it is a part of a traditional breakfast. This food is soft and it tastes sweet. It can be made from cream, sugar and chocolate. It is eaten very cold, usually in summer. It is a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat usually placed inside a sliced bread roll. It is often served with lettuce, bacon, tomato, onion, pickles, cheese and mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup. It is an oven-baked, flat, round bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings. It was originally invented in Naples, Italy, and the dish has since become popular in many parts of the world

Listening and guessing

This food is hard on the outside but usually soft in the middle. It is used to make lots of dishes. In the UK it is a part of a traditional breakfast.

This food is soft and it tastes sweet. It can be made from cream, sugar and chocolate. It is eaten very cold, usually in summer.

It is a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat usually placed inside a sliced bread roll. It is often served with lettuce, bacon, tomato, onion, pickles, cheese and mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup.

It is an oven-baked, flat, round bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings. It was originally invented in Naples, Italy, and the dish has since become popular in many parts of the world

key When do people traditionally eat eggs? What is the most popular ice-cream in the world? When was the first hamburger made? What are the traditional ingredients of Italian pizza?


When do people traditionally eat eggs?

What is the most popular ice-cream in the world?

When was the first hamburger made?

What are the traditional ingredients of Italian pizza?

ROBIN THE РОБИН- BOBBIN БОББИН Робин-Боббин Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied Ben, Кое-как Подкрепился He ate more meat than fourscore Натощак: men; Съел теленка He ate a cow, Утром рано, he ate a calf, Двух овечек И барана, He ate a butcher Съел корову and a half, Целиком. He ate a church, he ate a steeple, И прилавок He ate a priest С мясником, Сотню and all the people! A cow and a calf, жаворонков в An ox and a half, тесте, A church and a И коня с телегой steeple, вместе, And all good Пять церквей и колоколен - people, And yet he Да еще и недоволен! complained that his stomach wasn't full.






Robin the Bobbin,

the big-bellied Ben,



He ate more meat

than fourscore



Съел теленка

He ate a cow,

Утром рано,

he ate a calf,

Двух овечек

И барана,

He ate a butcher

Съел корову

and a half,


He ate a church,

he ate a steeple,

И прилавок

He ate a priest

С мясником,


and all the people!

A cow and a calf,

жаворонков в

An ox and a half,


A church and a

И коня с телегой



And all good

Пять церквей и

колоколен -


And yet he

Да еще и



that his stomach

wasn't full.

NAME Hated food Favourite food Place where you like to eat out Food I can cook Food I’d like to try


Hated food

Favourite food

Place where you like to eat out

Food I can cook

Food I’d like to try

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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