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Famous people of Great Britain

Презентация по страноведению познакомит школьников с известными представителями английского общества. Они представляют разные сферы жизни: королевская семья (Королева Елизавета II), политика (Уинстон Черчилль), литература (Уильям Шекспир), музыка (Битлз), кино (Чарли Чаплин), спорт (Дэвид Бэкхэм), наука (Исаак Ньютон). Небольшая викторина в конце поможет закрепить материал

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” Famous British people”.

Famous British people”.

There are many famous people in Great Britain Children and grown-ups know them well. Do you know about any people who are famous in Britain?

There are many famous people in Great Britain

Children and grown-ups know them well.

Do you know about any people who are famous in Britain?

The Royal  family. They are much talked about. Queen Elisabeth II is popular with the British. Buckingham palace is the London home of the Queen (her residence).

The Royal family.

They are much talked about.

Queen Elisabeth II is popular with the British.

Buckingham palace is the London home of the Queen (her residence).

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is an English writer of plays. He is famous for the richness of the language. W. Shakespeare wrote tragedies, historical plays, comedies and poetry (the sonets). He was also an actor at the “Globe” Theatre.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is an English writer of plays.

He is famous for the richness of the language.

W. Shakespeare wrote tragedies, historical plays, comedies and poetry (the sonets).

He was also an actor at the “Globe” Theatre.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)was an English politician who was the Prime minister of Britain during most of the Second World War. He is often shown smoking a large cigar. He made the V-sign, meaning victory.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)was an English politician who was the Prime minister of Britain during most of the Second World War.

He is often shown smoking a large cigar. He made the V-sign, meaning victory.

Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) was an English film actor, director. He played in silent black and white comedy films. His most famous character was the Little Trump (славный малый). Charlie Chaplin was  a movie star  of the early 1900s.

Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) was an English film actor, director. He played in silent black and white comedy films.

His most famous character was the Little Trump (славный малый).

Charlie Chaplin was a movie star of the early 1900s.

The Beatles is the most famous band in Britain. The band included Paul McCartney John Lennon George Harrison Ringo Starr Their records were top of music charts in the 1960s.

The Beatles is the most famous band in Britain.

The band included

Paul McCartney

John Lennon

George Harrison

Ringo Starr

Their records were top of music charts in the 1960s.

Sir  Isaac Newton   Isaac Newton was  a mathematician  and scientist He lived in 17 th century. He studied in Cambridge.

Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was a mathematician and scientist

He lived in 17 th century.

He studied in Cambridge.

David Beckham David Beckham is a famous british footballer. He played for  Manchester United in 1990-s. He was the captain of English National team for 6 years.

David Beckham

David Beckham is a famous british footballer.

He played for  Manchester United in 1990-s. He was the captain of English National team for 6 years.

Match people and their professions William Shakespeare A footballer Charlie Chaplin A writer Winston Churchill A politician The queen Elisabeth II A scientist The Beatles An actor David Beckham A music band Isaac Newton

Match people and their professions

William Shakespeare

A footballer

Charlie Chaplin

A writer

Winston Churchill

A politician

The queen

Elisabeth II

A scientist

The Beatles

An actor

David Beckham

A music band

Isaac Newton

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