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Family relationships between new married couples


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“Family relationships between new married couples”.

Family is an important part of society which has different meanings. Family is a fundamental social group in society. It consists of two parents and their children. We can’t imagine the world without families because marriage and family are the most important structures in most societies. In our society must be many healthy families because in such families children care, are taught, are nurtured, in other side in such families as a rule, members of family call upon each other for help when necessary, and here we can see good communication and autonomy which are very important and are closely related concepts.

The aim of the research paper is to investigate and find out social and psychological factors affecting the modern family, the factors that contribute to the effective functioning and maintenance of the family, how relations of couples affect children, how to serve family members with kindness and respect.

The subject of the work is the effectiveness of healthy family, it means how well family functions are undertaken and how well family members communicate with each other and how it can affect children and their development.

The objectives of our research paper are as follows:

  • attempt to study what is family and its functions

  • to study parents role on children at home

  • to study social and psychological factors affecting the modern family

  • to study conditions for family education success

  • discuss what the most important principles and problems of family upbringing

Actuality: the last few years have seen that healthi modern families and good communication between couples have good effect on children’s life. With the help of parents and can develop children's academic progress, behaviour, language abilities, social skills, and generally perception of life. 

Research method: The method by which the data was gathered was by collecting the methods, experiences some couples, scientific books, online resources and published articles. and parents which make positive influence on children’s development.

Theoretical value: From theoretical point of view the family is a part of community and it is a living organisms and stresses boundaries, rules, expectations and behaviors that help the family maintain balance and all these are the foundation of children learning and development. In other words, is to describe, explain and predict relationships between variables affecting a given phenomena. The phenomena that was considered in this study was adoption of family planning and the social cultural factors that determine it.

Structurally the work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography.

The first chapter is on “Family and social-psychological factors affecting the modern family”. This part is the theoretical overview of the work. Here we present why important family for society and how it must be to make healthy society and strong country.

The second chapter is titled as “Principles and problems of family upbringing”. In this chapter we analyze and present what the role of parents and what methods can they used for education of their children.

Consequently we summarize our research and introduce the main conclusions.

Bibliography contains the list of authors and books used in the research, list of literary works that have been used in order to gather data both in English and Armenian and Internet sources.

Family and social-psychological factors affecting the modern family

The place and role of the family is well-known in the development of society. In other words it is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. The revelation of this scientific, and especially the psychological artifact of this small world, is a crucial issue of national, public and state significance and we can it describe as a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, whether dwelling together or not. A properly functioning family will have good intra-family relationships and thereby give optimum support to its members leading to better adaptation and we can also note that it will have good parental monitoring and supervision, and prevent association of a young person with deviant peers, which is a primary pathway leading to onset and escalation of high-risk behaviour in young persons.

The family is formed from the marriage of a man and a woman who have the same lifestyle as they want to have a well-educated, educated, and well-publicized child. Each family is composed of members, as well as their connections and relationships. This whole family is the structure of the family, which can be hierarchical. There is a leader in the family (sometimes in large families, more than one), there are subordinates (performers), each member acquires his status and relevant roles over time. In some families there is only one leader who can be an authoritarian or democratic person. But now many are called so-called egalitarian (parity-based) families whose members (at least husbands) have equal or almost equal rights and responsibilities. Families where the standards of home life are so gravely defective as to damage the normal development of children"

The family forms the individual's development in all its manifestations (physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual) and creates the basis for the activity of other institutions that shape human beings. The family carries out the most important public function by transferring basic cultural values, codes and mechanisms from generation to generation.

Thus, the family not only creates a workforce but also as a member of society. At the same time, the family is an incentive for the preservation of the society along with its inherent value systems and habits, thanks to which the society is able to adapt to the changes in the environment, while at the same time maintaining and developing its own personality. The potential of human reproduction is at present the main function of the latter, unlike other typical functions that almost have exhausted them. The majority of the family is not a productive unit, which ensures the employment of all its members. Family business has, as such, limitedly retained agriculture and services.

It’s important to note how family plays an important role in a child’s mind and personality development in childhood, it is important to determine what specific social and psychological family factors are the most important for the development of child. The importance of emotional ties between parents and children is proven by many studies. In this research we find out that there is a relation between parent capability to control emotions and such ability development in children that parent emotional intelligence has an impact on emotional development of children; that parents who are sensitive to emotional needs of their children typically raise emotionally intelligent children. However, family status has significant impact on the ability to solve emotional social and interpersonal situations: such situations are best solved by those who live in matrimony or with a girlfriend/friend. The poorest solvers of such situations are those who live with their parents.

Psychological climate in the family is important for the emotional intelligence level. In those families where warm feelings dominate among their members, own emotion understanding and control is the best. Ability to control emotions of other people is also related to good relationships experienced in the family, but the poorest at controlling emotions of other people are those who see their own family life as “normal”. Subjects who grew up in families where arguments were frequent are the poorest at understanding and controlling their own emotions; they also are the best manipulators capable of using weaknesses of people around them; the poorest manipulators are subjects raised in families where relations are exceptionally good and warm mutual feelings prevail.

The results of the study confirmed the importance of strong emotional ties between the subject and his or her mother/father: those who had strong emotional ties with their mother are the best at controlling emotions of other people. Those who had strong emotional ties with both parents are the best at understanding their own emotions, those who had equally poor emotional relationships with both parents are the worst at understanding their own emotions

The study has revealed that succession of birth in the family and the number of brothers and sisters are insignificant factors. However, it turned out that the only children in the family are the biggest manipulators, whereas the youngest children in the family are the least of all inclined to manipulate surrounding people.

The family has been and remains the main link and crucial factor of moral upbringing of a person. From the family begins the construction of the principles of moral upbringing, from which subsequent forms of personality are shaped and reinforced. The family should be able to bring up a spiritually rich, morally upbringing generation, worthy descendants of future generations. The family should become the most reliable support for public order and moral principles.

Implementing this task requires the parents' high responsibility, the necessary discretion and daily control over the children's actions. Education needs to be carried out in such a way that children's thoughts and emotions can be directed toward moral clean principles, socially appropriate and useful.

The parent's moral image, his personal example, the unity of speech and behavior are important in the efficiency of upbringing. For many centuries, the upbringing of children has taken place in families and educational institutions.

Principles and problems of family upbringing

Family relations involve both congruence and conflict, and the benefits and costs of children and child bearing are not distributed equally between men and women.

We make research in the sphere of family upbringing during which we can meet many principles and problems. During our research we are interested in the preventive aspects of problem families and we have found out that each problem family presents a unique complex of circumstances. We find out that there are three other groups into which problem families may be broadly classifiable.

  • The first group in which the chief defect appears to be one of character-either viciousness or weakness in one or both parents.

  • In second group the chief defect appears to be one of training, more particularly of the mother.

  • The third group is where the chief difficulty would appear to be economic. It means those families in whose case the father is unemployed or dead, cases with low family income (either absolutely or relatively on account of an excessive number of children), and cases in which there is chronic ill health of the mother.

Education is the most important function of every society. Education is called a person's adaptation to the conditions of existence. The main purpose of upbringing is to form a newborn child and to develop it. In general, the effectiveness of educational influences depends on the relationships between parents, family life form- "health", success, and happiness.

The basis of moral, aesthetic, and economic upbringing of child lay down in the family. For a child, the family is a ready example of building one's own life. He opens his eyes, sees his family, his traditions, relationships and rules, so it is right to remember the phrase that every child is a mirror of his family and parents are responsible for the future of the child. In family work, qualities such as alignment, responsibility, diligence, and more are being trained.

Family education contributes to the child

• Entrepreneurship

• Economic management

• Accountability, as well as independence

• Independence, self-fulfillment capabilities

• Promotes a rapid growth of the child

We study conditions for family education success. We have already known that the nation keeper, national description, and character transfer family from generations to generation. This is a sacred place where an individual's description is being cultivated. In the family, a person receives spiritual and moral primary education.

The ultimate goal of family education is the process of creating person, not merely physical existence, but as the convergence of moral qualities and virtues. If a person grows up in a solid moral foundation, in a family of love, consensus, and respect, it is natural that he will put his stamp on his soul and heart, creating a real man in him.

I wish, love and solidarity, mutual consent and forgiveness, the ability to give up and take into account the opinion of others soar in the Armenian families, ultimately, govern Christian standards, thanks to which the Armenian family remained Armenian, preserving their national identity. In such families, infants who grow up cannot be bad, cannot despise or respecte the elderlies, cannot be self-conceited and selfish.

By thus educating our children, we will have a morally educated and strong family, society and nation, because a stable and strong family is the basis of the survival of the nation.

We found out the impact of couples conflict on children is the most widespread phenomenon. The quality of couples closest relationships profoundly affects how they feel about themselves. Much less widely acknowledged however – although just as true – is the fact that the quality of these relationships has material and measurable consequences for our lives and those around us, affecting the emotional, cognitive and physical development of our children, our capacity to work and to be fulfilled in work, and our physical and mental health as we get older. Couple conflict which is frequent, intense and poorly resolved can be profoundly harmful for children to be exposed to, however, exposure to discordant, but non-violent, conflict between parents also exerts negative effects on child development. Exposure to couple conflict can affect children of all ages (including babies) and can manifest itself as increased anxiety, depression, aggression, hostility, anti-social behaviour and criminality as well as deficits in academic attainment. The effect of inter-parental conflict on children depends both upon the manner in which it is expressed, managed and resolved, as well as the extent to which children feel at fault for, or threatened by, their parent’s relationship arguments and the inter-parental relationship serves as a model for the expectations children have of other family relationships, including the parent-child relationship. Intervention programmes that focus on the inter-parental relationship have the potential to rectify the negative consequences of family stress, family conflict and family breakdown on children and parents, and help prevent the intergenerational transmission of factors that lead to disrupted family relationships and family breakdown.


We have come to the following conclusion after our research.

  • Family is the basic unit of a social system. In other words a right to family unity is inherent in the universal recognition of the family as the fundamental group unit of society, which is entitled to protection and assistance. This right is entrenched in universal and regional human rights instruments and international humanitarian law, and it applies to all human beings, regardless of their status. It therefore also applies in the refugee context. A small minority of participants, while recognizing the importance of the family, did not refer to family unity as a right but as a principle.

  • The success in marriage and family relationship will strengthen the stability of the community and will enrich the future generations.

  • Every successful marital relationship is the result of love, faith and justice, and it leads to a wider perspective on family relations and social commitments. A stable family relationship can achieve a stable, effective and powerful marital life.

  • The social evils such as drug addiction, media addiction, and alcoholism have affected in the essential functions of the family life. The early migration of children from their parents, the disconnection of the traditional religious and social relations, job stress, mental illness, and extra marital relations have affected the sanctity of the marital relationships.

  • Social stability is the most important factor in a healthy family. In a stable family people live together in harmony, peace and justice. So the family court structure, process and functions preserve a marriage where it has broken down irretrievably, or dissolves it with maximum fairness and minimum bitterness, distress and humiliation

  • After our research we suggest that the most urgent necessities are for the further scientific study of these families, the better ascertainment and disposal of mental deficiency cases, and the setting up of experimental training centers where new married couples can be trained in the proper management of a home and the upbringing of children.


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