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Family in the Context of History. Victorian Family Life.

Данный урок посвящен обучению изучающему чтению про себя. Способствует совершенствованию навыков аудирования, письма, развитию умения говорить на основе прочитанного, присвоению лингвострановедческого материала; засширяет кругозор детей. Для наглядности предлагаю Вашему вниманию презентацию к уроку и приложения, включающие ИРМ и выдержки из учебника.


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Family in the Context of History.  Victorian Family Life. Подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №40 г. Липецка Круглякова Дарья Дмитриевна Декабрь, 2017

Family in the Context of History. Victorian Family Life.

Подготовила учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №40 г. Липецка

Круглякова Дарья Дмитриевна

Декабрь, 2017

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing. Любовь семьи - величайшее счастье в жизни.

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Любовь семьи - величайшее счастье в жизни.

Let’s read these words with the help of transcription. Gulf |ɡʌlf| Notorious |nəʊˈtɔːriəs| famous for something bad Side-whiskers |saɪdˈwɪskəz| Carve |kɑːv| to cut smth Cane |keɪn| Lace |leɪs| Prayer |preə(r)| Solemn |ˈsɒləm| involving serious behaviour or serious attitudes Amusement |əˈmjuːzmənt| Stiff |stɪf| Recite |rɪˈsaɪt| to say a poem or story that you have learnt to an audience  Blind man’s buff - жмурки

Let’s read these words with the help of transcription.

  • Gulf |ɡʌlf|
  • Notorious |nəʊˈtɔːriəs| famous for something bad
  • Side-whiskers |saɪdˈwɪskəz|
  • Carve |kɑːv| to cut smth
  • Cane |keɪn|
  • Lace |leɪs|
  • Prayer |preə(r)|
  • Solemn |ˈsɒləm| involving serious behaviour or serious attitudes
  • Amusement |əˈmjuːzmənt|
  • Stiff |stɪf|
  • Recite |rɪˈsaɪt| to say a poem or story that you have learnt to an audience
  • Blind man’s buff - жмурки
How you should guess what the word is & fulfill the gaps. G_ _ _f (4) N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ s (9) S_ _ e – w_ _ _ _ _ s (11) C_ _ e (4) S_ _ _ _n (6) R_ _ _ _e (6) A_ _ _ _ _ _ _t (9)

How you should guess what the word is & fulfill the gaps.

  • G_ _ _f (4)
  • N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ s (9)
  • S_ _ e – w_ _ _ _ _ s (11)
  • C_ _ e (4)
  • S_ _ _ _n (6)
  • R_ _ _ _e (6)
  • A_ _ _ _ _ _ _t (9)
Children, you should listen to me attentively & then repeat it all together.

Children, you should listen to me attentively & then repeat it all together.

Well, children, you should find the word in a chain which isn’t connected with the others. Rich, poor, world. Beard, side-whiskers, body. Strict rules, prays, amusement.

Well, children, you should find the word in a chain which isn’t connected with the others.

  • Rich, poor, world.
  • Beard, side-whiskers, body.
  • Strict rules, prays, amusement.
Let’s read the text on p. 207 & answer the question: What were the main features of British families in their everyday life during the Victorian period?

Let’s read the text on p. 207 & answer the question: What were the main features of British families in their everyday life during the Victorian period?

Now you have to find sentences in the story, which have the same content with my sentences.

Now you have to find sentences in the story, which have the same content with my sentences.

Try to understand, whether the sentences suit to the content of the text or not? True or false. 1. Queen Victoria ruled the UK from 1837 to 1901. 2. There wasn’t gulf between rich & poor in the Victorian England. 3. The Victorian period, is often seen as a time of strict moral standards when people were very serious & often pretended to have better moral principles than they actually had. 4. In a Victorian middle-class family, father known as Papa, was the Head of the House & the breadwinner, & everyone, especially children, treated him with the greatest respect.

Try to understand, whether the sentences suit to the content of the text or not? True or false.

1. Queen Victoria ruled the UK from 1837 to 1901.

2. There wasn’t gulf between rich & poor in the Victorian England.

3. The Victorian period, is often seen as a time of strict moral standards when people were very serious & often pretended to have better moral principles than they actually had.

4. In a Victorian middle-class family, father known as Papa, was the Head of the House & the breadwinner, & everyone, especially children, treated him with the greatest respect.

5. Mama didn’t keep her large family in order, &never used a cane. 6. After thirty, Mama was considered quite middle-aged & often took to wearing a little lace cap in the house. 7. Every Sunday the Victorians had a great amusement & enjoy themselves. 8. There were radio sets, TV, cinemas & motor cars in the Victorians families. 9. Children of the Victorian period didn’t attend theatre performance with their parents.

5. Mama didn’t keep her large family in order, &never used a cane.

6. After thirty, Mama was considered quite middle-aged & often took to wearing a little lace cap in the house.

7. Every Sunday the Victorians had a great amusement & enjoy themselves.

8. There were radio sets, TV, cinemas & motor cars in the Victorians families.

9. Children of the Victorian period didn’t attend theatre performance with their parents.

Answer the questions on the text. 1. Who made the UK the most powerful country in the world? 2. What was notorious in the Victorian England? 3. What people imagine when think about times of Queen Victoria? 4. Who was the Head of the house in a Victorian middle-class family?

Answer the questions on the text.

1. Who made the UK the most powerful country in the world?

2. What was notorious in the Victorian England?

3. What people imagine when think about times of Queen Victoria?

4. Who was the Head of the house in a Victorian middle-class family?

5. What did Papa before every dinner? 6. What did Mama use to keep her big family in order? 7. What day was a very solemn? Why? 8. What did amusements the Victorians had? 9. What are the best known children’s stories were written in the Victorian days?

5. What did Papa before every dinner?

6. What did Mama use to keep her big family in order?

7. What day was a very solemn? Why?

8. What did amusements the Victorians had?

9. What are the best known children’s stories were written in the Victorian days?

Now your task is to choose the most appropriate headline or to offer your own one. -  Victorian Morals -  Victorian Family Life -  Entertainment in Victorian England

Now your task is to choose the most appropriate headline or to offer your own one.

- Victorian Morals

- Victorian Family Life

- Entertainment in Victorian England

Make up a plan for the text for each paragraph. Let’s do it all together.

Make up a plan for the text for each paragraph. Let’s do it all together.

Try to retell the story in your own words, using the plan.

Try to retell the story in your own words, using the plan.

Let’s put aside everything, think a little & say what have you learnt about Victorian family life today?

Let’s put aside everything, think a little & say what have you learnt about Victorian family life today?

Your h/t: To write a summary which will be based on this text, & as usual, express your opinion.

Your h/t:

To write a summary which will be based on this text, & as usual, express your opinion.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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