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Сценарий к спектаклю на АЯ "Pinocchio"

Методическая разработка для проведения и постановки спектакля на АЯ для учеников 6-7 классов

Содержимое разработки

Script “The adventures of Pinocchio” (6-7 grades)


Cricket Jiminy-Cr.

Pinocchio- Pin.

Night butterfly –NB

Gepetto -Gp.

Fairy 1

Fairy 2



The showman


Scene 1 Cricket Jiminy

Cr. Didn’t you recognize me? I am a real magic cricket Jiminy

. My occupation is…travelling.

NB. As for me, dear friends I am a night butterfly.. He is a friend of mine. Well, I know your memory keeps many stories, old friend.

Cr. If only you knew how many wonderful fairy-tales are kept in my memory!

NB I’m looking forward to hearing your new story.

Cr. Oh, I’d like to tell you a story about “friendship” and…” Are you ready to listen?

Let’s begin right now. Imagine … a small room of a lonely wood- carver . His name is Geppetto.

Scene 2 Magic transformation

Gp .Oh-oh!!! I have just finished my last wooden puppet. .Cute little fellow…Now , I’ve just a name for you…You are…Pinocchio!!Do you like it??OK!!Hello, my son Pinocchio!!!

Little wooden Head!

Go play your part!

Bring a little joy

To a lovely heart!

Gp. I’m so old and can’t see well and have terrible backache. I wish I had a real son to love and take care of him. But, you will never become a real boy.. Good night, my boy!!!


Oh, the wishing star!!!

Star high, star bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may I wish I might

I wish that my lovely little Pinocchio might be a real boy!!!

Good night, my wooden boy!

Scene 3. Fairies

Fairy1 It’s rather quiet. Everybody i s sleeping. I like this old Geppeto.

Cricket Don’t you want to make him happy?

NB I think It’s a good idea.

Fairy2 Oh, you are right. But, as a rule, kind-hearted people never wait for any presents…

Fairy 1. Good Geppeto! You have given so much happiness to others with your magic toys. I can make your wish…

F1+F2Giminy where are our magic sticks?

Little puppet made of pine


The gift of life is Fine!!!


Nb, Cr. One… two… three…

Pn. Oh!!!!I can talk!! I can move!!I can walk!!! But….Who am I? Where am I? Who are you ? I want you to go…

Cr. You are Pinocchio, Geppeto’s son!!! I am Jiminy Cricket. I’ve lived here all my life.

F1+2 We are fairies .

Pin. Hmmm…Funny !Am I a real boy now?

F2 No, my friend. Gepetto wished for a real boy but much time will pass before you become a real.

F1 It’s up to you to be or not to be a real boy!!

Pn. Up to me? Why?

Cr. Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and

F1 Soon…maybe… you will become a real boy!

Cr. It’s not easy.

Pin. Why? What are you driving at?

F2.You must learn to choose between right and wrong.

Pin. But how will I know?

F1 Your conscience will tell you. This little cricket will be you teacher .He will be as close to you as possible.

Cr. I will be ..what????

F1 Kneel, Jiminy!!!We dub you “Pinocchio conscience. Arise Mr. Conscience!!!

Pn. What???Conscience?! What is it?

Cr.I t’ hm…it’s a useful thing which doesn’t let people behave badly.

F1, We have to go. Now remember Pinoke be a good boy

Pin. AND REMEMBER PINOKKIO BE A GOOD BOY! Is it interesting and funny ?

Scene 4.”I am your personal conscience.”

Р. What is it?

Cr. It’s raining now. Let’s have heart –a –heart talk. There are so many temptations everywhere. And sometimes wrong things can be right and right things can be wrong. Our life is like a journey where you must be the right driver. Understand?

P. No. Go away .It’s so boring.

Cr. It’s remains to be seen. I did my best.

Scene 5 .The first temptation

Fox Oh, look!!A little wooden puppet without strings…What??? I have a plan. Listen to me …

Fox 1 How clumsy!!!Here’s your book?

Cat Is everything ok, dear boy? Where are you going?

Pin. I’m going to school. I want to study and become a real boy!!!

Fox What? S_C_Hool_It’s so boring and strange!!What do you know about this kind of prison? Are you mad?

Cat Haven’t you heard of the easy road to success? Listen to us.

Fox We are speaking about the theatre. : Applause, fame and...money

Cat I can see your name in lights

Pin. Really? When I become a real star I can make a killing on a theatre. I think, my school can…wait

I will be an actor! I’ll become a celebrity! Let’s go to the theatre.

Cricket Where is he!!!! Pinoke!! You shouldn’t go there. You must go to school. They are crooks!

Pin. NO, you aren’t a big cheese for me. LAY OFF!

Cr. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Scene 6. The puppetshow and Strombolly

Showman Stop, silly puppets!!!My name is Strombolly. I am a real master of this theatre. I’m from Italy. Sorry for my poor English, but dancing is my cup of tea. Agree? Our show begins…For you and you and…you..The only marionette who can dance, sing absolutely without strings .The one and only Pinocchio! Floor is yours!

/Puppets are dancing/

Showman Bravo, Pin.!!300 pieces of gold for one play!!! I soldi fanno soldi!

Pin. They like me!!!Am I a professional actor now?

Shm. DIO MIO! You were great!!! You are sensational!!

Pin. Do you like me?

Showman You were fantastic! 7 , no 6 ,no 5 pieces of gold for you my dear boy.

Pin. I’ll run home to my father and…

Showman WHAT!!!!

Pin. And …be back in the morning…

SWN. HOME? MORNING? This will be your home!

Pin. NO, no ,no

Swn. Yes, yes, yes .SOPRATTUTO pervoi!!!

Pin. I want to get out!!

Showman Quiet!!Shut up!!!Good night, my gold puppet!!!SHHHHH

Pin. Giminy!!!Where are you?

SCENE 7. Again fairies

Pn. Oh, my friend… Let me go out!!! Help me, please!!!

Cr. What’s up?

Pin. Let me out, Jiminy!! The Showman locked me here.

Cr. Don’t worry . It’s very easy to unfetter a prisoner. But I can’t…Only a miracle can help us…

Pin. Star!!!Fairies!!!What can I tell them?

F1 Good evening Pinoke! Why are you here? Why didn’t’ you go to school?

F2 Why didn’t you listen to your conscience?

Cricket Tell them the truth…

Pin. It’s not my fault! Two big monsters with green eyes trapped me .On, my nose!!!

F1 So what?

Pin. They put me into a big bag…

F1,2 Really???

Pin. What happened to my nose?

F2 You are a liar! A lie keeps growing and growing…

Cr. He is awful sorry!!!

Pin. Ok, then. I’ll never lie again. I’m sorry..

Cr. Give him another chance. Will you?

F2 Ok, today is Christmas…But… Remember we can help you again only one time

Cr.+Pin. Hooray! Hurry back to Geppeto!

SCENE 8 Cunning crooks again

Cr. +Pin. One, two, three… Good money!

Fox Didn’t you hear!!! Five pieces of gold.

Cat We must take his money away. We need a brilliant plan….Use your brain.… Use your brain .Oh, I have an idea…We should…

Fox Oh, Good afternoon, Pinocchio!!! Where are you going now???

Pin. I am running to my lovely father. Have a look, what I have got!!!

Cat. OH, 5 gold coins. Its quiet another matter.

Fox Dear, boy! Do you want to have much money than this?

Pin. Sure I want!!! But what should I do ?

Cat There is a magic Field of Gold… Take your money, then dig a big hole and put your money there…

Fox Then water your lovely seeds and …go to bed…

Cat … In the morning you will find

Fox A beautiful tree all covered with gold coins. Just imagine…

Pin I got you. I’ll plant the money tree and make profits in the morning. Good business plan!

Cat hurry up!!!.

Cat+Fox Follow us…

Cr. No, Pinoke. You and these cheaters again! It’s a bad egg. Listen to me!!!

Fox Who is it? Who do you think you are?

Cr. Put me down!!I am Jiminy, his personal conscience.(закрывает его тряпкой)

Cat Are you going to listen to any…ant or grasshopper?

Pin. Sorry Cricket, but you don’t stop me now!!! It’s my life.

Scene 9. Robbers

Night butterfly It was getting dark. He was alone. His new friends got lost in the forest. This place was rather dangerous.

Cat Let’s steal his money like real robbers.

Fox Aren’t we witty and clever? We’ll catch our luck.

Cat Treat or trick!!

Fox What?????

Cat Fish or milk….

Fox NO!! You are a dense fellow! Your money or life!

Fox Where are you running?

Cat… We were born under unlucky star…

Scene 8 Magic transformation

Fairy1 Oh, I see my old true friend Pinocchio again.

F2 He again needs our help.

Fairy 1 You know, He is a real trouble-maker!!!

NB I know this puppet very well. It’s a very naughty puppet. Let’s make him alive…

Pn. Fairies, you Jiminy and. The more we are together, the happier we are.

Fairy1 You are wrong! You didn’t listen to your conscience and go to school.

F2 And became friends with real robbers.

F1 Your father is looking for you everywhere.

Cr You couldn’t resist all these temptations

NB/Cr/F1 Do you know what it means???

Pn. I’m terribly sorry. Stop talking!!!I realized everything!!! I will always keep my promise, help all kind people. Please, let me go to my father. I miss him so much.

Fairy2 Ok, Join your father.

Cr. What about me? This boy is my masterpiece. I always was his teacher and lifeguard.

Fairy1 Ok. Bye….See you later.

Scene 11 Meeting

Gep. Where are you, my little son? I looked you for everywhere but all for nothing. It’s my fault!!I couldn’t protect you!

Pn. Father! Stop crying! It’s me, your son!!!I am alive and!! We are rather rich.

Gep. I am on top of the world! You are safe and sound! But…Do you know the main rule of happiness ?

Pn Now, I know it… …If you want to be happy you should live in harmony with your conscience and help everybody who needs your help.

Gepetto Oh, you are a real man and we are together again!!!What can I wish else? Only…I want to dance!!!Music!!!

Pinokkio Dancing and…you? But your back?

Gepetto Look at me and teach!  There is life in the old dog yet.

/Geppeto is dancing/

Gep I am young and healthy again

Pin I am a real live boy!!!

Cricket I’ m ..His Majesty Personal Conscience!

All characters Just imagine! Let’s remember how it was…

One puppet “reads” rap about Pinocchio












Strombolly Stop it immediately! My fascinating show can’t be finished in this tragic way. DIO MIO Greet! For you and you and, ok you…The unique and unforgettable parade of all our characters!!! Actors, take the stage: dance altogether for the final scene!

Strombolly Remember dear theatregoers: eat, drink and be merry with pure conscience


Final dance

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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