Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  9 класс  /  Exercise and Sport.Advantages and disadvantages of international events involvement in Kazakhstan

Exercise and Sport.Advantages and disadvantages of international events involvement in Kazakhstan

This lesson will be focused on the development of speaking skills.


Содержимое разработки

Unit 9.1B: Exercise and Sport (Content with language)

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau


Teacher’s name: Atasheva Zh.B.


Number present:


Lesson. Advantages and disadvantages of international events involvement in Kazakhstan

Key learning objectives

9.C3 respect differing points of view;

9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing;

9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics;

9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

Language objectives

Focus on development of speaking skills

Lesson objectives


All: give answers to the questions being asked;(S3) explain their ideas clearly using opinion expressions; support their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence; (C4) evaluate others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion;

Most: speak and give their own opinions on chosen controversial topics

Some: give full detailed answers to the questions; explain and justify their own view points by giving examples from real life

Value links

Respect diversity of opinions

ICT skills

Videos used as warm up and for brainstorming

Cross curricular links

Kazakhstan in the modern world

Kazakh culture

International events involvement in Kazakhstan

Previous learning

Critical analysis of World Sports – how far can large events help integration between countries? Writing


Planned timings

Teacher activity

Learner activity





Teacher greets students and explains lesson objectives.

Teacher presents the video about games that held in Kazakhstan and asks them questions.

Teacher writes stem sentences on the board for learners to use them for the following activity:

I think that…

You may be right but…

What about…?

I’m not sure that really true.

Possibly, but…

Students watch the video about games that held in Kazakhstan

(W)They answer for the given questions:

- Can you name Kazakhstani sportsmen and what type of sports they do?

- What events of global scale do hold in Kazakhstan as well as Asian winter games in 2011?

- Are many people in Kazakhstan interested in them?

The learners’ role here is to stretch themselves to think about the world. Learners gather their thoughts before starting a debate.

Differentiation by support: less able students are provided by dictionaries.


till 6th minute

Main part 25’


T sets up a debate where half of the class must take one side and the other must argue the case for the other point of view.

T monitors to allow learners to develop fluency. However, it is important to make discreet notes of any recurring errors for future planning.

Also makes notes of significant progress.

(G,F,C4, S3) Learners choose the controversial topic about sports in Kazakhstan:

World Sports – how far can world events such as the Olympics, the Winter Olympics, tennis etc. help integration between Kazakhstan and other countries?

What advantages and disadvantages does involvement in international events bring to Kazakhstan?

Learners are divided into 2 groups:

Step 1 -there are 5 learners sitting on the chairs in the inner circle; 5 learners form the outer circle standing behind whose who are sitting.

Step 2 - each learner of the inner circle has 1 min to express his/her perspective on the issue discussed (monologue). This should be done in turns. Then they have 3 minutes to debate as a group expressing their agreement or disagreement, asking extra questions and addressing each other (conversation).

Each learner of the outer circle focuses on the speech of a person he is standing behind paying attention to the way the speaker builds the argument (whether it is strong or weak), use of appropriate expressions.

Step 3 -‘listeners’ give feedback on what have been produced by ‘speakers’

Step 4 - learners switch their roles; they go through steps 2 and 3 again

Differentiation by support:

Less able students use dictionaries.

Differentiation support is made by giving students phrases useful for discussion

Debate rubric: http://www.csun.edu/~ds56723/phil338/hout338rubric.htm


discussion phrases

Conclusion 5’

Reflection. Ss summarize and tell what are the main problems that are to be solved

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

More support: Less able students are given discussion phrases.

T monitors Speaking Assessment.

Exercise for eyes in the middle of the lesson


Were the Lesson Objectives/Learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Lesson objectives were realistic and achievable.

Learners discuss in groups for given topics and give feedback to each other.

Learning atmosphere was pleasant and contributed to the learning process

My planned differentiation worked well and helped less-able students to be involved in the debates

Yes, I controlled the time. I did not make any changes in my plan.

Summary evaluation. What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: All students participated actively and all of them gave full detailed answer for given questions. Learners explained their ideas clearly using opinion expressions.

2: During debate, all students supported their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence and evaluated others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion.

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: Maybe I will prepare some interesting videos and resources like as additional material.

What have I learned from the lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

I have learned that there are some students in this class, who are not interested in this theme about sport. So next lesson I should prepare some interesting games or activities to make students more motivated.

Содержимое разработки

The theme: Advantages and disadvantages if international events involvement in Kazakhstan



Learning objective


9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics

9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others;

Learners choose the controversial topic about sports in

Kazakhstan and give their own opinions



Success criteria

You have met this learning objective if you can





-evaluate others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion;

- explain their ideas clearly using opinion expressions

-support their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence

Содержимое разработки

Phrases for discussions in English

1. Introduction

  • Let's begin/start with ...

2. What you think about somebody/something

  • As far as I'm concerned ...

  • I think ...

  • In my opinion ...

  • As far as I know ...

  • In my view ...

  • I don't think ...

  • I don't believe that ...

  • Well, if you ask me ...

  • If you want my honest opinion ...

  • I've never come across the idea that ...

3. How to agree/disagree

  • I must admit that ...

  • I totally/fully/partly agree.

  • I agree/don't agree with you.

  • I believe/don't believe ...

  • I'm convinced that ...

  • The way I see it ...

  • It seems to me that ...

  • I wouldn't say that ...

  • I don't think so.

  • You're right up to a point.

  • You could be right.

  • That can't be right.

  • I don't agree at all.

  • As a matter of fact, ...

  • That's right/wrong.

  • Exactly.

  • I can understand ...

  • It's hard to say.

  • It's a fact that ...

  • However, ...

  • That's why ...

  • John likes computers. - So do I.

  • Steve doesn't like mobiles. - Neither do I.

4. Asking for clarification

  • What do you think?

  • What's your opinion?

  • Would you like to say something?

  • What do you mean?

  • What are your ideas?

  • What are you trying to say?

5. How to interrupt politely

  • I'm sorry, but ...

  • Can/May I add something?

  • Sorry to interrupt, but ...

6. Other opinions

  • On the one hand ... on the other hand ...

  • They claim that ...

  • They also say ...

  • Opinion among teachers is that ...

  • That's a matter of opinion.

7. Phrases to keep a discussion going

  • Let's get back to ...

  • As we just heard ...

  • Where were we?

Содержимое разработки

Advantages and disadvantages of international events involvement in Kazakhstan NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Advantages and disadvantages of international events involvement in Kazakhstan

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Lesson objectives: -give answers to the questions being asked; -(S3) explain their ideas clearly using opinion expressions; support their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence; - (C4)evaluate others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion; -speak and give their own opinions on chosen controversial topics -give full detailed answers to the questions; explain and justify their own view points by giving examples from real life  NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Lesson objectives:

-give answers to the questions being asked;

-(S3) explain their ideas clearly using opinion expressions; support their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence;

- (C4)evaluate others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion;

-speak and give their own opinions on chosen controversial topics

-give full detailed answers to the questions; explain and justify their own view points by giving examples from real life

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Questions: -  Can you name Kazakhstani sportsmen and what type of sports they do? -  What events of global scale do hold in Kazakhstan as well as Asian winter games in 2011? -  Are many people in Kazakhstan interested in them?  NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.


- Can you name Kazakhstani sportsmen and what type of sports they do?

- What events of global scale do hold in Kazakhstan as well as Asian winter games in 2011?

- Are many people in Kazakhstan interested in them?

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Success criteria:  -evaluate others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion; - explain their ideas clearly using opinion expressions -support their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Success criteria:

  • -evaluate others’ points of view by commenting and making conclusion;
  • - explain their ideas clearly using opinion expressions
  • -support their ideas with at least 2 strong evidence

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

● World Sports – how far can world events such as the Olympics, the Winter Olympics, tennis etc. help integration between Kazakhstan and other countries? ● What advantages and disadvantages does involvement in international events bring to Kazakhstan?   NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

● World Sports – how far can world events such as the Olympics, the Winter Olympics, tennis etc. help integration between Kazakhstan and other countries?

● What advantages and disadvantages does involvement in international events bring to Kazakhstan?

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Resources https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ysHVpIMOhk –video about Asian Winter Games 2011 http://www.csun.edu/~ ds56723/phil338/hout338rubric.htm -Debate rubric https:// www.quora.com/What-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-hosting-an-international-sporting-event - article about advantages and disadvantages of hosting an international sporting event. NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ysHVpIMOhk –video about Asian Winter Games 2011

http://www.csun.edu/~ ds56723/phil338/hout338rubric.htm -Debate rubric

https:// www.quora.com/What-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-hosting-an-international-sporting-event - article about advantages and disadvantages of hosting an international sporting event.

NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau, Atasheva Zh.B.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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