1 Пояснительная записка
2 Учебно-тематическое планирование
3 Содержание курса
4. Литература
5. Приложения
Элективный курс по английскому языку WELCOME TO VOLGRAD REGION предназначен для предпрофильной подготовки учащихся и обучения их в рамках гуманитарного профиля в 8-9 классах и представлен в объеме 17 часов аудиторных занятий (1 час в неделю в течение полугодия или 1 час в 2 недели в течение года)
Актуальность курса состоит в том, что вопрос гражданского воспитания стоит наиболее остро в настоящее время и национально-региональный компонент необходим как основной элемент нравственного, эстетического и гражданского воспитания. Региональный компонент предусматривает возможность введения содержания, связанного с традициями, культурой региона. Он отвечает потребностям и интересам региона и позволяет организовать поддержку образовательных областей, развитие направлений, ведение курсов, приоритетных для региона. Подобный материал отсутствует в программах элективных курсов, рекомендованных Комитетом по образованию Волгоградской области.
Сущность курса заключается в развитии коммуникативной компетенции, а также в обновлении содержания обучения иностранному языку за счет овладения учащимися определенным объемом знаний о своем крае.
Данный курс направлен на систематизацию и расширение знаний учащихся о родном крае. Курс способствует лучшему освоению базового курса английского языка, т.к. предполагает развитие основных умений по чтению, устной речи, письму на базе нового материала- информации о родном крае. Данный курс дает учащимся возможность обсудить сложившуюся экономическую ситуацию края, используя специфическую лексику английского языка по программе, а так же дополнительную лексику. Зная грамматические нормы и правила оформления устной и письменной речи, учащиеся смогут заявить о своей гражданской позиции на международном уровне или в дискуссии.
Цели курса:
формирование целостного представления о Волгоградской области;
создание мотивационной основы для качественной подготовки учащихся к экзаменам и к участию в олимпиадах;
формирование навыков устной и письменной речи, а так же овладение разными видами чтения;
расширение лексического запаса.
Задачи курса:
создать условия для овладения каждым учащимся умением понимать и читать несложные аутентичные тексты с целью понимания основного содержания, деталей, специальной информации о родном крае, быте, культуре, истории, значимости, проблемах народов населяющих наш регион;
В процессе обучения учащиеся должны уметь:
читать с полным пониманием тексты, с пониманием общей идеи или с целью извлечения нужной информации;
работать со специальной лексикой и понимать её;
овладеть первичными навыками перевода;
участвовать в дискуссии на английском языке, слышать собеседника и правильно реагировать на его речь;
спонтанно высказываться по изученной теме (5-8 фраз);
представить компьютерную презентацию по теме.
Главным содержанием курса является информация о Волгоградской области, географическом положении, природных ресурсах, экологии, промышленности и составление компьютерных презентаций по разделам.
Материал предназначен для учеников, склонных к изучению истории, географии, английского языка.
В данном курсе чётко прослежены межпредметные связи: при изучении географического положения – с географией, при составлении презентаций – с информатикой, промышленности – с экономикой.
Развитию познавательных интересов учащихся будет способствовать разнообразие видов деятельности (перекрёстное чтение, составление презентаций, проектов), создание ситуации достижения успеха.
Основные формы организации учебной деятельности: лекция, перекрёстное чтение, самостоятельная работа с текстами, групповая работа, работа с компьютером.
Ученики также могут проявить инициативу и самостоятельность во время написания мини-сочинений, в которых выражается собственное мнение по какому-либо вопросу.
Ученики самостоятельно в микрогруппах, в сотрудничестве с учителем выполняют различные задания; на занятиях организуется обсуждение результатов этой работы, а также разнообразных творческих заданий, мини-сочинений.
Содержание курса представлено в виде диалога учеников и учителя. Такая форма позволит организовать самостоятельное изучение материала.
Данный курс будет закончен итоговым обобщением материала в виде компьютерных презентаций, творческого сочинения “Почему я советую туристам посетить Волгоградскую область”, или письменной работы – письма к другу, в которых будет рассказываться об области.
В основе изучения материалов курса используется личностно-ориентированное обучение.
В ходе изучения курса оптимальным является использование активных методов обучения: беседа, обсуждение, групповая работа, самостоятельная работа. Приоритет активных методов обучения предполагает выбор соответствующих форм текущего и итогового контроля( ответы на вопросы, пересказ, изготовление буклета).
Прогнозируемые результаты. В итоге прохождения курса учащиеся:
узнают о проблемах региона;
научаться оформлять собственное мнение в дискуссиях;
получат дополнительные сведения по другим предметам;
научаться составлять буклет.
Предполагаемые трудности:
необходимо предусмотреть то, что учащиеся специально не обучаются форматам оформления письма;
необходимо расписать этапы проекта для его успешной реализации.
№ | Темы и подтемы | Кол-во часов | Кол-во и вид занятий | Формы контроля |
1 | Volgograd region. General information. Geographic location. Specialty Main industries Natural conditions. Population Economy. | 5 | Lessons 1-5 Практическое занятие Речевая практика (на основе тексов) Работа со словарем | Ответы на вопросы краткий пересказ, поисковое чтение |
2 | Making the leaflet | 2 | Lessons 6-7 Обобщение полученных знаний Подготовка к проекту | Проект |
3 | The Region flag Political structure. | 2 | Lessons 8-9 Практическое занятие Речевая практика (на основе текстов) Работа со словарем | ознакомительное чтение, работа с текстом |
4 | Ecology of the region Resources | 2 | Lessons 10-11 Лекция с элементами обсуждения. | Беседа, обсуждение |
5 | Kamyshin. Industry Famous people | 2 | Lessons 12-13 Работа со словарем Изучающее чтение Речевая практика | Беседа, обсуждение |
6 | Education Cultural life in Kamyshin | 2 | Lessons 14-15 Практическое занятие Работа с новой лексикой Работа с текстами (изучающее чтение) | Ответы на вопросы |
7 | Project | 2 | Lessons 16-17 Обобщение изученных знаний | Презентация |
Тема 1. Volgograd region.General information. ( 5 ч.)
Geographic location. Specialty.Main industries. Natural conditions. Population.Economy. Рассказ о географическом положении, климате, промышленности, населении и экономики области.
Тема 2.Making the leaflet. (2ч.) Обобщение материала - проектная работа, технология проекта, подготовка к проекту, составление брошюры о волгоградской области.
Тема 3. The Region flag .Political structure. (2 ч.) Знакомство с флагом волгоградской области и политической структурой.
Тема 4 Resources. Ecology. (2ч.) Экологическая ситуация области.
Тема 5 Kamyshin.Industry.Famous people. (2ч.) Информация о родном городе, промышленности, знакомство со знаменитыми людьми Камышина.
Тема 6 Higher education. Cultural live. (2ч.) Информация о камышинском технологическом институте и краеведческом музее.
Тема 7 Project . (2ч.) Компьютерная презентация в Power Point. Обобщение изученного материала. Рассказ в сопровождении слайдов.
Тема 1. Volgograd region.General information.
Lesson 1
Teacher: Dear, children do you know what is the main topic of this lesson?
About what region are we going to speak? Yes, we are going to speak about Volgograd region. Of course, you see the map at the blackboard, that’s why we are going to speak about geographical position of our region.
Is our region near the sea?
Is our region flat or hilly?
Are there a lot of rivers and lakes?
How many districts are there in Volgograd region?
What is the area of Volgograd region?
Teacher: Let’s read the text and check your answers!
Volgograd region was formed on January 10, 1934 with the center in Volgograd (1034,7 thousand inhabitants), founded in 1589.
This beautiful region located in the southeastern part of the East European Plain is a connecting link between all Russian regions, the CIS countries, and the whole world. It shares a border with many neighbors, including Voronezh, Saratov, Astrakhan, and Rostov regions, the Republic of Kalmykia, and Kazakhstan. The Volga River divides the region into the high Right Bank (elevations to 358 m) and the low Left Bank (or Trans-Volga). The Volga and the Don are the region's main rivers. Volgograd Region has an area of 113 900 km2 (0.67% of the Russian Federation).
The region is made up of 33 districts, 19 cities, and 29 towns. The cities of Volzhsky (founded in 1954), Kamyshin (1668), Mikhailovka (1948), Uryupinsk (1929), and Frolovo (1936) are under regional administration, while Dubovka (formed in 1734), Zhirnovsk (1958), Kalach-on-Don (1951), Kotelnikovo (1955), Kotovo (1966), Krasnoslobodsk (1955), Leninsk (1963), Nikolaevsk (1967), Novoanninsky (1956), Pallasovka (1967), Serafimovich (1933), and Surovikino (1966) are under district administration. Vogograd, Volzhsky, and Kamyshin are the region's main cities.
Lesson 2
Let’s read some additional material about our region. Be ready to speak on the topic. Write down unknown words and translate them using the vocabulary.
annual precipitation
Natural conditions. The Volga divides the territory in two parts: the right-bank upland (up to 358 m height) and и left-bank lowland (Transvolga). Main rivers are Volga and Don. There are also Volgograd and Tsimlyansk Reservoirs and salty lakes (Elton and others). The climate is continental; January average temperature varies from -8 to -12 degrees centigrade, July average temperature is +23 degrees centigrade. Annual precipitation is about 350 mm. Most of the region is located in the dry steppe and semidesert zones. Soils are divided into five different zones: steppe black earth (chernozem), dry steppe light chestnut, dry steppe chestnut, semidesert light chestnut, and Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.
Grassland grain steppes on chernozem and dark-chestnut soils (mostly ploughed up) give place to sagebrush semideserts on light chestnut soils.
Specialty. Volgograd region boasts of grains, vegetable oil, watermelons, melons and gourds manufacturing as well as tractors, steel pipes, cement and roofing slate production.
Main industries: machine-building and metal working (tractors, ship, tower cranes, bearings, equipment for oil, electric and food industries; drilling equipment, transport-storehouse, medical, trade equipment); fuel (oil and gas extraction), oil refining, chemical, petrochemical industries (including caustic soda and man-made fibers production), ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Building materials production, textile, food and woodworking industries are also well developed. Volgograd region is a monopolist in Russia in production of 11 types of industrial products including some types of bearings, sulfurous anhydride, polyurethane fibers, gas pipes, mustard powder etc.
Do the plan and give brief information about what you have read.
Lesson 3-4
Teacher: Now let’s read the text, answer the questions and do the plan. Be ready to retell the text.
The nomadic Yamna are believed to have been the first inhabitants of the Lower Volga region. They migrated with their herds throughout the entire Lower Volga, but despite this, they were well acquainted with metallurgy and made copper weapons, tools, and ornaments. Starting in the 2nd millennium B.C., the Yamna culture gave way to the Catacomb culture. The people of the Catacomb culture were skilled metallurgists, which resulted in expanded production of copper tools and weapons. They also kept flocks of sheep and herds of cattle and horses, using the herds as a means of transportation. Between the 16th and 18th centuries B.C., tribes of the Pokrovka (Srubnaya) culture of the Urals and Middle Volga settled in the Volga region. As the climate became drier around the beginning of the 1st millennium B.C., the Srubnaya culture gradually died out and the population turned to nomadic livestock herding.Sauromatian and Buddian tribes began settling the region in the early Iron Age. They were extremely warlike and often raided their neighbors. However, in the second half of the 4th century A.D., the Huns invaded Sarmatia and subjugated the local population. Hunnish rule lasted until the mid-6th century, when the Avars (an alliance of nomadic Turkic, Mongolian, and Finno-Ugrian tribes) appeared from the Volga area. The local population was known as the Burtasses in the 7th century. They were conquered by the Khazars in the 8th century and became part of the Khazar Khanate. The main occupation during this period was livestock herding, mainly horses, sheep, and camels. Agriculture arose along the rivers.The Polovtsians appeared in the Volga region in the 11th century, but were defeated by the Tatars in 1223 and the territory became part of the Golden Horde. The local population assimilated with the Tatar-Mongolian conquerors. The Tatar-Mongolian horde lived in felt-covered tents and owned large herds of sheep, goats, and horses. They also made felt cloth and manufactured weapons, ammunition, and utensils. Captives provided most of the labor among the Tatars.The Golden Horde was unable to recover from Tamerlane's invasion in 1295, and the situation in the border regions became unstable. As the power of Rus increased, people of mixed ethnic background who had been rejected by their clans gradually formed into groups. As outcasts, their only choice was robbery and plundering. They were few in number, but they were extremely belligerent. Over time, the ethnic makeup of these groups became predominantly Slavic as a result of the nearness of the Russian border and the strengthening of the Russian state. There is a theory that these people were most likely the direct ancestors of the Cossacks.Today, Volgograd, which stretches along the right bank of the Volga, is one of the largest cities in the Lower Volga region. It has a population of 998 588, of whom 46.5% are men and 53.5% are women. People of working age make up 58.2% of the population.The region has a total population of 2.7 million that includes representatives of more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups. Russians make up about 89% of the population; Ukrainians, 3%; Kazakhs, 1.6%; Tatars, 1%; and Belarussians, Chechens, Chuvashes, Azerbaijanis, Maris, Armenians, Gypsies,Mordvins, and Moldovans, less than 1% each. Udmurts, Jews, and Kalmyks also live in the Volga region. The population density is 23.7 people per km2.
1. Who gave way to the Catacomb culture ?
2. What was the climate at the beginning of the 1st millennium B.C.?
3. Sauromatian and Buddian tribes began settling the region in the early Iron Age, didn’t they?
4. When did the Tatars defeat The Polovtsians?
5. What city is the largest in the Lower Volga region?
Lesson 5
Teacher: Read the text about the economy of our region.Fill in the spidergram
hydro power station
light industry
warehouse transport
scientific research
store equipment
Volgograd region is one of the best developed regions of Russia with a well-balanced economy. Diversified agriculture go together with diversified industry, oil and gas resources. Two largest navigable rivers run through the territory, Volga-Don channel connecting them. There is Volga hydro power station. It’s hard to name any significant negative factors of economic development of Volgograd region.
Volgograd Region is an industrial center of southern Russia and is a member of the Volga economic. The region's main industrial sectors are engineering and metalworking (tractors, ships, tower cranes, and bearings; equipment for the oil, electronics, and food industries; and drilling, warehouse transport, medical, and store equipment), fuel (oil and gas production), oil refining, chemicals and petrochemicals (including production of caustic soda and chemical fibers), and ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy.
The building material, textile, woodworking, and food industries are also well developed in the region. The main types of industrial goods produced in Volgograd Region are steel pipe (148 000 tons), cement (1 270 000 tons), tractors (3575 units), roofing slate (224 million standard tiles), ceramic facing tiles (1 895 000 m2), meat and meat byproducts (42 600 tons), whole milk products (59 700 tons in terms of milk), and vegetable oil (47 200 tons). The leading sectors of the industrial complex are chemicals and petrochemicals, power, engineering, fuel and food. Other smaller sectors include ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy; forestry, woodworking, and pulp and paper; building materials; and light industry. For the past two years, the production volume index for the city of Volgograd has been higher than in the region as a whole.
Despite this, Volgograd's industrial profile is undergoing significant changes, with ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy becoming increasingly important. More than 400 large and medium industrial plants with an annual output of more than 18 trillion rubles operate in Volgograd Region. The power, chemical and petrochemical, and engineering and metalworking industries account for 15-16% of total output; the food and fuel industries and ferrous metallurgy, for 9-12%; and the building material industry, ferrous metallurgy, light industry, and other sectors, for 6%.
Agriculture is well developed in the region, with 27 state companies, 150 joint-stock companies, 67 partnerships, 50 production cooperatives, and 12 900 farms currently in operation. The main agricultural products are wheat, sunflowers, mustard, potatoes, vegetables, melons, eggs, meat, milk, and wool.
More than 250 active joint ventures and foreign companies are registered in Volgograd Region. Companies with foreign investments are mainly involved in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, furniture manufacturing, lumber production, clothing, construction, and scientific research. Joint ventures provide various services, such as transportation, automotive maintenance, money transfers, etc. The region exports tractors and engines, steel pipe and cable, drilling rigs and oil production equipment, fishing boats, bearings, petroleum products, and cotton fabrics to Russian and foreign markets. Companies in the chemical and petrochemical industries supply car tires, petroleum products, synthetic resins, plastics, fibers and thread, and caustic soda among other products.
Industrial goods Export
Тема 2. Making the leaflet
Lesson 6-7
You can make a tourist leaflet about the area where you live. You will need: poster, paper, glue, pens and crayons, plus postcards of your area, photos and pictures. Discuss your ideas with your class.
The geography there?
Your climate?
The industries?
The farms?
The transport?
What people do?
Is our region near the sea?
Is our region flat or hilly?
Are there a lot of rivers and lakes?
How many districts are there in Volgograd region?
What is the area of Volgograd region?
What type of climate do you have?
Do you have different seasons?
What are they like?
Is it a nice area to live in?
While you are working help each other with words, spelling and grammer. Draw a map of your area. Write about some of the important places. Stick your pictures into your leaflet.
Тема 3. The Region flag.Political structure.
Lesson 8
Teacher: Now let’s read the text about the flag.
Description of the flag
The Region flag has a red background, two blue stripes, and a figure on it. It is a statue that was erected by the Soviet Government after WW2. It stands for the fight to save the motherland.
The statue is called Rodina Math, Mother of the Fatherland (it sounds strange in english…). The illustration in Law of the Volgograd Region on the Coat-of-Arms and Flag of the Volgograd Regiond by the regional parlament of this russian region in august 31st, 2000, shows distinctly different shades of blue for the stripes in the coat-of-arms and in the flag. The image of the statue in the law illustration is very detailed and highly contrasted and a bit bluish.
Two blue stripes on the flag of Volgograd oblast symbolize two big rivers Volga and Don.
The gap between the stripes is narrower than each stripe (about 17:20), at least according to the illustration in Law of the Volgograd Region on the Coat-of-Arms and Flag of the Volgograd Region. Trusting that illustration, the gap between the hoist and the first stripe and each of the stripes has the same width.
Reverse of the flag
Considering that the statue is a real object, how the reverse look like does. There are three possibilities:
The reverse shows an incorrect mirror image of the obverse, with the statue holding the sword towards the hoist, but in its left hand.
The reverse shows the same image as in the obverse, with the statue holding the sword in its right hand, but towards the fly.
The reverse shows an image of the opposite side of the statue, holding the sword in its right hand towards the hoist (like in the eagle in the flag of Mexico).
No flag in 1999
The coat of arms and flag are not adopted. There is a Document (Decision of Regional Duma, 26 of august, 1999, No 13/373) on contest (competition on best projects). In text of Decision we can read about Law on Flag and Arms which was abolished. When this Law was adopted and abolished we don’t know.
Victor Lomantsov, 04 Feb 2000
Coat of arms.Current version
Both the historical arms and the current city arms are quite different.
Historical coat of arms
The coat of arms of Volgograd is gules two sturgeons hauriant in saltire argent.
Both the current region arms and the current city arms are quite different.
Hammer and? The coat of arms and flag of Volgograd region will be adorned by the hammer and the sickle
The Duma (Parliament) of Volgograd region passed the law "About the coat of arms and flag of Volgograd region". The information about it was reported by the magazin of "Volgograd".
The fraction of communists during the interval between the sessions have introduced changes into the project of law, these changes propose the addition the communist simbols (the hammer and sickle) to the flag and coat of arms of region. The authors of this project of law were against so changes. Nevertheless 18 deputies from 34 voted to pass the law with communist changes.
Now for coming into force the law have to be signed by the governor of region Nikolai Maksyuta, which have been elected in 1996 from Communist Party.
The hammer and the sickle have returned to us
Last week region Duma (parliament) passed the law "About the coat of arms and flag of Volgograd region". There are two blue wavy lines (these are symbolized the rivers of Volga and Don) on the red shield, and image of The Monument of Mother-Nativeland (this is symbolized the victory of Russia in The Stalingrad Battle) are situated in the center of the shield.
Exactly so project was won in the competition of the creation the coat of arms of Volgograd region and received the support of the townpeople during the exhibition of the projects in the city museum, and at first was passed by regional Duma. However during final discussion some deputies didn.t like it. For example, the deputy Shevchenko considers that there no so little. the hammer, the sickle and the star - the simbols of the communist past of Russia and, evidently, the present so, because the most of deputies voted for exactly so project together with The Mother-Nativeland the hammer, the sickle and the star on left corner of the shield.
So development of events coused the indignation of the author of the project the heraldist Yu.Kurasov. He declared that Shevchenko tried to exert pressure him and asked to add into project the images of the hammer, the sickle and the star, Shevchenko threatened to hold the competition in another way and to pass necessary decision. Listening so frakness of author-heraldist Shevchenko blushed, grew pale and again blushed. But then he refuted everything.
Deputies weren’t confused and resolution of The Russian Authorship Association and the law department of regional Duma that so changes were infringed the law.About the authorship (copyright). So the deputies infringed the rules of the competition, which didn.t let to use in the regional symbols the official state and party simbols of Russia and USSR. So the deputies accepted the mention about the authors of the coat of arms and flag of Volgograd region. After so offence Yury Kurasov left the Duma and took away his project.
Please make a thesis plan.
Lesson 9
What government bodies do you know?
What does the Administration organize?
What problems should the local government solve?
What measures would you take if you were in the local government?
According to the Charter of Volgograd Region, which establishes the region's status and the principles of the organization and activities of government bodies, the Administration of Volgograd Region consisting of the Governor of the region and the administrative bodies formed by him exercise executive authority in Volgograd Region.The Administration organizes and administers the region, draws up and implements the budget and development programs in the interests of the region's population, works to solve current problems, and concerns itself with the region's future harmonious development.
The goal of the Administration's activities is to ensure an adequate standard of living for the residents of Volgograd Region, primarily by solving the following problems:
increasing budget generating potential and tax collection;
reducing payment arrears to budgets of all levels;
creating a favorable investment climate and increasing investments from all possible sources;
supporting programs and projects with rapid payback of invested funds;
protecting the interests of regional producers, promoting the output of competitive products, and developing new markets;
creating the conditions for effective employment of the population, curbing the growth of unemployment, and creating new jobs;
maintaining and developing the region's support system and preserving social infrastructure.
The Legislative Assembly is the region's standing representative and legislative body.
Тема 4. Ecology of the region. Resources
Lesson 10
raccoon dog
Volgograd Region has abundant mineral resources. Oil, natural gas, phosphorite, salts (sodium and magnesium chloride), mineral water, building sand, clay, and limestone are among the minerals produced in the region.
The animal and plant life of the Volga region is rich and varied. The muskrat, a unique small animal that prefers clean water, is found here and moose, deer, martens, wild boars, raccoon dogs, and stoats are some of the more common mammals. Altogether, the region is home to 49 species of mammals, nearly 200 species of birds, and 38 species of fish.
Volgograd Region is also unusual for its rivers and watersheds. The beautiful Volga and Don rivers flow majestically through its territory, and there are 199 other waterways associated with the Volga and Don basins. The Volga Basin includes about 234 km of the Volgograd Reservoir and 86 km of the Volga River as far as the border with Astrakhan Region. The city of Volzhsky is located in the lower reaches of the Volga; and owing to its excellent geographical location on Europe's greatest waterway, which is connected to other river basins of European Russia through a system of canals, Volzhsky is effectively a port for five seas. The Don Basin takes in 253 km of the Don River, 197 km of the Tsimlyanskoe Reservoir, and 169 small rivers between and 200 km long. Of the 199 small rivers with a total area of 4190 km2, 4 flow year round in their middle and lower reaches, 40 flow year round only at their outlets, and the others flow only during spring flooding and heavy rains. A total of 2057 million m3 out of a diversion limit of 2842 million m3 are diverted from shallow water sources in the region. Freshwater utilization amounts to 641 million m3, which includes 88 million m3 for domestic needs, 126.4 million m3 for industrial purposes, 149 million m3 for irrigation, 177 million m3 for agriculture, and the remainder for other needs. Each spring, water levels in the shallow rivers rise 5-7 m, flooding the riverbanks and covering them with sand. The dry steppe air and Ergeniskaya mineral water resources create favorable living conditions for residents of Volgograd Region.
Fill in the spidergrams
Mineral resources
The animal and plant life
Lesson 11. ECOLOGY
Read the text and give me top ten reasonsа for bad environmental situation. Explain why the situation in ecology in our region is reported as “environmental crises”.
Hazardous environmental emissions from stationary sources exceed 180 000 tons, and atmospheric pollution levels in Volgograd and Volzhskiy have remained high over a period of many years. Motor vehicle exhausts, accounting for 38% of all emissions, are a major cause of environmental damage. Industrial treatment plants are able to neutralize more than 670 000 tons of hazardous substances in waste gases, 80% of which are recovered. Industrial production activities result in emissions of more than 1 million tons of toxic wastes into the atmosphere, only 18% of which are recovered and neutralized. Authorized dumps and waste disposal sites occupy 5200 hectares of land. Effluent discharge into small water bodies totals 268 million m3, including 51.6 million m3 of polluted water. Seventy-three companies with 114 on-site water outlets where scientific investigations are carried out are currently being monitored, as are the Volga and Don rivers. A mechanical sludge dewatering plant with a capacity of 50 tons per day, which started up in 1996, allows a reduction in the area of sludge fields, the curtailment of polluted water discharge into the Volga River, and the briquetting of wastes. Damaged land covers an area of 2800 hectares; 800 hectares of land are reclaimed each year. Forest regeneration work is being carried out on 2600 hectares of land. Volgograd Region is participating in an experiment of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources to introduce environmental insurance for predicting the prevention of environmental crises and elimination of their consequences. Volgograd has been designated as an experimental center for developing new atmospheric quality
control methods.
vehicle exhausts
Тема 5. Kamyshin.Industry.Famous people.
Lesson 12
Read the text and give some other facts about the town that are not mentioned there.
Kamyshin is a town in Volgograd oblast (province), western Russia. The town lies along the Volga River and the Volgograd reservoir. In 1697 Peter I the Great built a fort, Petrovsk, to protect workmen attempting to construct a canal between the Volga and Don Rivers. In 1710, all of its inhabitants were relocated to the fortress on the opposite bank of the river. This settlement was named Dmitriyevsky. In 1780, they changed the name to Kamyshin. In the 19th century, it became the centre of an agricultural region and a transshipment point; it was linked by rail to Tambov in 1895. It was also famous for its watermelon trade. Modern Kamyshin also has engineering and other industries.
Teacher: Name any plants you know in Kamyshin. Where do your parents work? What do you know about Autocrane. Let’s read the information.
Autocrane (the “Company”) is the leading manufacturer on the 16.7 bn RUR (or 640 m$; 2006 market forecast) Russian autocrane market with a market share of 44% in number of units sold and about 30% in value in 2006 (production of both Ivanovo and Kamyshin factories, sold under brand name ‘Ivanovets’).
The autocrane market is booming as the demand has been growing at an average rate of 17% yearly in the last 3 years; the reasons for this situation are a) the sustained overall economic growth, b) the substantial growth in capital investment, which is fuelling the demand in many of the industries using autocranes (construction, powergen, raw materials extraction, etc) and c) the disinvestment in the early 90s, which has created a replacement gap for cranes now reaching the end of their economic life.
The boom in demand, which is forecast to continue for a few more years before peaking out, has created a situation where manufacturers are struggling to increase their manufacturing capacity and the typical lead time for new cranes has increased up to 5 months. This situation is also fuelling the emergence of rent-a-crane businesses and an increase in second-hand cranes imports.
Foreign manufacturers of autocranes (Liebherr, Tadano, Terex-Demag, Kato) are present on the Russian market but their pricing and overall characteristics (heavy lifting capacity) clearly puts them into a distinct category (50+ ton lifting capacity) from Russian manufacturers (less than 50 tons). The Russian market is traditionally dominated by the less than 50 ton categories, the up to 25 ton segment representing about 68% of the market in value. Nevertheless, imported cranes represent at least 27% of the Russian market in value, a share that has been relatively stable since 2003 but is likely to grow with a growing sophistication of customers.
In this context, the Gazprom-Crane factory offers a fantastic potential for market concentration, as its manufacturing assets are in a very good state (the plant was entirely renewed in 1995) and were only used at 10% of their capacity in 2005.
OJSC Avtocrane has determined that the acquisition of the Kamyshin-located Gazprom-Crane factory will allow the Company: to increase its manufacturing capacity (+100% in value);
to Improve its manufacturing technology thanks to state-of-the-art serial production lines;
to increase the quality of its products thanks to a better specialisation and to special equipment available in Kamyshin;
to enlarge the Company’s products range with medium- to enlarge autocranes of 32, 63 and 70 tons lifting capacity.
to enlarge
Lesson 13
There are a lot of people that you are proud of. Give me the names of people that you are proud of.
What is the reason?
Do you know any well-known citizens?
What do you know about them?
Let’s read about 2 of such people.
Gurov Vladimir
Was born on October, 10, 1903 in Kamyshin. Gurov - the master of a portrait genre and picturesque landscapes of Volga. Gurov is a pupil of P.S.Utkin, A.I.Savinov. He Graduated from the Art Institute in 1922.
1929 - 1930 - the teacher of art in art - practical technical school of Saratov.
1932 - 1939 studied and graduated from the Academy of arts, Leningrad.
1938 - 1939 taught in Leningrad in studio "Lenfilm"
Gurov returned to Saratov where taught the fine arts in Art school (1939- 1989).
Died in October, 18, 1989.
Gurov was a teacher of many known artists of Saratov. His works are in
Saratov art museum, in a museum of Kamyshin, in private collections of Russia, France, USA, Germany, Spain and Belgium.
Alexei Maresiev
A statue of Soviet hero, Alexei Maresiev, is to be unveiled in his native Kamyshin in the Volgograd Region today as part of festivities timed for his 90th birthday. In March 1942 an aviation school graduate, Lieutenant Alexei Maresiev, was shot in an air battle and defying his broken feet managed to creep to his division in 18 days. After the amputation of both legs Maresiev returned to the front and shot down seven enemy planes. He died in 2001.Alexei Petrovich Maresiev (May 20, 1916 – May 19, 2001) was a famous Russian fighter during the Great Patriotic War.He was born May 20, 1916 in Kamyshin. Before joining the army in 1937, Maresiev worked as a turner and then participated in the construction of Komsomolsk-na-Amure. In 1940, he graduated from Bataysk Military School of Aviation. He began his flights as a fighter pilot in August 1941. He had shot down 4 German aircraft by March 1942, when his own fighter was downed near Staraya Russa, then occupied by Nazi Germany.Despite being heavily injured, Alexei managed to return to the Soviet-controlled territory on his own. During his 18-day long journey, his injuries deteriorated so badly that both of his legs had to be amputated below the knee. Desperate to return to his fighter pilot career, he subjected himself to near a year of exercise to master the control of his prosthetic devices, and succeeded at that, returning to flying in June 1943.During a dog fight in August 1943 he downed 3 German FW-190 fighters. In total, he completed 86 combat flights and shot down 11 German warplanes. He was awarded the Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union (August 24, 1943), the highest military decoration of the USSR. In 1944, Maresiev joined the CPSU and two years later retired from the army.In 1952, Maresiev graduated from the Higher Party School. In 1956, Maresiev obtained a Ph.D. in History, and started working in the Soviet War Veterans Committee. Eventually he became a member of Supreme Soviet. Maresiev was awarded Order of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of the Red Star and numerous medals.He died of a heart attack May 19, 2001, just an hour ahead of his official 85th birthday celebration.His story became the basis for a novel by Boris Polevoy, Story of a Real Man, where his name is changed to Meresiev.
Тема 6. Education.Cultural life in Kamyshin
Lesson 14-15
T. Read the text and tell me about your school activities and your plans for the future.
Children go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, a foreign language and others. After finishing 9 forms of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and the 11th form. They can also go to a vocational or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession. A college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and a profound knowledge in one or several subjects. After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a college, young people can start working or enter an institute or a university. Institutes and universities train specialists in different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes 5 years. Many universities have evening and extramural departments. They give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Institutes and universities usually have graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral degrees. Education in our town is free at most schools. Students of our institute get scholarships. But there are also departments where students have to pay for their education. Also it is interesting to know how pupils organize their life at school. So each school or technical has its School or Technical Council. It helps to plan the policy for the whole school. It organizes the social and cultural life at the school. School Councils in many schools are chaired by a student and have a majority of student members. They run discos and parties, stage drama productions and decorate the student common room.
Read the information about KTI
Kamyshin Technological Institute (KTI) was founded in 1992 as a municipal institution of higher education. By order of the State Committee on Higher Education of the RF in 1994 it was reorganized into Kamyshin Technological Institute of Volgograd State Technical University with the affiliate status.
The Institute has four faculties: Information Technologies Faculty, Economics and Management Faculty, Production Engineering Faculty, and Secondary Technical Faculty.
More than 2000 students are enrolled at the Institute, including 1079 full-time and 308 part-time students studying for Bachelor's degree and 400 full-time and 200 part-time students studying at the secondary technical faculty.
At present the institute offers courses for a BS degree in 5 academic areas and 6 specialties; the secondary technical faculty provides training in 8 specialties.
Academic areas for a BS degree:
521600 - Economics
551200 - Textile Engineering and Design
552800 - Computer Science
552900 - Machine-Building Technology, Equipment and Automation
551700 - Electrical Power Engineering
061100 - Organization Management
060500 - Accounting, Analysis and Audit
120100 - Machine-Building Technology
220200 - Management Information Systems
280300 - Textile Fabrication
100400 - Electric Power Supply
Teaching is provided by the staff of 132 professors and instructors, including 34 Candidates of Science. About 30 postgraduate research students are engaged in fundamental and applied research; every year more than 350 undergraduates work in the students' research society.
The institute has all the necessary facilities for teaching and research, including 172 modern computers of the local network with access to the Internet. Over the Internet, the databases of the faculties and other institute's divisions are integrated into the university management network.
Teacher; Read the information about our museum.
What exhibitions did you visit?
Did you like it?
Why not?
Kamyshin Historical-Regional Studies Museum
Phone: (57) 4-7894, 4-6285
Address: 403850, Volgograd region,
Working hours:
* Warning: preodered group visits only
Internet:www.russianmuseums.info/M761 - official web page
Billboard, events and excursions
Museum's services: museum shop, lecture hall, public library
Museum has: theatre
Next to the museum there are: hotels and restaurants
Foundation and opening day: opened: 13.08.1961
Organization status: Municipal
Organization type: culture for society, scientific
Classification: Historical, Regional museum, Literature, Theatric, Painting art
Permanent show rooms 782,3м2
Museum’s store 136,7м2
Museum’s parks 3,6га
Employee number: 36 (curators: 8)
Average visitors per year: 68000
Specific departments: archive, science library, restoration dep.
Collections volume: 48577, rare collection's items: 35970
Prepare the information about our art gallery
Тема 7. Project
Lesson 16-17
Now you can make a presentation in Power point about Volgograd region.
You can use all necessary information from your previous project and web sites in internet.