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Биотехнология в фармацевтике.

Биотехноло́гия — дисциплина, изучающая возможности использования живых организмов, их систем или продуктов их жизнедеятельности для решения технологических задач, а также возможности создания живых организмов с необходимыми свойствами методом генной инженерии.

Биотехнологией часто называют применение генной инженерии в XXXXI веках, но термин относится и к более широкому комплексу процессов модификации биологических организмов для обеспечения потребностей человека, начиная с модификации растений и животных путём искусственного отбора и гибридизации.


Содержимое разработки

Biotechnology products

Biotechnology products

Biotechnological production is based on the use of microorganisms. To control the microbiological process, it is necessary to know the physiology of the microorganisms used. This will allow to control the processes occurring in the cell, cultivation conditions and the influence of the main environmental factors on the directed biosynthesis.

Biotechnological production is based on the use of microorganisms. To control the microbiological process, it is necessary to know the physiology of the microorganisms used. This will allow to control the processes occurring in the cell, cultivation conditions and the influence of the main environmental factors on the directed biosynthesis.

The range of products produced by biotechnology methods is unusually wide and diverse. Unicellular organisms are used to obtain biomass, which is the source of feed protein. Cells, especially in the immobilized state, act as biological catalysts for biotransformation processes.

The range of products produced by biotechnology methods is unusually wide and diverse. Unicellular organisms are used to obtain biomass, which is the source of feed protein. Cells, especially in the immobilized state, act as biological catalysts for biotransformation processes.

Products of biotechnological industries are natural macromolecules - proteins, enzymes, polysaccharides, polyesters, isolated from cells of microorganisms, tissues and organs of plants and animals.

Products of biotechnological industries are natural macromolecules - proteins, enzymes, polysaccharides, polyesters, isolated from cells of microorganisms, tissues and organs of plants and animals.

In relation to the growth processes, low-molecular metabolism products of living cells are divided into: Primary; Secondary metabolites.
  • In relation to the growth processes, low-molecular metabolism products of living cells are divided into:
  • Primary;
  • Secondary metabolites.
Primary metabolites are low molecular weight compounds (molecular weight less than 1500 Da) required for the growth of microorganisms. Some of them are the building blocks of macromolecules, others are involved in the synthesis of coenzymes. Amino acids, organic acids, purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, solvents and vitamins can be distinguished among the industry’s most important metabolites.

Primary metabolites are low molecular weight compounds (molecular weight less than 1500 Da) required for the growth of microorganisms.

Some of them are the building blocks of macromolecules, others are involved in the synthesis of coenzymes. Amino acids, organic acids, purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, solvents and vitamins can be distinguished among the industry’s most important metabolites.

Secondary metabolites are low molecular weight compounds that are not required for growth in pure culture. The secondary metabolites include antibiotics, alkaloids, plant growth hormones and toxins.

Secondary metabolites are low molecular weight compounds that are not required for growth in pure culture.

The secondary metabolites include antibiotics, alkaloids, plant growth hormones and toxins.

I1. Depending on the quantity:  1. Products of fine biological synthesis - from 100 kg to 1000 tons per year - vaccines, vitamins, antibiotics for medicine. The main cost is related to cleaning and analysis. 2. Products of small-scale biosynthesis - up to 20 thousand tons per year - amino acids for the food industry, beverages, products obtained by fermentation, antibiotics for agriculture. 3. Large-scale biological synthesis - wastewater after biological treatment, biopolymers for individual industries - polysaccharides for the extraction of oil residues, leaching of metellas from ores. The main condition is cheapness. More than 20 thousand tons per year.

I1. Depending on the quantity:

1. Products of fine biological synthesis - from 100 kg to 1000 tons per year - vaccines, vitamins, antibiotics for medicine. The main cost is related to cleaning and analysis.

2. Products of small-scale biosynthesis - up to 20 thousand tons per year - amino acids for the food industry, beverages, products obtained by fermentation, antibiotics for agriculture.

3. Large-scale biological synthesis - wastewater after biological treatment, biopolymers for individual industries - polysaccharides for the extraction of oil residues, leaching of metellas from ores. The main condition is cheapness. More than 20 thousand tons per year.

Iii. For commodity forms.  1. Biological products - the main component - viable cells m / o or other starter organisms, bacterial fertilizers. 2. Inactivated biomass m / o is a protein of unicellular organisms. 3. Biological preparations based on purified metabolites - enzymes, vitamins, hormones, antibiotics.

Iii. For commodity forms.

1. Biological products - the main component - viable cells m / o or other starter organisms, bacterial fertilizers.

2. Inactivated biomass m / o is a protein of unicellular organisms.

3. Biological preparations based on purified metabolites - enzymes, vitamins, hormones, antibiotics.

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Документ: Cвидетельство о прохождении курса
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