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Английский язык. Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных

Подробно разобраны все правила и частные случаи образования степеней сравнения прилагательных


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Степени сравнения прилагательных






THE + … + EST

MORE + …

THE + MOST + …













One-syllable adjectives  One-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form tall Superlative Form tall er old the  tall est old er long the  old est long er the  long est Mary is taller  than Max. Mary is the tallest  of all the students. Max is older  than John. Of the three students, Max is the oldest . My hair is longer  than your hair. Max's story is the longest  story I've ever heard

One-syllable adjectives

One-Syllable Adjective

Comparative Form


Superlative Form

tall er


the tall est

old er


the old est

long er

the long est

Mary is taller than Max.

Mary is the tallest of all the students.

Max is older than John.

Of the three students, Max is the oldest .

My hair is longer than your hair.

Max's story is the longest story I've ever heard

cold fast hard light poor quick rough small weak young short smart













older - elder Note that you use ‘elder’ or ‘eldest’ to say which brother, sister, or child in a family you mean.  Our eldest daughter couldn't come.  My elder brother looks like our mother.

older - elder

Note that you use ‘elder’ or ‘eldest’ to say which brother, sister, or child in a family you mean.

  • Our eldest daughter couldn't come.
  • My elder brother looks like our mother.
Final -e  large large r  wise wise r  safe large st  wise st nice wide close cute Mary's car is larger  than Max's car. Mary's house is the largest  of all the houses on the block. Max is wiser  than his brother. Max is the wisest  person I know .

Final -e


large r


wise r


large st

wise st





Mary's car is larger than Max's car.

Mary's house is the largest of all the houses on the block.

Max is wiser than his brother.

Max is the wisest person I know .

Ending with a single consonant (with a single vowel before it) Comparative Form big big ger thin Superlative Form thin ner fat big gest fat ter thin nest fat test My dog is bigger  than your dog. My dog is the biggest  of all the dogs in the neighborhood. Max is thinner  than John. Of all the students in the class, Max is the thinnest . My mother is fatter  than your mother. Mary is the fattest  person I've ever seen .

Ending with a single consonant (with a single vowel before it)

Comparative Form


big ger


Superlative Form

thin ner


big gest

fat ter

thin nest

fat test

My dog is bigger than your dog.

My dog is the biggest of all the dogs in the neighborhood.

Max is thinner than John.

Of all the students in the class, Max is the thinnest .

My mother is fatter than your mother.

Mary is the fattest person I've ever seen .

hot  wet sad red thin
  • hot
  • wet
  • sad
  • red
  • thin
Two-syllable adjectives  Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form peaceful Superlative Form more peaceful pleasant careful more pleasant the most peaceful the most pleasant more careful thoughtful the most careful more thoughtful the most thoughtful This morning is more peaceful  than yesterday morning. Max's house in the mountains is the most peaceful  in the world. Max is more careful  than Mike. Of all the taxi drivers, Jack is the most careful . Jill is more thoughtful  than your sister. Mary is the most thoughtful  person I've ever met .

Two-syllable adjectives

Two-Syllable Adjective

Comparative Form


Superlative Form

more peaceful



more pleasant

the most peaceful

the most pleasant

more careful


the most careful

more thoughtful

the most thoughtful

This morning is more peaceful than yesterday morning.

Max's house in the mountains is the most peaceful in the world.

Max is more careful than Mike.

Of all the taxi drivers, Jack is the most careful .

Jill is more thoughtful than your sister.

Mary is the most thoughtful person I've ever met .

Two-syllable adjective ending with -y Comparative Form happy happ ier angry Superlative Form angr ier busy happ iest bus ier angr iest bus iest John is happier today than he was yesterday. John is the happiest boy in the world. Max is angrier  than Mary. Of all of John's victims, Max is the angriest . Mary is busier  than Max. Mary is the busiest  person I've ever met .

Two-syllable adjective ending with -y

Comparative Form


happ ier


Superlative Form

angr ier


happ iest

bus ier

angr iest

bus iest

John is happier today than he was yesterday.

John is the happiest boy in the world.

Max is angrier than Mary.

Of all of John's victims, Max is the angriest .

Mary is busier than Max.

Mary is the busiest person I've ever met .

dirty easy friendly funny heavy lucky silly tiny lazy pretty noisy healthy        It couldn't be easier .  That is the funniest bit of the film.
  • dirty
  • easy
  • friendly
  • funny
  • heavy
  • lucky
  • silly
  • tiny
  • lazy
  • pretty
  • noisy
  • healthy       

It couldn't be easier . That is the funniest bit of the film.

Two-syllable adjective  ending with -er, -le, or -ow Comparative Form narr ow Superlative Form narrow er gent le narrow est gentle r clev er en g tle st clever er clever est The roads in this town are narrower  than the roads in the city. This road is the  narrowest  of all the roads in California. Big dogs are gentler  than small dogs. Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest .

Two-syllable adjective ending with -er, -le, or -ow

Comparative Form

narr ow

Superlative Form

narrow er

gent le

narrow est

gentle r

clev er

en g tle st

clever er

clever est

The roads in this town are narrower than the roads in the city.

This road is the narrowest of all the roads in California.

Big dogs are gentler than small dogs.

Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest .

Adjectives with three or more syllables  Adjective with 3 or more syllables Comparative Form generous Superlative Form more generous important the most generous more important intelligent the most important more intelligent the most intelligent John is more generous  than Jack. John is the most generous  of all the people I know. Health is more important  than money. Of all the people I know, Max is the most important . Women are more intelligent  than men. Mary is the most intelligent  person I've ever met .

Adjectives with three or more syllables

Adjective with 3

or more syllables

Comparative Form


Superlative Form

more generous


the most generous

more important


the most important

more intelligent

the most intelligent

John is more generous than Jack.

John is the most generous of all the people I know.

Health is more important than money.

Of all the people I know, Max is the most important .

Women are more intelligent than men.

Mary is the most intelligent person I've ever met .

     beautiful  stupid                     expensive           interesting        boring                    careful   famous                   delicious              dangerous             modern                 Be more careful next time. They are the most beautiful gardens in the world. It affected Clive most seriously . Going by bus is very fast, but the train is more comfortable.


  • beautiful 
  • stupid                   
  • expensive          
  • interesting       
  • boring                   
  • careful 
  • famous                 
  • delicious            
  • dangerous            
  • modern             
  • Be more careful next time.
  • They are the most beautiful gardens in the world.
  • It affected Clive most seriously .
  • Going by bus is very fast, but the train is more comfortable.
Two-syllable adjectives that follow two rules  Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form clever Superlative Form cleverer cleverest more clever gentle most clever gentler friendly more gentle gentlest most gentle friendlier friendliest more friendly quiet most friendly quieter quietest more quiet simple most quiet simpler simplest more simple most simple

Two-syllable adjectives that follow two rules

Two-Syllable Adjective

Comparative Form


Superlative Form



more clever


most clever



more gentle


most gentle



more friendly


most friendly



more quiet


most quiet



more simple

most simple

More two-rules adjectives common cruel handsome likely narrow p leasan t polite simple stupid

More two-rules adjectives

  • common
  • cruel
  • handsome
  • likely
  • narrow
  • p leasan t
  • polite
  • simple
  • stupid
Exceptions (i rregular adjectives ) Irregular Adjective Comparative Form good bad Superlative Form better far worse best worst f arther (further) little f arthest (furthest) less many least more most Italian food is better  than American food. My dog is the best dog in the world. My mother's cooking is worse  than your mother's cooking. Of all the students in the class, Max is the worst .

Exceptions (i rregular adjectives )

Irregular Adjective

Comparative Form



Superlative Form






f arther (further)


f arthest (furthest)






Italian food is better than American food.

My dog is the best dog in the world.

My mother's cooking is worse than your mother's cooking.

Of all the students in the class, Max is the worst .

Comparing people... Alice 9 years old 33 kilos 1.20 m   Bob   28 years old   55 kilos  1.50 m Homer   39 years old   80 kilos 1.75 m     

Comparing people...


9 years old

33 kilos

1.20 m  


28 years old  

55 kilos 

1.50 m


39 years old  

80 kilos

1.75 m     

Bob is ___ (YOUNG) than Homer.  Homer is ___ (OLD) than Alice.  Alice is ___ (SLIM) than Bob.  Bob is ___ (SHORT) than Homer.  Homer is ___ (FAT) than Bob.  Alice is ___ (SHORT) than Homer.  Homer is ___ (UGLY) than Alice. Homer is ___ (SLOW) than Bob.  Bob is ___ (TIDY) than Homer.  Alice is ___ (BEAUTIFUL) than Bob.  Alice has got ___ (LONG) hair than Bob.  Homer can play the guitar ___ (GOOD) than Alice.  Alice can run ___ (FAST) than Homer.  Alice draws ___ (BAD) than Bob. Bob is ___ (INTELLIGENT) than Homer. Homer is a ___ (INTERESTING) person than Bob.

Bob is ___ (YOUNG) than Homer. Homer is ___ (OLD) than Alice. Alice is ___ (SLIM) than Bob. Bob is ___ (SHORT) than Homer. Homer is ___ (FAT) than Bob. Alice is ___ (SHORT) than Homer. Homer is ___ (UGLY) than Alice.

Homer is ___ (SLOW) than Bob. Bob is ___ (TIDY) than Homer. Alice is ___ (BEAUTIFUL) than Bob. Alice has got ___ (LONG) hair than Bob. Homer can play the guitar ___ (GOOD) than Alice. Alice can run ___ (FAST) than Homer. Alice draws ___ (BAD) than Bob.

Bob is ___ (INTELLIGENT) than Homer.

Homer is a ___ (INTERESTING) person than Bob.

Sponge Bob Garfield Harry Garfield ___ ___ ___   Sponge Bob. (YOUNG-OLD)  Sponge Bob ___ ___  ___ Harry. (FAT-SLIM)  Harry ___  ___  ___ Sponge Bob. (SHORT-TALL)  Garfield ___  ___  ___ Harry. (SHORT-TALL)  Garfield ___  ___  ___ Harry. (FUNNY-BORING)  Sponge Bob's eyes ___  ___  ___ Harry's. (SMALL-BIG)  Harry ___  ___  ___ Garfield. (STRONG-WEAK)  Garfield ___  ___  ___  ___ Harry. (BEAUTIFUL-HORRIBLE)  Bob Sponge ___  ___ ___ at sports ___ Garfield. (GOOD-BAD)

Sponge Bob



Garfield ___ ___ ___   Sponge Bob. (YOUNG-OLD) Sponge Bob ___ ___  ___ Harry. (FAT-SLIM) Harry ___  ___  ___ Sponge Bob. (SHORT-TALL) Garfield ___  ___  ___ Harry. (SHORT-TALL) Garfield ___  ___  ___ Harry. (FUNNY-BORING) Sponge Bob's eyes ___  ___  ___ Harry's. (SMALL-BIG) Harry ___  ___  ___ Garfield. (STRONG-WEAK) Garfield ___  ___  ___  ___ Harry. (BEAUTIFUL-HORRIBLE) Bob Sponge ___  ___ ___ at sports ___ Garfield. (GOOD-BAD)

the fastiest /   the most fast   the heavyest   the heaviest   the sunniest the sunniest healthiest the most healthy the noisiest the  most noisy the most delicious deliciousest

the fastiest /  

the most fast

  the heavyest

  the heaviest 

the sunniest the sunniest


the most healthy

the noisiest

the  most noisy

the most delicious deliciousest

the fattest the most fat          the most angry  the angriest       the goodest the best      the most expensive  the expensivest            the happiest the most happy

the fattest

the most fat         

the most angry

the angriest     

the goodest

the best     

the most expensive 

the expensivest          

the happiest

the most happy

Complete the sentences using the superlative This basketball player is the ___ This man is the  ___  This man is the  ___   This man is the___

Complete the sentences using the superlative

This basketball player is the ___

This man is the  ___ 

This man is the  ___  

This man is the___

This candy is the  ___  This car is the __ 

This candy is the  ___

This car is the __ 

Choose the right word Q1 - It's better ____ I thought.  -as -then -than -like Q2 - Brazil is _____ England.  -biger than -bigger as -bigger than -biger as Q3 - She is _____ in the class  -the best -best -better than -as good as Q4 - I'm not as successful ___ she is.  -as -like -than -then Q5 - It was ______ expensive restaurant I've ever been to.  -more -the more -most -the most Q6 - I'd like some ____ information.  -farther -further -either could be used here

Choose the right word

Q1 - It's better ____ I thought.

-as -then -than -like

Q2 - Brazil is _____ England.

-biger than -bigger as -bigger than -biger as

Q3 - She is _____ in the class

-the best -best -better than -as good as

Q4 - I'm not as successful ___ she is.

-as -like -than -then

Q5 - It was ______ expensive restaurant I've ever been to.

-more -the more -most -the most

Q6 - I'd like some ____ information.

-farther -further -either could be used here

Choose the right word Q7 - It's ____ art collection in Europe.  -finer -finest -the finer -the finest Q8 - It was ____ than I was expecting.  -cheaper -cheapest -either could be used here Q9 - This is the ______ kitchen I've ever seen.  -dirtyest -dirtiest -either could be used here Q10 - Which is ____ of the two?  -more difficult -most difficult -either  Q11 - She finished ____ than everyone else.  -more quickly -quicker -either

Choose the right word

Q7 - It's ____ art collection in Europe.

-finer -finest -the finer -the finest

Q8 - It was ____ than I was expecting.

-cheaper -cheapest -either could be used here

Q9 - This is the ______ kitchen I've ever seen.

-dirtyest -dirtiest -either could be used here

Q10 - Which is ____ of the two?

-more difficult -most difficult -either

Q11 - She finished ____ than everyone else.

-more quickly -quicker -either

Choose the right word Q12 - The underground is ____ buses.  -more expensive -most expensive -the most expensive -more expensive than Q13 - The plane would be _____ than the coach.  -more quickly -quicker -either could be used Q14 - It was ____ test I have ever done.  -the most hard -the hardest -either could be used Q15 - There were ____ people at the game than expected.  -most -more -many Q16 - The _____ difficult thing was communication.  -more -most -it depends on how many things there were

Choose the right word

Q12 - The underground is ____ buses.

-more expensive -most expensive -the most expensive -more expensive than

Q13 - The plane would be _____ than the coach.

-more quickly -quicker -either could be used

Q14 - It was ____ test I have ever done.

-the most hard -the hardest -either could be used

Q15 - There were ____ people at the game than expected.

-most -more -many

Q16 - The _____ difficult thing was communication.

-more -most -it depends on how many things there were

Adverbs of degree in front of comparative adjectives  a bit ;  a little; slightly f ar ;  a great/good deal; a lot ; much This car's a bit more expensive . Now I feel a great deal more confident . It's a rather more complicated story than that. It was by far the worst hospital I had ever seen. She was easily the most intelligent person in the class. It was of the very highest quality . You can also use adverbs of degree such as ‘by far’, ‘easily’, ‘much’, or ‘quite’ in front of ‘the’ and superlative adjectives.

Adverbs of degree in front of comparative adjectives

a bit ; a little; slightly

f ar ; a great/good deal; a lot ; much

This car's a bit more expensive .

Now I feel a great deal more confident .

It's a rather more complicated story than that.

It was by far the worst hospital I had ever seen.

She was easily the most intelligent person in the class.

It was of the very highest quality .

You can also use adverbs of degree such as ‘by far’, ‘easily’, ‘much’, or ‘quite’ in front of ‘the’ and superlative adjectives.

Bob is much richer than I am. My mother's hair is slightly longer than mine.   Mario's is by far the best restaurant in town. I'm nearly the oldest in the class.
  • Bob is much richer than I am.
  • My mother's hair is slightly longer than mine.
  • Mario's is by far the best restaurant in town.
  • I'm nearly the oldest in the class.
One situation depends on another  (double comparison)  The smaller it is, the cheaper it is to post. The larger the organisation is, the greater the problem of administration becomes.

One situation depends on another (double comparison)

The smaller it is, the cheaper it is to post.

The larger the organisation is, the greater the problem of administration becomes.

Something changes (increases or decreases)  It's getting harder and harder to find a job. Cars are becoming more and more expensive . These exams are getting more and more difficult every year.  She gets more and more beautiful every time I see her. This hotel is getting worse and worse every season.

Something changes (increases or decreases)

It's getting harder and harder to find a job.

Cars are becoming more and more expensive .

These exams are getting more and more difficult every year. She gets more and more beautiful every time I see her.

This hotel is getting worse and worse every season.

no  the  you can omit ‘the’ after a link verb  It was the happiest day of my life.  It was one of the most important discoveries.  I was happiest when I was on my own when ‘most’ is used without ‘the’ in front of adjectives and adverbs, it often means almost the same as ‘ very ’  This book was most interesting .  I object most strongly . we do not use the with the superlative if there is a possessive    His strongest point is his ambition.

no the

you can omit ‘the’ after a link verb

  • It was the happiest day of my life.
  • It was one of the most important discoveries.
  • I was happiest when I was on my own

when ‘most’ is used without ‘the’ in front of adjectives and adverbs, it often means almost the same as ‘ very

  • This book was most interesting .
  • I object most strongly .

we do not use the with the superlative if there is a possessive His strongest point is his ambition.

equal things We use as + adjective + as to say that two things are equal in some way.    He's as tall as me.  Jim's car is as fast as mine.   We use not as + adjective + as to say that two things are not equal in some way.   He's not as tall as me.  Jim's car is not as fast as mine.

equal things

We use as + adjective + as to say that two things are equal in some way.

He's as tall as me. Jim's car is as fast as mine. We use not as + adjective + as to say that two things are not equal in some way.

He's not as tall as me. Jim's car is not as fast as mine.

1. Joe is _____ than Ed. (short)  2. Al is the _____ . (short)  3. Ed is the _____ . (thin)  4. Joe is ____ than Al. (thin)  5. Al has the ____ clothes. (colourful)  6. Al is ____ than Joe. (heavy)  7. Ed is the ____ . (light)  8. Joe is ____ than Ed. (happy)  9. Ed is the ____ . (mysterious)  10. Joe is ____ than Ed. (energetic)

1. Joe is _____ than Ed. (short) 2. Al is the _____ . (short) 3. Ed is the _____ . (thin) 4. Joe is ____ than Al. (thin) 5. Al has the ____ clothes. (colourful) 6. Al is ____ than Joe. (heavy) 7. Ed is the ____ . (light) 8. Joe is ____ than Ed. (happy) 9. Ed is the ____ . (mysterious) 10. Joe is ____ than Ed. (energetic)

1) Choose one of the topics below 2) Think of three examples from that topic for example: Sports - football, basketball and surfing. 3) Compare the three objects.  Cities Sports Writers Films Inventions Cars Everyday activities

1) Choose one of the topics below

2) Think of three examples from that topic

for example: Sports - football, basketball and surfing.

3) Compare the three objects.







Everyday activities

Make sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives Tennis is a more difficult sport than Rugby. I think John is happier now than a year ago. Could you open the window, please? It's getting hotter in this room every minute.  i nteresting / weak / funny / important / careful / big / s mall / polluted / boring / angry

Make sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives

Tennis is a more difficult sport than Rugby.

I think John is happier now than a year ago.

Could you open the window, please? It's getting hotter in this room every minute.

i nteresting / weak / funny / important / careful / big / s mall / polluted / boring / angry

Make sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives  New York is the most exciting city in the world. His biggest desire is to return home. She is probably the angriest person I know.  i nteresting / weak / funny / important / careful / big / s mall / polluted / boring / angry

Make sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives

New York is the most exciting city in the world.

His biggest desire is to return home.

She is probably the angriest person I know.

i nteresting / weak / funny / important / careful / big / s mall / polluted / boring / angry

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative). My house is (big) ___than yours. This flower is (beautiful) ___than that one. This is the (interesting) ___book I have ever read. Non-smokers usually live (long) ____than smokers. Which is the (dangerous) ___animal in the world? A holiday by the sea is (good) ___than a holiday in the mountains. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ___than a beer. Who is the (rich) ___woman on earth? The weather this summer is even (bad) ___than last summer. He was the (clever) ___thief of all.

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

My house is (big) ___than yours.

This flower is (beautiful) ___than that one.

This is the (interesting) ___book I have ever read.

Non-smokers usually live (long) ____than smokers.

Which is the (dangerous) ___animal in the world?

A holiday by the sea is (good) ___than a holiday in the mountains.

It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ___than a beer.

Who is the (rich) ___woman on earth?

The weather this summer is even (bad) ___than last summer.

He was the (clever) ___thief of all.

If your class is looking a bit sleepy, try this for a quick pick-me-up.   In this activity, the class will compete in two large groups to say 'Student 1 is taller than student 2 - student 2 is taller than student 3' and so on. The first group to finish is the winner.   Vary the activity by going the other way round, 'Student 1 is smaller than student 2'. Rearrange each group by age - 'S1 is older/ younger than S2'. Use your imagination to find ways to rearrange groups. These activities are done while standing up which is an excellent way to vary the pace of the class.

If your class is looking a bit sleepy, try this for a quick pick-me-up. In this activity, the class will compete in two large groups to say 'Student 1 is taller than student 2 - student 2 is taller than student 3' and so on. The first group to finish is the winner. Vary the activity by going the other way round, 'Student 1 is smaller than student 2'. Rearrange each group by age - 'S1 is older/ younger than S2'.

Use your imagination to find ways to rearrange groups. These activities are done while standing up which is an excellent way to vary the pace of the class."

use the comparative to compare  two items because -er has two letters... and to use the superlative form to compare three or more items because -est has three letters!

use the comparative to compare two items because -er has two letters... and to use the superlative form to compare three or more items because -est has three letters!

For superlatives I have my students write 10 questions such as : Who is the most important person in your life? What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? What is the funniest TV show?...  Then they stand up and circulate around the room asking their classmates the questions. Students answer using complete sentences such as :

For superlatives I have my students write 10 questions such as : Who is the most important person in your life? What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? What is the funniest TV show?... Then they stand up and circulate around the room asking their classmates the questions. Students answer using complete sentences such as : "My laptop computer is the most important thing I have ever bought". The person asking the question then notes the answer using only the person's name and the keyword in the answer such as: Hector/Laptop . Then for HW they write the answers using complete sentences: The most expensive thing Hector has ever bought is his laptop computer . For additional HW I have them write a paragraph related to one of their own questions. They talk about their paragraph as a warm up activity the following day. This gives them reading, writing, listening and speaking practice .

When I teach comparatives I draw a representation of a city on the board that will be a circle with the name of a city in it. After that, I ask students to describe that city. Elicit and write on the board only those adjectives with one or two syllables. Once I've elicited a considerable number of adjectives. I draw another circle of a different size and write the name of another city in it. This time ask students to compare the two cities. Write their examples on the board making corrections whenever necessary. Once students have grasped the concept of comparing. Introduce the question. Which city is bigger_______or ________?
  • When I teach comparatives I draw a representation of a city on the board that will be a circle with the name of a city in it. After that, I ask students to describe that city. Elicit and write on the board only those adjectives with one or two syllables. Once I've elicited a considerable number of adjectives. I draw another circle of a different size and write the name of another city in it. This time ask students to compare the two cities. Write their examples on the board making corrections whenever necessary. Once students have grasped the concept of comparing. Introduce the question. Which city is bigger_______or ________? "
I teach comparatives and superlatives in business contexts to adults, therefore I ask them to describe their activities and compare them with the competitors and say in which way they are better or worse or weaker or stronger or among the products they produce to pick one and compare it with the rest
  • I teach comparatives and superlatives in business contexts to adults, therefore I ask them to describe their activities and compare them with the competitors and say in which way they are better or worse or weaker or stronger or among the products they produce to pick one and compare it with the rest
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