
English-speaking countries of the world

Урок 7. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

На этом уроке к главным героям придёт в гости их подруга Лили. Она очень хочет поехать в какую-нибудь англоязычную страну, но не может определиться с выбором. Бобби, Мобби и Тобби помогут ей в этом. Они расскажут девочке о таких замечательных англоязычных странах, как Канада, Ирландия, США, Великобритания, Новая Зеландия и Австралия.
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Конспект урока "English-speaking countries of the world"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we have a guest.

It’s Mobby’s sister.

Hello, everyone! My name is Lily.

Lily likes travelling to different countries.

Unfortunately, I speak only English and don’t know other languages.

That’s why we invited Lily to our lesson today.

We will tell her what English-speaking countries she can visit.

Guys, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to hear about them!

So today in the lesson we will:

learn new words;


talk about English-speaking countries of the world.

First of all, we should mention that there are lots of different English-speaking countries in the world.

Now, Lily, look at the pictures, please.

This will help you to guess what countries we are going to talk about today.

Lily, can you name these countries?

Yes, of course. This is Canada.

Here we see Ireland.

On this picture we can see the United States of America.

This is the United Kingdom.

On this picture we can see New Zealand.

And this is Australia.

Well done! Lily, you are so clever.

Oh, thank you so much.

All right. Now we will tell you about all these countries in detail.

But before that we need to learn some new words.

You will need them to understand the information.

And the words are:


The translation is “символ”.


The translation is “герб”.


The translation is “флаг”.


The translation is “столица”.


The translation is “вежливый”.

Now listen and repeat after me.







Now let’s start.

First of all, we will tell you about Canada.

Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It’s translated as “Канада”. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Now look! This is the Canadian flag and emblem. We can see a maple leaf on the flag, because it’s the symbol of Canada.

The other symbols of Canada are beavers and elk. If you visit this country, you will find them there.

Tobby, do you know how many people live in Canada?

Of course, I do.

There are 37 million people in Canada. They are very kind and friendly.

The Canadians like playing ice hockey, football and baseball.

Now let’s talk about Ireland.

It’s a small country, but many people know about it. Ireland is translated as “Ирландия”. The capital of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin.

Now look! This is the Irish flag and emblem.

The symbols of the Republic of Ireland are shamrock (which is translated as “трилистник”) and harp (the translation is “арфа”).

Harp is one of the most popular instruments in this country. That’s why you can find this symbol everywhere even on the coins.

Tobby, could you tell me about the people of Ireland?

Sure, Lily! No problem!

People in Ireland are kind and polite. They also love to talk and dance. The most popular sports among them are football and horse racing.

Now we will tell you about New Zealand.

It’s a very interesting country. New Zealand is translated as “Новая Зеландия”. The capital of this country is Wellington.

Now look at the screen, please! Here you can see the flag and emblem of New Zealand.

One of the main national symbols of New Zealand is kiwi. It’s a bird. Kiwis cannot fly. That’s why these birds go out to find food only at night. The other national symbol of New Zealand is the silver fern. The translation is “серебряный папоротник”.

Tobby, what else can you say about New Zealand?

Oh, Lily, I can tell you one interesting fact about this country.

New Zealand has 10 sheep for every one person. It means that there are more sheep than people in this country. People here like playing rugby and cricket.

The following country we will talk about is the United States of America.

The United States of America is translated as “Соединённые Штаты Америки”. The capital of the USA is Washington. Now you can see the American flag and emblem on the screen.

Oh, there are so many stars on the flag.

Yes, it’s true. There are 50 stars on it. They symbolize 50 states of the USA.

Oh, that’s interesting. Mobby, what about the symbols of this country? Can you tell me about them?

Of course, I can, Lily!

One of the national symbols of the USA is the bald eagle. The other symbol of this country is the Statue of Liberty. The translation is “статуя Свободы”.

Tobby, what else can you tell me about the USA?

Oh, Lily, I can tell you one interesting fact.

People here like eating fast food. As a result, there are lots of fast food restaurants in the USA. Many celebrities had worked in such restaurants before they became famous. People here also like playing American football, basketball and baseball.

Now we will tell you about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is translated as “Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии”. The short variant is the UK. The capital of the UK is London. Now look at the screen, please! You can see the flag and the emblem of the UK.

The main symbol of the UK is a lion. We can see this animal on the emblem of the country.

Cool, I like lions. They are beautiful.

Oh, yes, they are.

And now, Mobby, could you tell me about the people of the UK?


The British like drinking tea. They drink over 163 million cups of tea daily. People also like playing football and cricket.

And the last country we will talk about today is Australia.

It’s a large country. Australia is translated as “Австралия”. The capital of Australia is Canberra. On the screen you can see the flag and emblem of this country. On the emblem we see a kangaroo. It’s one of the symbols of Australia. There are 50 million kangaroos here. It means that there are more kangaroos in Australia than people.

The other symbols of Australia are the koalas and emus.

Now I will tell you about the people of Australia.

Oh, great!

People in Australia are really friendly. They like swimming, cycling and playing football.

That’s all, Lily.

Oh, thank you, boys. Now I need to run, because I really want to tell my mum about all these countries.

Ha-ha. Okay. Bye, Lily.

Bye, boys.

That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon.


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