
Days of the week

Урок 42. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

На этом уроке учащиеся узнают про такое английское время, как the Present Simple Tense. Главные герои расскажут ребятам, как образуются утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. Также учащиеся узнают, в каких случаях необходимо использовать данное время. Затем ребята выучат новые слова по теме «Дни недели».
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Конспект урока "Days of the week"

– Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have two guests.

– This is Frank. And this is Rosie.

– They are our good friends.

– Hello, boys! We are happy to see you!

– Hello, Frank and Rosie! We are happy to see you too!

– All right! Now when everyone is here, we can start our lesson.

And today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about the days of the week;

·      learn new words;

·      talk about the Present Simple Tense;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

– First of all, let’s talk about the days of the week.

– Oh, okay, boys!

– Are you ready to listen?

– Yes, of course!

– Great! In this case, let’s start.

And first, look at the screen, please!

Now answer the question:

How many days are there in a week?

Let’s count the days together:

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

It means that…

There are 7 days in a week.

The first day of the week is called: Monday.


The translation is: Понедельник.

For example:

I will fly to Italy on Monday.

The second day of the week is called: Tuesday.


It’s translated as: Вторник.

For example:

I want to go fishing on Tuesday.

The third day of the week is called: Wednesday.



For example:

On Wednesday Kyle usually goes for a run.

The fourth day of the week is called: Thursday.



For example:

Megan, let’s go to the swimming pool this Thursday!

The fifth day of the week is called: Friday.



For example:

We usually have six lessons on Friday.

The sixth day of the week is called: Saturday.



For example:

Kate, let’s go for a walk on Saturday!

And the seventh day of the week is called: Sunday.



For example:

Kira, would you like to go shopping on Sunday?

As we’ve already said before, there are 7 days in a week.

And these days can be divided into two groups:

Weekdays (будние дни)


Weekend (выходные дни).

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the weekdays.

Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.

Pay attention! When we talk about the days of the week, we need to put the preposition “on” in front of them.

For example:

On Monday

On Tuesday

On Wednesday

On Thursday

On Friday

On Saturday

On Sunday.

Now we will talk about the Present Simple Tense.

And first, let’s answer the question:

When do we use the Present Simple Tense?

We use the Present Simple Tense when we want to describe the actions which happen regularly.

For example:

Julia always brushes her teeth in the morning.


The girl usually takes a shower in the evening.

Now let’s answer the question:

How do we form sentences in the Present Simple Tense?

To form positive sentences we need to put the subject in the first place.

For example:

I, we, you, they

He, she, it

Then we put the base form of the verb if we use the pronouns: I, we, you, they.

And we put the verb with the ending -s or -es if we use the pronouns: he, she, it.

Look at the examples:

The boys watch basketball games on Saturday.


Julian listens to music on his way to work.

To form negative sentences we need to put the subject in the first place.

For example:

I, we, you, they

He, she, it

Then we put the word “do” if we use the pronouns: I, we, you, they.

And we put the word “does” if we use the pronouns: he, she, it.

After that we have to use the particle “not”. The short forms are: don’t and doesn’t. Then we need to put the base form of the verb.

Look at the examples:

The boys don’t watch basketball games on Saturday.


Julian doesn’t listen to music on his way to work.

To form questions we need to put the words “do” or “does” in the first place. After that we need to use the subject.

For example:

I, we, you, they

He, she, it

And then we have to use the base form of the verb.

Look at the examples:

Do the boys watch basketball games on Saturday?


Does Julian listen to music on his way to work?

Frank and Rosie, now let’s talk about some spelling rules which you also need to know:

1. When the verb ends with the letters “ss”, “sh”, “ch”, “x”, “o”, we need to add the ending -es to it.

For example:

Wash – washes


Teach – teaches

2. When the verb ends with a consonant and the letter “y”, we need to change “y” to the letter “i” and then add the ending -es.

For example:

Study – studies


Fly – flies

– Frank and Rosie, we’ve talked about the days of the week.

– We’ve also talked about the Present Simple Tense.

– Yes, that’s right, boys!

– Now we would like to check your knowledge.

– Oh, sure! No problem!

Your task is to look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words from the box!

The sentences are…

And the pictures are…

Check yourselves.

1. On Monday she usually eats vegetables.

2. On Sunday we always sing songs.

3. On Friday Jessica usually makes toys.

4. On Wednesday we always read stories.

5. On Saturday the girl usually watches cartoons.

– Well done, Frank and Rosie!

– Thank you, boys!

– You’re welcome!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– See you soon.


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