
My best friend

Урок 4. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного урока учащиеся изучат слова, словосочетания и фразы, которые они смогут использовать для описания своих лучших друзей и подруг. В конце урока ребята смогут закрепить полученные знания путём выполнения задания.
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Конспект урока "My best friend"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we have a guest.

It’s our friend Megan.

She decided to visit us again.

Hello, everyone!

Today she brought an album.

And she wants to show us her photos.

Let’s look at these photos.

This will help you to guess the topic of the lesson.

Now I think you understand that today in the lesson we will:

talk about best friends;

learn new words which you will need to describe your best friend;


put the knowledge into practice.

Guys, first of all, let’s talk about the word combination “best friend”.

Best friend can be translated as “лучший друг/подруга”.

We usually say that a person is our best friend if we spend our free time with this person, play together and have fun!

Look. This is Sandy and Nelson. They know each other for 5 years.

And this is Tommy and Terry. They know each other for 9 years.

Now listen to the dialogues and try to answer the questions.

The first question is: “Are Sandy and Nelson best friends?”.

And the second question is: “Are Tommy and Terry best friends?”.

Now listen to the first dialogue.

Hi, Sandy.

Hi, Nelson.

Sandy, how are you today?

I’m fine, thanks for asking.

I worried about you. You were so sad yesterday.

Oh, yes! I had a bad day. Now I’m fine. What about you?

I’m fine too, thank you.

Nelson, let’s watch a film together!

Sure, Sandy. Let’s go.

Now let’s answer the first question: “Are Sandy and Nelson best friends?”.

Check yourselves.

And the right answer is: “Yes. Sandy and Nelson are best friends”.

Now listen to the second dialogue.

Hi, Tommy.

Hi, Terry.

Tommy, let’s go swimming together.

Oh, Terry, I don’t want to go swimming.

Okay. Would you like to watch a film with me?

No, Terry, I don’t.

All right. Would you like to play computer games together?

No, Terry, I don’t want to play computer games with you.

Okay. Bye then.


Now let’s answer the second question: “Are Terry and Tommy best friends?”.

Check yourselves.

And the right answer is: “No. Terry and Tommy are not best friends”.

Boys and girls, now you know whom we usually call “a best friend”.

And now let’s revise some questions which we can use to ask someone about his or her best friend.

The first question is “What is his or her name?”.

The translation is “Как его или её зовут?”.

The second question is “How old is he or she?”.

The translation is “Сколько ему или ей лет?”.

The following question is “What does he or she look like?”.

The translation is “Как он или она выглядит?”.

The fourth question is “What is he or she like?”.

The translation is “Какой у него или неё характер?”.

And the fifth question is “What does he or she like doing in his or her free time?”.

The translation is “Чем он или она любит заниматься в своё свободное время?”.

Okay, great!

Now let’s use these questions to help one boy.

His name is Alex.

Hi, guys! I really want to write about my best friend, but I don’t know what to say. Could you help me, please?

Sure, Alex. No problem.

We will ask you different questions and this will help you to write your story.

Great! Thank you.

All right! Let’s start.

The first question is “What is your best friend’s name?”

My best friend’s name is Charlie.

How old is he?

He is 10 years old.

What does he look like?

Charlie is not very tall. He has dark hair and blue eyes.

What is Charlie like?

Charlie is kind and very friendly. He is also very funny.

What does he like doing in his free time?

Oh, guys, I don’t know how to answer this question. Could you help me, please!

Okay, Alex, no problem!

We will help you to answer it.

First, let’s learn some new words.

This will help you to answer the question.

And the first word is “skiing”.

The translation is “кататься на лыжах”.

Listen and repeat after me.


Let’s look at the example:

Fred and Harry like skiing in the winter.

The second word is “sailing”.

The translation is “мореплавание, парусный спорт”.

Now listen and repeat.


For example:

Liam and Felix really enjoy sailing.

The following word is “skating”.

The translation is “кататься на коньках”.

Listen and repeat after me.


Look at the example:

Tom and Dan don’t like skating, because they always fall down on the ice.

The fourth word is “playing the violin”.

The translation is “играть на скрипке”.

Listen and repeat.

Playing the violin.

For instance:

Jennifer is fond of playing the violin.

The fifth word is “surfing”.

The translation is “кататься на сёрфинге”.

Listen and repeat after me.


Let’s look at the example:

Miranda likes surfing in the summer.

And the last word is “diving”.

The translation is “подводное плавание”.

Listen and repeat.


Look at the example:

Jacob is interested in diving.

Oh, guys, thank you so much. Now I know how to finish my story.

Great! In this case answer the last question, please.

And the question was: “What does he like doing in his free time?”.  

Charlie is a very active boy. He likes water, that’s why Charlie is fond of swimming, sailing, surfing and diving.

Hooray, your story about Charlie is finished!

Well done!

Now, guys, it’s time to play!

Listen to the short stories and try to guess the person.

Послушайте короткие истории и попытайтесь угадать человека.

The first story.

Hello. My name is James. My best friend has dark eyes and fair hair. And she really enjoys skating.

Check yourselves.

This story is about Zoe.

The second story.

Hi, everyone. My name is Wendy. My best friend has green eyes and brown hair. And he likes surfing in summer.

Let’s check.

The story is about Nick.

The third story.

Hi, guys. I would like to tell you about my best friend. He is fond of skiing. My best friend is tall and has dark eyes.

Let’s check the right answer.

This story is about Cameron.

The following story.

Hello. My name is Steve. My best friend has blue eyes and brown hair. He is short. My best friend is very kind and funny. He likes sailing with his dad.

Check yourselves.

The story is about Kyle.

The fifth story.

Hi, boys and girls. I would like to tell you about my best friend. He is tall and slim. My best friend has fair hair. And he really likes playing the violin.

Let’s check.

This story is about Michael.

And the last story.

Hi, guys! My best friend is tall and slim. She has brown hair. My best friend is very kind and friendly. And she really likes spending time under the water.

Check yourselves.

The story is about Polly.

Well done, guys! It was fun. But I have to go now.

Have a nice day, Alex.

Thanks, you too. Bye.


That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon.


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