
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Урок 24. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

В данном уроке ребята послушают сказку про Златовласку и трёх медведей. В конце урока учащиеся смогут проверить свои знания, выполнив упражнение по этой сказке.
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Конспект урока "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"

– Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson.

– Today we would like to tell you one scary story.

– It happened to us two days ago.

– Listen to this story, please!

– This will help you to guess the topic of our lesson today.

It was Monday, so we had breakfast, brushed our teeth, and went to school. We usually go to school through the park, but that day we decided to go through the cave. When we came closer to the cave, we heard some strange noises. We got frightened. Suddenly two angry dogs appeared in front of us.

– Mylo, look who’s here!

– Are you lost, little boys?

– Oh, no. We are going to school.

– Yeah! And today we’ve decided to go there through this cave.

– Oh, really?! How sweet!

– Now thanks to you Rex and I have delicious food for breakfast.

– Excuse us, but we don’t understand you!

– What are you trying to say?

– We are trying to say that you are our breakfast!

– Oh, no! Don’t eat us, please!

– If you are hungry, we can bring you some food.

– No, we don’t want to eat your food!

– We want to eat the three of you!

– No, please, don’t do that!

– Why are you so angry?

– We are angry, because we haven’t slept for two days!

– Oh, in this case, you need to get some sleep!

– We know that little boys!

– But we can’t fall asleep!

– Oh, I’ve got an idea! What if we tell you one interesting story?

– When I tell this story to my younger sister, she falls asleep very fast.

– Oh, sounds great!

– What’s the name of the story?

– The story is called “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.

– Oh, okay. We are ready to listen to your story!

– Great!

Now I think you understand that today in the lesson we will:

·      learn new words;

·      tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

–  Mylo and Rex, before we tell you the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, let’s learn new words.

– You’ll need them to understand the story.

– Oh, okay!

– Great! And the words are…















Now listen to the story!

Once upon a time there were Three Bears who lived in a house in the forest.

One morning their breakfast porridge was too hot to eat, so they decided to go for a walk.

While they were out, a little girl called Goldilocks came through the trees and found their house. The girl knocked on the door and, as there was no answer, she opened it and went inside the house.

There the girl saw a table with three chairs. On the table were three spoons and three bowls of porridge.

Goldilocks was hungry and the porridge looked so good, so she sat on the big chair and tried the porridge from the big bowl. But the chair was very big, and the porridge was too hot.

So the girl jumped off that chair and went over to the middle-sized chair. But this chair was too soft, and when she tried the porridge from the middle-sized bowl it was too cold.

So the girl went over to the small chair and tried some of the porridge from the small bowl. This time it was just right, so she ate it all up. But Goldilocks was too heavy for the small chair and it broke into many pieces under her weight.

After that Goldilocks went upstairs, where she found three beds. By now the girl was very tired, so she looked for somewhere to sleep.

The first bed she found was too hard and far too big.

Then Goldilocks tried the middle-sized bed, but it was too soft.

So the girl climbed into the small bed, which was perfect for her and she fell into a deep sleep.

In a little while the Three Bears came back from their walk in the forest. When they came in to the kitchen, they saw that someone had been eating their porridge.

– Who’s been eating my porridge?

– Who’s been eating my porridge?

Then the small bear looked at his bowl and cried:

– Who’s been eating my porridge and eaten it all up?

Then the three bears saw that someone had been sitting on their chairs.

– Who’s been sitting on my chair?

– Who’s been sitting on my chair?

Then the small bear looked at his chair and cried:

– Who’s been sitting on my chair and broken it up into pieces?

Then the Three Bears ran upstairs, and father bear saw at once that his bed was untidy, so he said in his great voice:

– Someone has been sleeping in my bed!

Mother bear looked at her bed and said:

– Someone has been sleeping in my bed!

Then the small bear looked at his bed and cried:

– Someone is sleeping in my bed right now!

Goldilocks was woken up by their shouting and was really scared, so she jumped out of the bed and ran away. And the bears never saw her again.

– Guys, you’ve just listened to the fairy tale.

– And now we would like to check your knowledge.

Your task is to read the sentences and say if they are true or false!

1. One day Goldilocks saw a house in the forest, but she didn’t go inside.

2. The girl was hungry, so she ate all the porridge from the small bowl.

3. When she sat on the big chair, it broke into many pieces.

4. The girl was tired, so she climbed into the middle-sized bed and fell asleep.

5. Goldilocks woke up and saw the bears.

Check yourselves.

1. False

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

– Well done, boys and girls!

– Guys, look! The dogs are sleeping!

– Oh, that’s great!

– Now we can go to school!

– Yes, that’s right! Let’s go!

– That’s the whole story, our dear friends.

– See you soon.


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