
Letters I-Q

Урок 3. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

В ходе этого видеоурока ребята изучат такие буквы алфавита, как I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P и Q.
Плеер: YouTube Вконтакте

Конспект урока "Letters I-Q"

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, I’m Maggie

- Hello, I’m Benny. I’m a teddy-bear.

- Hi! I’m …. Legoman!

This is an interesting igloo!

[i] - [i] - [i] – interesting igloo!

Repeat after me: [i] - [i] - [i] – interesting igloo!

1, 2, 3         1, 2

Hello, I’m a jumbo jet!

[dʒ] - [dʒ] - [dʒ] – jumbo jet!

Repeat after me: [dʒ] - [dʒ] - [dʒ] – jumbo jet!

1, 2             1, 2

Hi, I’m a kicking kangaroo!

[k] - [k] - [k] – kicking kangaroo!

Repeat after me: [k] - [k] - [k] – kicking kangaroo!

1, 2, 3         1, 2, 3

Hello, I’m a lazy lion!!

[l] - [l] - [l] – lazy lion

Repeat after me: [l] - [l] - [l] – lazy lion!

1, 2             1

Hi, I’m a merry mouse!

[m] - [m] - [m] – merry mouse

Repeat after me: [m] - [m] - [m] – merry mouse

1, 2, 3, 4               1, 2, 3

Hello, I’m a noisy nut!

[n] - [n] - [n] – noisy nut

Repeat after me: [n] - [n] - [n] – noisy nut

1, 2, 3         1, 2

Hello, I’m an orange octopus!

[ɒ] - [ɒ] - [ɒ] – orange octopus

Repeat after me: [ɒ] - [ɒ] - [ɒ] – orange octopus

1                 1

Hello, I’m a pink peach!

[p] - [p] - [p] – pink peach

Repeat after me: [p] - [p] - [p] – pink peach

1, 2             1, 2

Hello, I’m a quiet queen!

[kw] - [kw] - [kw] – quiet queen

Repeat after me: [kw] - [kw] - [kw] – quiet queen

1, 2             1, 2

Listen and repeat after me:

[i] – igloo

[dʒ] – jet

[k] - kangaroo

[l] - lion

[m] - mouse

[n] - nut

[o] - octopus

[p] -  peach

[kw] – queen

Listen and say the chant:

[i] – igloo

[dʒ] – jet

[k] - kangaroo

[l] - lion

[m] - mouse

[n] - nut

[o] - octopus

[p] - peach

[kw] – queen

Now listen, look and sing.

Look at the picture and say the sound.










Listen and choose a picture.

[i] – igloo

[dʒ] – jet

[k] - kangaroo

[l] - lion

[m] - mouse

[n] - nut

[o] - octopus

[p] -  peach

[kw] – queen

Let’s write. Look and write.

1, 2, 3         1, 2

1, 2, 3         1, 2

1, 2, 3         1, 2, 3

1, 2             1

1, 2, 3, 4               1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3         1, 2

1                 1

1, 2             1, 2

1, 2             1, 2

Look. I can build.

What letters are they?










Look. What letters are they?

- Thank you. Well done!

- Now say Good-bye!

- Good-bye, interesting igloo!

- Good-bye, jumbo jet!

- Good-bye, kicking kangaroo!

- Good-bye, lazy lion!

- Good-bye, merry mouse!

- Good-bye, noisy nut!

- Good-bye, orange octopus!

- Good-bye, pink peach!

- Good-bye, quiet queen!

- Good-bye, everyone!


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