
Letters A-H

Урок 2. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

С помощью данного урока учащиеся смогут познакомиться с такими буквами алфавита, как A, B, C, D, E, F, G и H.
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Конспект урока "Letters A-H"

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, I’m Maggie. What’s your name?

- Hello, I’m Benny. I’m a teddy-bear. What’s your name?

- I’m …. Legoman! What’s your name?

- Hi, I’m an angry ant!

[æ] - [æ] - [æ] – angry ant

Repeat after me: [æ] - [æ] - [æ] – angry ant

1, 2, 3         1, 2

- Hello, I’m a big bear!

[b] - [b] - [b] – big bear!

Repeat after me: [b] - [b] - [b] – big bear!

1, 2, 3         1, 2

- Hi, I’m a cool cat!

[k] - [k] - [k] – cool cat

Repeat after me: [k] - [k] - [k] – cool cat

1       1

- Hello, I’m a dizzy dog!

[d] - [d] - [d] – dizzy dog

Repeat after me: [d] - [d] - [d] – dizzy dog

1, 2             1, 2

- Hi, I’m an energetic egg!

[e] - [e] - [e] – energetic egg

Repeat after me: [e] - [e] - [e] – energetic egg

1, 2, 3, 4               1, 2

- Hello, I’m a funny fish!

[f] - [f] - [f] – funny fish

Repeat after me: [f] - [f] - [f] – funny fish

1, 2, 3         1, 2

- Hi, I’m a good gorilla!

[g] - [g] - [g] – good gorilla

Repeat after me: [g] - [g] - [g] – good gorilla

1, 2             1, 2

- Hello, I’m a happy horse!

[h] - [h] - [h] – happy horse

Repeat after me: [h] - [h] - [h] – happy horse

1, 2, 3         1, 2

Listen and repeat after me:

[æ] – ant

[b] – bear

[k] - cat

[d] - dog

[e] - egg

[f] - fish

[g] - gorilla

[h] - horse

Listen and say the chant:

[æ] – ant

[b] – bear

[k] - cat

[d] - dog

[e] - egg

[f] - fish

[g] - gorilla

[h] – horse

Now listen, look and sing.

Look at the picture and say the sound.









Listen and choose a picture.

[e] – egg

[b] – bear

[g] - gorilla

[d] - dog

[k] - cat

[h] – horse

[f] - fish

[æ] – ant

Let’s write. Look and write.

1, 2, 3         1, 2

1, 2, 3         1, 2

1       1

1, 2             1, 2

1, 2, 3, 4               1, 2

1, 2, 3         1, 2

1, 2             1, 2

1, 2, 3         1, 2

Look. I can build.

What letters are they?









Look. I can write. What letters are they?

Oh, Benny…. They are …. errr ... nice!

Look and correct, please.

- Thank you. Well done!

- Now say Good-bye!

- Good-bye, angry ant!

- Good-bye, big bear!

- Good-bye, cool cat!

- Good-bye, dizzy dog!

- Good-bye, energetic egg!

- Good-bye, funny fish!

- Good-bye, good gorilla!

- Good-bye, happy horse!

- Good-bye, everyone!


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